Search Results - "Holway, D. A"

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  1. 1

    Multiple mechanisms underlie displacement of solitary Hawaiian Hymenoptera by an invasive social wasp by Wilson, E. E, Holway, D. A

    Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-11-2010)
    “…Variation in invasion success may result from the divergent evolutionary histories of introduced species compared to those of native taxa. The vulnerability of…”
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  2. 2

    Genetics and Behavior of a Colonizing Species: The Invasive Argentine Ant by Suarez, A. V., Holway, DA., Tsutsui, N. D.

    Published in The American naturalist (01-07-2008)
    “…Baker and Stebbins’s 1965 bookThe Genetics of Colonizing Speciesaimed to draw together scientists from a variety of disciplines to provide a conceptual…”
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  3. 3

    Characterizing and predicting species distributions across environments and scales: Argentine ant occurrences in the eye of the beholder by Menke, S. B., Holway, D. A., Fisher, R. N., Jetz, W.

    Published in Global ecology and biogeography (01-01-2009)
    “…Aim: Species distribution models (SDMs) or, more specifically, ecological niche models (ENMs) are a useful and rapidly proliferating tool in ecology and global…”
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  4. 4

    Biotic and abiotic controls of Argentine ant invasion success at local and landscape scales by Menke, S. B., Fisher, R. N., Jetz, W., Holway, D. A.

    Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-12-2007)
    “…Although the ecological success of introduced species hinges on biotic interactions and physical conditions, few experimental studies—especially on…”
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  5. 5

    experimental study of competition between fire ants and Argentine ants in their native range by LeBrun, E. G., Tillberg, C. V., Suarez, A. V., Folgarait, P. J., Smith, C. R., Holway, D. A.

    Published in Ecology (Durham) (2007)
    “…An understanding of why introduced species achieve ecological success in novel environments often requires information about the factors that limit the…”
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  6. 6

    Protocols for Argentine ant eradication in conservation areas by Boser, C. L., Hanna, C., Holway, D. A., Faulkner, K. R., Naughton, I., Merrill, K., Randall, J. M., Cory, C., Choe, D.‐H., Morrison, S. A.

    Published in Journal of applied entomology (1986) (01-08-2017)
    “…The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is a widespread, abundant and ecologically disruptive invader that is present throughout major portions of coastal…”
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    Convergent evolution of levee building behavior among distantly related ant species in a floodplain ant assemblage by LeBrun, E. G, Moffett, M, Holway, D. A

    Published in Insectes sociaux (01-05-2011)
    “…Flooding impacts ground nesting ant colonies by destroying the infrastructure housing and organizing societal function. Here, we report the convergent…”
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    Interspecific pollen transport between non-native fennel and an island endemic buckwheat: assessment of the magnet effect by Etter, K. J., Junquera, G., Horvet-French, J., Alarcón, R., Hung, K. -L. J., Holway, D. A.

    Published in Biological invasions (2022)
    “…Non-native plant species can disrupt plant–pollinator interactions by altering pollinator foraging behavior, which can in turn affect levels of interspecific…”
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    Contact between supercolonies elevates aggression in Argentine ants by THOMAS, M. L, PAYNE-MAKRISA, C. M, SUAREZ, A. V, TSUTSUI, N. D, HOLWAY, D. A

    Published in Insectes sociaux (01-08-2007)
    “…Complex recognition systems underlie the social organization of many organisms. In social insects the acceptance of other individuals as nestmates can involve…”
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    Nest-Site Selection and the Importance of Nest Concealment in the Black-Throated Blue Warbler by Holway, David A.

    Published in The Condor (Los Angeles, Calif.) (01-08-1991)
    “…Nest-site selection of Black-throated Blue Warblers (Dendroica caerulescens) was studied for two summers in a northern hardwood forest in the White Mountains…”
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  11. 11

    Role of propagule size in the success of incipient colonies of the invasive Argentine ant by Hee, Jason J., Holway, David A., Suarez, Andrew V., Case, Ted J.

    Published in Conservation biology (01-04-2000)
    “…Factors that contribute to the successful establishment of invasive species are often poorly understood. Propagule size is considered a key determinant of…”
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    Reduced Genetic Variation and the Success of an Invasive Species by Tsutsui, Neil D., Suarez, Andrew V., Holway, David A., Case, Ted J.

    “…Despite the severe ecological and economic damage caused by introduced species, factors that allow invaders to become successful often remain elusive. Of…”
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  13. 13

    Patterns of Spread in Biological Invasions Dominated by Long-Distance Jump Dispersal: Insights from Argentine Ants by Suarez, Andrew V., Holway, David A., Case, Ted J.

    “…Invading organisms may spread through local movements (giving rise to a diffusion-like process) and by long-distance jumps, which are often human-mediated. The…”
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  14. 14

    Competitive mechanisms underlying the displacement of native ants by the invasive Argentine ant by Holway, David A.

    Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-01-1999)
    “…The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is a widespread invasive species that competitively displaces native ants throughout its introduced range. Although this…”
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  15. 15

    Animal behavior: an essential component of invasion biology by Holway, David A, Suarez, Andrew V

    Published in Trends in ecology & evolution (Amsterdam) (01-08-1999)
    “…A major challenge of invasion biology lies in the development of a predictive understanding of invasion processes. Attempts to identify the proximate causes of…”
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  16. 16

    Evidence that queens do not influence nestmate recognition in Argentine ants by CALDERA, E. J, HOLWAY, D. A

    Published in Insectes sociaux (01-05-2004)
    “…Introduced populations of many invasive ants exhibit low levels of intraspecific aggression. Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), for example, maintain…”
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    Food availability and brood number do not influence intraspecific Aggression in argentine ants by THOMAS, M. L, DIXSON, A, COGGINS, V, HOLWAY, D. A

    Published in Insectes sociaux (01-05-2005)
    “…Nestmate recognition cues can derive from both environmental and genetic factors, but can also be modulated in response to context-specific cues. Synchronous…”
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  18. 18

    Effect of Argentine ant invasions on ground-dwelling arthropods in northern California riparian woodlands by Holway, D.A

    Published in Oecologia (01-08-1998)
    “…Although the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is a widespread invasive species that displaces native ants throughout its introduced range, the effects of…”
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  19. 19

    Factors governing rate of invasion: a natural experiment using Argentine ants by Holway, D.A

    Published in Oecologia (01-06-1998)
    “…Predicting the success of biological invasions is a major goal of invasion biology. Determining the causes of invasions, however, can be difficult, owing to…”
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  20. 20

    Loss of intraspecific aggression in the success of a widespread invasive social insect by Holway, D.A. (University of California, San Diego.), Suarez, A.V, Case, T.J

    “…Despite the innumerable ecological problems and large economic costs associated with biological invasions, the proximate causes of invasion success are often…”
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