Search Results - "Holten Lützhøft, H.C."

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  1. 1

    Occurrence, fate and effects of pharmaceutical substances in the environment- A review by Halling-Sørensen, B., Nors Nielsen, S., Lanzky, P.F., Ingerslev, F., Holten Lützhøft, H.C., Jørgensen, S.E.

    Published in Chemosphere (Oxford) (1998)
    “…Medical substances (pharmaceuticals) are a group of substances that until recently have been exposed to the environment with very little attention. The reason…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    Inter-laboratory exercise on steroid estrogens in aqueous samples by Heath, Ester, Kosjek, T., Andersen, H.R., Holten Lützhoft, H.C., Adolfson Erici, M., Coquery, Marina, Düring, R.A., Gans, O., Guignard, C., Karlsson, P., Manciot, F., Moldovan, Z., Patureau, Dominique, Cruceru, L., Sacher, F., Ledin, L.

    Published in Environmental pollution (1987) (2010)
    “…An inter-laboratory comparison exercise was organized among European laboratories, under the aegis of EU COST Action 636: "Xenobiotics in Urban Water Cycle"…”
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    Journal Article