Search Results - "Hooper, Henrique Barbosa"
Effect of intravenous lipid infusion on biomarkers of insulin resistance and immune functions of dry and nonpregnant dairy cows
Published in Journal of dairy science (01-03-2023)“…During the transition period, dairy cows often experience negative energy balance, which can induce metabolic and immunological disturbances. Previous work has…”
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Long-term heat stress at final gestation: physiological and heat shock responses of Saanen goats
Published in International journal of biometeorology (01-12-2021)“…The long exposure to heat negatively changes performance and productivity of animals, particularly when heat stress is associated with gestation. Indeed,…”
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Acute heat stress induces changes in physiological and cellular responses in Saanen goats
Published in International journal of biometeorology (01-12-2018)“…The relationships between rectal temperatures and physiological and cellular responses to heat stress can improve the productivity of Saanen goats in tropical…”
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Effect of Acute and Cumulative Stress on Gene Expression in Mammary Tissue and Their Interactions with Physiological Responses and Milk Yield in Saanen Goats
Published in Animals (Basel) (01-12-2023)“…This study addresses the hypothesis that different acute stressors can cumulatively decrease milk yield. In fact, in a time of global warming, the impact of…”
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Heat loss efficiency and HSPs gene expression of Nellore cows in tropical climate conditions
Published in International journal of biometeorology (01-11-2019)“…Adaptation is a relevant characteristic to be understood in livestock animals in order to maintain and raise productivity. In Brazil, the Nellore beef cattle…”
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Comparison of hematological parameters between single and twin pregnancies in Dorper ewes during gestation, lambing, and postpartum
Published in Ciência rural (2022)“…The hematopoietic system changes during the pregnancy to carry fetal development and maternal needs. This study compared the hematological parameters between…”
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Termografia infravermelha da superfície ocular como indicador de estresse em suínos na fase de creche
Published in Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira“…RESUMO: Desmama é uma fase crítica na vida do suíno devido a separação materna e a introdução de uma dieta seca. A termografia infravermelha medida na região…”
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Efeito da estação do ano sobre a taxa de concepção e perda gestacional em vacas leiteiras mestiças
Published in Bioscience journal (01-10-2014)“…Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a taxa de concepção e perda gestacional durante as estações do ano (inverno e verão) em vacas leiteiras mestiças. A…”
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Maternal stress in sheep during late pregnancy influences sperm quality in early puberty of the offspring
Published in Theriogenology (15-03-2020)“…Stress at the end of sheep gestation can damage the reproductive development of young males. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of LPS…”
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Renal profile and urinary fractional excretion of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium of lambs fed with different contents of phosphorus
Published in Acta veterinaria Brasílica (05-10-2021)“…Obstructive urolithiasis is common in confined sheep, and a predominant factor predisposing animals to this condition is nutritional management. The objective…”
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Clinical and anatomopathological study of urolithiasis in feedlot lambs subjected to diets with different phosphorus concentrations
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (2021)“…Abstract Obstructive urolithiasis is common in farmed sheep and has a multifactorial etiology, but inadequate nutritional management is considered the most…”
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Simulated disease process during late pregnancy compromises developmental outcomes of lambs independently of the weaning method applied
Published in Small ruminant research (01-10-2017)“…•Late pregnancy stress can negative affect the birth weight.•LPS increases cortisol levels and rectal temperature.•Abrupt weaning causes more stress at feedlot…”
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Termografia infravermelha da superfície ocular como indicador de estresse em suínos na fase de creche
Published in Pesquisa veterinária brasileira (01-05-2017)“…RESUMO: Desmama é uma fase crítica na vida do suíno devido a separação materna e a introdução de uma dieta seca. A termografia infravermelha medida na região…”
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Estudo clínico e anatomopatológico da urolitíase em cordeiros confinados submetidos à dieta com diferentes concentrações de fósforo
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (01-07-2021)“…A urolitíase obstrutiva é frequente na ovinocultura e possui etiologia multifatorial, porém o manejo nutricional inadequado é considerado o mais relevante para…”
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Efeito da estação do ano sobre a taxa de concepção e perda gestacional em vacas leiteiras mestiças
Published in Bioscience journal (01-09-2014)“…Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a taxa de concepção e perda gestacional durante as estações do ano (inverno e verão) em vacas leiteiras mestiças. A…”
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Temperatura de superfÃcie corporal em vacas leiteiras mestiças em condições climáticas do Triângulo Mineiro/Brasil
Published in Boletim de Indústria Animal (01-02-2015)“…O artigo não apresenta resumo em português…”
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Rectal temperature and conception of inseminated crossbred dairy cows
Published in Boletim de Indústria Animal (01-02-2015)“…In tropical and subtropical regions animals suffer pronounced heat stress effect on reproductive function, being one of the most noticeable effects the…”
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Rectal temperature and conception of inseminated crossbred dairy cows
Published in Boletim de Indústria Animal (01-02-2015)“…In tropical and subtropical regions animals suffer pronounced heat stress effect on reproductive function, being one of the most noticeable effects the…”
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Rectal temperature and conception of inseminated crossbred dairy cows
Published in Boletim de Indústria Animal (01-02-2015)“…In tropical and subtropical regions animals suffer pronounced heat stress effect on reproductive function, being one of the most noticeable effects the…”
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Rectal temperature and conception of inseminated crossbred dairy cows
Published in Boletim de Indústria Animal (01-02-2015)“…In tropical and subtropical regions animals suffer pronounced heat stress effect on reproductive function, being one of the most noticeable effects the…”
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