Search Results - "Horackova, Jana"
Double-Stranded RNA Viruses Are Released From Trichomonas vaginalis Inside Small Extracellular Vesicles and Modulate the Exosomal Cargo
Published in Frontiers in microbiology (04-05-2022)“…is a parasitic protist that infects the human urogenital tract. During the infection, trichomonads adhere to the host mucosa, acquire nutrients from the…”
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FireProtDB: database of manually curated protein stability data
Published in Nucleic acids research (08-01-2021)“…Abstract The majority of naturally occurring proteins have evolved to function under mild conditions inside the living organisms. One of the critical obstacles…”
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Illuminating the mechanism and allosteric behavior of NanoLuc luciferase
Published in Nature communications (29-11-2023)“…NanoLuc, a superior β-barrel fold luciferase, was engineered 10 years ago but the nature of its catalysis remains puzzling. Here experimental and computational…”
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Ethnobotanical inventory of medicinal plants used by Cashinahua (Huni Kuin) herbalists in Purus Province, Peruvian Amazon
Published in Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine (12-05-2023)“…This study aims to document the diversity of medicinal plants used by the Cashinahua people (also known as Huni Kuin) of the Curanja River, as well as describe…”
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Mining a differential sialotranscriptome of Rhipicephalus microplus guides antigen discovery to formulate a vaccine that reduces tick infestations
Published in Parasites & vectors (26-04-2017)“…Ticks cause massive damage to livestock and vaccines are one sustainable substitute for the acaricides currently heavily used to control infestations. To guide…”
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IrML - a gene encoding a new member of the ML protein family from the hard tick, Ixodes ricinus
Published in Journal of vector ecology (01-12-2010)“…Blood intake causes significant changes in ticks, triggering vital physiological processes including differential gene expression. A gene encoding Ixodes…”
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FireProt 2.0: web-based platform for the fully automated design of thermostable proteins
Published in Briefings in bioinformatics (22-11-2023)“…Thermostable proteins find their use in numerous biomedical and biotechnological applications. However, the computational design of stable proteins often…”
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Nucleolar activity of haemocytes in the adult firebug as an alternative animal model
Published in Comparative clinical pathology (01-05-2014)“…Firebug haemocytes are a newly developed alternative animal model, but data on their physiology are deficient. We examined the nucleolar activity, which…”
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The Origin and Development of Planning Social Processes in Czechoslovakia
Published in Sociologický časopis (01-01-1985)“…A generalized retrospective on the most important stages of the planned management of socialist transformations in Czechoslovakia. Official census & other…”
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Vznik a vývoj plánování společenských procesů v ČSSR (K 40. výročí osvobození)
Published in Sociologický časopis (01-01-1985)“…Статья представляет обобщенную ретроспекцию важнейших этапов планового управления социалистическими преобразованиями, начиная с первых шагов национальной и…”
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