Search Results - "Hoppensteadt, F. C."
Conditions for sympatric speciation: A diploid model incorporating habitat fidelity and non-habitat assortative mating
Published in Evolutionary ecology (01-03-1996)“…Three types of genes have been proposed to promote sympatric speciation: habitat preference genes, assortative mating genes and habitat-based fitness genes…”
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Numerical solution of a problem in the theory of epidemics
Published in Applied numerical mathematics (01-03-2006)“…We propose a numerical algorithm for a model of the spread of infection in the theory of epidemics. This model involves a threshold for becoming infective and…”
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Bursts as a unit of neural information: selective communication via resonance
Published in Trends in neurosciences (Regular ed.) (01-03-2003)“…What is the functional significance of generating a burst of spikes, as opposed to a single spike? A dominant point of view is that bursts are needed to…”
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Pattern recognition via synchronization in phase-locked loop neural networks
Published in IEEE transactions on neural networks (01-05-2000)“…We propose a novel architecture of an oscillatory neural network that consists of phase-locked loop (PLL) circuits. It stores and retrieves complex oscillatory…”
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Intermittent Chaos, Self-Organization, and Learning from Synchronous Synaptic Activity in Model Neuron Networks
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (01-05-1989)“…Self-organization of frequencies is studied by using model neurons called VCONs (voltage-controlled oscillator neuron models). These models give direct access…”
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Numerical solution of Volterra integral and integro-differential equations with rapidly vanishing convolution kernels
Published in BIT (Lisse : trykt utg.) (01-06-2007)“…Inneholder sammendrag…”
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Signal Processing by Model Neural Networks
Published in SIAM review (01-09-1992)“…Voltage controlled oscillator model neurons (VCONs) are electronic circuits that are similar to phase locked loops, but designed to account for certain…”
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Integrate-and-Fire Models of Nerve Membrane Response to Oscillatory Input
Published in SIAM journal on applied mathematics (01-12-1981)“…Nerve membranes exhibit curious responses to alternating current stimulation, among which are phase locking, as well as responses without apparent periodic…”
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Phase clustering and transition to phase synchronization in a large number of coupled nonlinear oscillators
Published in Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics (01-05-2001)“…The transition to phase synchronization in systems consisting of a large number (N) of coupled nonlinear oscillators via the route of phase clustering (phase…”
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The searchlight hypothesis
Published in Journal of mathematical biology (01-01-1991)Get full text
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Thalamo-cortical interactions modeled by weakly connected oscillators: could the brain use FM radio principles?
Published in BioSystems (01-09-1998)“…We consider all models of the thalamo-cortical system that satisfy the following two assumptions: (1) each cortical column is an autonomous oscillator; (2)…”
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Synaptic organizations and dynamical properties of weakly connected neural oscillators. I. Analysis of a canonical model
Published in Biological cybernetics (01-08-1996)“…We study weakly connected networks of neural oscillators near multiple Andronov-Hopf bifurcation points. We analyze relationships between synaptic…”
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Frequency modulation dynamics in neural networks
Published in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (1987)“…The VCON model described here shares certain qualitative features of stimulus-response characteristics with the data in FIGURE 1 and TABLE 1. At the same time,…”
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An Algorithm for Approximate Solutions to Weakly Filtered Synchronous Control Systems and Nonlinear Renewal Processes
Published in SIAM journal on applied mathematics (01-08-1983)“…A multi-time perturbation algorithm is derived to study certain synchronous control systems and nonlinear renewal processes. The new methods presented here…”
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Probing changes in neural interaction during adaptation
Published in Neural computation (01-10-2003)“…A procedure is developed to probe the changes in the functional interactions among neurons in primary motor cortex of the monkey brain during adaptation. A…”
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A mathematical analysis of small mammal populations
Published in Journal of mathematical biology (01-01-1987)“…Populations of Microtus montanus, the montane vole, have been extensively studied. It is known that their reproductive activity is closely linked to the…”
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Synaptic organizations and dynamical properties of weakly connected neural oscillators. II. Learning phase information
Published in Biological cybernetics (01-08-1996)“…This is the second of two articles devoted to analyzing the relationship between synaptic organizations (anatomy) and dynamical properties (function) of…”
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Phase locking of biological clocks
Published in Journal of mathematical biology (01-01-1982)“…Radial isochron clocks (RICs) and their response to external signals and coupling with other RICs are studied. RICs are derived as phase approximations to…”
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Periodic Solutions of a Logistic Difference Equation
Published in SIAM journal on applied mathematics (01-01-1977)“…Periodic solutions of the difference equation xn + 1= mxn(1 - xn) are studied for values of m, 0 ≤ m ≤ 4. It is shown that as m increases from zero, solutions…”
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