Search Results - "Housawi, F.M.T."
Phylogenetic analysis of Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus strains from the Arabian Peninsula: Did RHDV emerge simultaneously in Europe and Asia?
Published in Virology (New York, N.Y.) (20-01-2006)“…Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) emerged in 1984 in China and subsequently a single strain apparently dispersed worldwide killing millions of rabbits…”
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Drastic cutaneous multi-focal orf infection in goats, causing severe dysfunctioning: EN- -FR- Ecthyma contagieux cutané multifocal sévère chez les chèvres, occasionnant d'importants troubles fonctionnels -ES- Disfunciones graves en cabras debidas a una violenta infección cutánea multifocal por el virus orf
Published in Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (01-12-2009)Get full text
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Published in Pakistan veterinary journal (01-01-2002)“…The inoculation of sheep and goats with contagious pustular dermatitis (orf) virus manifested typical clinical signs indicative of orf viral infection. The…”
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Estudio sobre la fiebre efímera bovina con empleo de rebaños centinela y serovigilancia en Arabia Saudí: EN- A study on bovine ephemeral fever involving sentinel herds and serosurveillance in Saudi Arabia -FR- Étude de la fièvre éphémère bovine en Arabie saoudite à partir de troupeaux sentinelles et d’une surveillance sérologique -ES
Published in Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (01-12-2006)Get full text
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Ecthyma contagieux chez la chèvre consécutif à la mise en place de boucle à l’oreille
Published in Revue d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux (01-03-1991)“…Ceci est la première description de l'ecthyma contagieux chez la chèvre consécutif à la mise en place de boucle à l'oreille. Les lésions classiques ont été…”
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Observations clinico-pathologiques de l’ecthyma contagieux chez des agneaux infectés naturellement en Arabie Saoudite
Published in Revue d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux (01-03-1995)“…Des lésions caractéristiques de l'ecthyma contagieux ont été constatées chez des agneaux âgés de quatre mois. L'infection a été confirmée par isolement et…”
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Pseudocowpox virus: the etiological agent of contagious ecthyma (Auzdyk) in camels (Camelus dromedarius) in the Arabian peninsula
Published in Vector borne and zoonotic diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.) (01-06-2007)“…We have determined the nucleotide sequence of DNA extracted from pustules, saliva, and blood of camels presenting with contagious ecthyma, in Bahrain and also…”
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First report of an outbreak of ovine septicaemic listeriosis in Saudi Arabia: EN- -FR- -ES
Published in Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (01-12-2001)Get full text
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An eruptive moderate form of camelpox infection in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Saudi Arabia
Published in Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (01-12-1999)“…An eruptive moderate form of camelpox infection is reported in camels aged three to four years from the Al-Ahsa region of Saudi Arabia. The clinical signs were…”
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Severe PPR infection in gazelles kept under semi-free range conditions
Published in Journal of veterinary medicine. Series B (01-03-2004)“…Summary By the end of March 2002, a collection of some 200 gazelles, kept under semi range conditions in Saudi Arabia, was hit by a highly fatal peracute…”
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First report of an outbreak of ovine speticaemic listeriosis in Saudi Arabia
Published in Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (01-12-2001)“…Malgré la survenue récente d'un cas de listériose humaine en Arabie saoudite, la maladie n'avait pas encore été constatée chez des animaux. Les auteurs…”
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Sero-surveillance for orf antibodies in sheep and goats in Saudi Arabia employing the ELISA technique
Published in Journal of comparative pathology (01-02-1992)“…A serological survey was conducted on sheep and goats in Saudi Arabia to detect humoral antibodies against the orf virus. The ELISA technique was superior to…”
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A close comparative study on the response of sheep and goats to experimental orf infection
Published in Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin. Reihe B (01-06-1993)“…A comparative experimental study of the clinico-pathological and serological response of sheep and goats to orf infection was made. All infected animals…”
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Orf infection following ear tagging in goats
Published in Revue d'élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux (1991)“…Ceci est la premiere description de l'ecthyma contagieux chez la chevre consecutif a la mise en place de boucle a l'oreille. Les lesions classiques ont ete…”
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