Search Results - "Horowski, Jarosław"

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    Published in Forum pedagogiczne (17-11-2016)
    “…W tekście podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytania: czy teoria osoby oraz te- oria pedagogii osoby są adekwatne do ludzkiej kondycji i czy są teoriami wspierającymi…”
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    Journal Article
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    Pedagogiczne pytania o przebaczenie by Horowski, Jarosław

    Published in Paedagogia Christiana (16-06-2016)
    “…Krzywda oraz odpowiedź na nią w postaci przebaczenia lub jego odmowy stanowią istotne elementy ludzkiego życia, przez co wpisują się w rozwój człowieka i jako…”
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    Forgiveness and decision-making by victims of harm: Education for forgiveness as a dimension of moral education by Horowski, Jarosław

    Published in Journal of moral education (02-07-2024)
    “…The significance of harm to the life and development of victims results from the deprivation of certain goods and the violation of their dignity. The…”
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    The Christian concept of forgiveness and religious education facing the problem of individualism by Horowski, Jarosław

    Published in British journal of religious education (02-01-2024)
    “…The analysis undertaken in this article pertain to the challenge faced by education, which consists of overcoming the negative aspects of contemporary…”
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    Rozwój zdolności sądzenia czy rozumowania? Wokół pytania o fundamenty kompetencji etyczno-moralnych by Horowski, Jarosław

    Published in Forum pedagogiczne (16-11-2016)
    “…Kategoria „kompetencja” jest wykorzystywana od stosunkowo niedawnego czasu, gdyż dopiero od końca XX wieku, do formułowania teleologii wychowania moralnego…”
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    Published in Forum pedagogiczne (12-11-2016)
    “…Podjęte badania mają na celu scharakteryzowanie wpływu zakładanej koncepcji sumienia na kształt teorii wychowania moralnego. Przedmiotem badań będą…”
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    Religion Lesson in Schools in Poland -- The Subject of Dispute and the Unused Potential by Horowski, Jaroslaw

    Published in British journal of religious education (16-04-2022)
    “…The aim of this article is to examine lessons on religion in Poland from the perspective of the prevailing legal, social, cultural, and organisational…”
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    Podmiotowość w pedagogice chrześcijańskiej o inspiracji tomistycznej by Horowski, Jarosław

    Published in Paedagogia Christiana (03-11-2011)
    “…The theme of being a subject is one of the most important themes in contemporary pedagogical discussions. There is a problem appearing in these discussions…”
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    Harm, Forgiveness and the Subjectivity of the Victim by Horowski, Jarosław

    Published in Philosophia (Ramat Gan) (01-07-2022)
    “…Forgiveness is one of the most valued decisions in contemporary culture, although it has been emphasised that imprudent forgiveness can cause more harm than…”
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    Education for Self‐Forgiveness as a Part of Education for Forgiveness by HOROWSKI, JAROSŁAW

    Published in Journal of philosophy of education (01-02-2021)
    “…The analyses undertaken in this article refer to the harm experienced in close relationships, where the lack of forgiveness and the breakdown in the…”
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    Christian religious education and the development of moral virtues: a neo-Thomistic approach by Horowski, Jarosław

    Published in British journal of religious education (01-10-2020)
    “…This article explores the implications for Christian religious education of the theory of moral virtues formulated by Thomas Aquinas and developed by the…”
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    Autonomia świata a podmiotowość człowieka w ekoteologii by Horowski, Jarosław

    Published in Studia ecologiae et bioethicae (30-06-2010)
    “…One of the most difficult problems, which is to be solved by contemporary culture, is the ecological problem. It concerns the culture because the hedonistic…”
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    Education for Loneliness as a Consequence of Moral Decision-Making: An Issue of Moral Virtues by Horowski, Jarosław

    Published in Studies in philosophy and education (01-11-2020)
    “…The direct reference point for these analyses is the process of making moral decisions, but a particular point of interest is the difficulty associated with…”
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    Edukacja religijna w świetle realizmu krytycznego i teorii morfogenezy by Horowski, Jarosław, Sadłoń, Wojciech

    Published in Horyzonty Wychowania (01-08-2019)
    “…RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: Account of religious education in the perspective of the morphogenetic approach, formulated by Margaret Archer on the assumptions of…”
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