Search Results - "Hollenberg, C"
Demonstration of non-Markovian process characterisation and control on a quantum processor
Published in Nature communications (09-12-2020)“…In the scale-up of quantum computers, the framework underpinning fault-tolerance generally relies on the strong assumption that environmental noise affecting…”
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Non-Neurotoxic Nanodiamond Probes for Intraneuronal Temperature Mapping
Published in ACS nano (26-12-2017)“…Optical biomarkers have been used extensively for intracellular imaging with high spatial and temporal resolution. Extending the modality of these probes is a…”
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Entanglement in a 20-Qubit Superconducting Quantum Computer
Published in Scientific reports (17-09-2019)“…The ability to prepare sizeable multi-qubit entangled states with full qubit control is a critical milestone for physical platforms upon which quantum…”
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Electronic properties and metrology applications of the diamond NV- center under pressure
Published in Physical review letters (31-01-2014)“…The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) center in diamond has realized new frontiers in quantum technology. Here, the optical and spin resonances of the…”
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Laser Modulation of Superconductivity in a Cryogenic Wide-field Nitrogen-Vacancy Microscope
Published in Nano letters (11-03-2020)“…We realize a cryogenic wide-field nitrogen-vacancy microscope and use it to image Abrikosov vortices and transport currents in a superconducting Nb film. We…”
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Scanning Nanospin Ensemble Microscope for Nanoscale Magnetic and Thermal Imaging
Published in Nano letters (13-01-2016)“…Quantum sensors based on solid-state spins provide tremendous opportunities in a wide range of fields from basic physics and chemistry to biomedical imaging…”
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Towards practical classical processing for the surface code
Published in Physical review letters (01-05-2012)“…The surface code is unarguably the leading quantum error correction code for 2D nearest neighbor architectures, featuring a high threshold error rate of…”
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GASP: a genetic algorithm for state preparation on quantum computers
Published in Scientific reports (24-07-2023)“…The efficient preparation of quantum states is an important step in the execution of many quantum algorithms. In the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ)…”
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Valley interference and spin exchange at the atomic scale in silicon
Published in Nature communications (30-11-2020)“…Tunneling is a fundamental quantum process with no classical equivalent, which can compete with Coulomb interactions to give rise to complex phenomena…”
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Single-shot readout of an electron spin in silicon
Published in Nature (London) (07-10-2010)“…The size of silicon transistors used in microelectronic devices is shrinking to the level at which quantum effects become important. Although this presents a…”
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Imaging Domain Reversal in an Ultrathin Van der Waals Ferromagnet
Published in Advanced materials (Weinheim) (01-10-2020)“…The recent isolation of 2D van der Waals magnetic materials has uncovered rich physics that often differs from the magnetic behavior of their bulk…”
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Detection of nanoscale electron spin resonance spectra demonstrated using nitrogen-vacancy centre probes in diamond
Published in Nature communications (05-01-2016)“…Electron spin resonance (ESR) describes a suite of techniques for characterizing electronic systems with applications in physics, chemistry, and biology…”
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Quantum simulation of the Hubbard model with dopant atoms in silicon
Published in Nature communications (20-04-2016)“…In quantum simulation, many-body phenomena are probed in controllable quantum systems. Recently, simulation of Bose–Hubbard Hamiltonians using cold atoms…”
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Microscopic Imaging of the Stress Tensor in Diamond Using in Situ Quantum Sensors
Published in Nano letters (10-07-2019)“…The precise measurement of mechanical stress at the nanoscale is of fundamental and technological importance. In principle, all six independent variables of…”
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Ohm's Law Survives to the Atomic Scale
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (06-01-2012)“…As silicon electronics approaches the atomic scale, interconnects and circuitry become comparable in size to the active device components. Maintaining low…”
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Observation of a Quantum Phase from Classical Rotation of a Single Spin
Published in Physical review letters (17-01-2020)“…The theory of angular momentum connects physical rotations and quantum spins together at a fundamental level. Physical rotation of a quantum system will…”
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Quantum phase transitions of light
Published in Nature physics (01-12-2006)“…The ability to conduct experiments at length scales and temperatures at which interesting and potentially useful quantum-mechanical phenomena emerge in…”
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Electron paramagnetic resonance microscopy using spins in diamond under ambient conditions
Published in Nature communications (06-09-2017)“…Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is one of the most important tools in chemical and bio-medical research. However, sensitivity limitations typically restrict…”
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Magnetic pseudo-fields in a rotating electron–nuclear spin system
Published in Nature physics (01-11-2017)“…Physical rotation can create fictitious magnetic fields, a phenomenon that stems from Larmor's theorem. The effect on a nuclear spin ensemble was measured…”
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Quantum measurement and orientation tracking of fluorescent nanodiamonds inside living cells
Published in Nature nanotechnology (08-05-2011)“…Fluorescent particles are routinely used to probe biological processes 1 . The quantum properties of single spins within fluorescent particles have been…”
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