Search Results - "Holanda, Vanessa de"

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    A Review of Pollen Types Foraged By Melipona in the Brazilian Amazon by Pimentel, Alyne Daniele Alves, Abreu, Vanessa Holanda Righetti De, Krug, Cristiane, Miranda, Izildinha Souza

    Published in Palynology (03-07-2023)
    “…Bees of the genus Melipona found in the Amazon are investigated given their ecological, sociocultural and economic importance. The objective of this work was…”
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    Pollen sources used by Frieseomelitta Ihering 1912 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) bees along the course of the Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil by Pimentel, Alyne Daniele Alves, Absy, Maria Lucia, Rech, André Rodrigo, Abreu, Vanessa Holanda Righetti de

    Published in Acta Botânica Brasílica (01-06-2020)
    “…ABSTRACT Insect pollination has influenced the evolution and diversification of angiosperms. Consequently, knowing plants used as food sources by bees, the…”
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    Pollen morphology of selected species of the subfamily Bombacoideae (Malvaceae sensu lato) by Abreu, Vanessa Holanda Righetti de, Mendonça, Claudia Barbieri Ferreira, Gonçalves-Esteves, Vania

    Published in Acta Botânica Brasílica (01-09-2014)
    “…We analyzed the pollen grains of 11 species within the subfamily Bombacoideae. The pollen grains were acetolyzed, after which they were analyzed and…”
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    Pollen morphology of selected species of native Amazonian fruit trees occurring in Brazil by Araújo, Natalia Moura de, Absy, Maria Lúcia, Souza, Antônio Carlos Marques, Holanda Righetti de Abreu, Vanessa

    Published in Grana (04-03-2023)
    “…Approximately 500 native edible fruits are known from Brazil with nearly 50% of these occurring in the Amazon. Pollen morphology of Brazilian plant species is…”
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    Pollen morphology of Praxelis (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae, Praxelinae) in Brazil by de Abreu, Vanessa Holanda Righetti, da Conceição Santos, Jéssica, Esteves, Roberto Lourenço, Gonçalves-Esteves, Vania

    Published in Plant systematics and evolution (01-02-2015)
    “…Studies on the pollen morphology of 11 species of Praxelis Cass. was conducted (Praxelinae, Eupatorieae-Asteraceae). Asteraceae is the second biggest family of…”
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    Pollen Morphology of Podostemum: The Type Genus of the Family Podostemaceae by Marinho, Elysiane de Barros, Abreu, Vanessa Holanda Righetti de, Bove, Claudia Petean, Philbrick, C. Thomas, Mendonça, Claudia Barbieri Ferreira, Gonçalves-Esteves, Vania

    Published in Palynology (01-06-2014)
    “…The pollen morphology of Podostemum (Podostemaceae) was analysed with the aim of providing detailed descriptions of pollen for all species of the genus. Pollen…”
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    Palinologia de espécies de Grewioideae (Malvaceae sensu lato) ocorrentes no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil by Abreu, Vanessa Holanda Righetti de, Vieira, Gabrielle Reboredo Menezes, Souza, Raquel Maria Baptista Souza de, Gonçalves-Esteves, Vania

    Published in Rodriguésia (2020)
    “…Resumo O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar a morfologia polínica das espécies de Grewioideae ocorrentes no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Grãos de pólen de 12…”
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    Melissopalynology in Brazil: A Map of Pollen Types and Published Productions between 2005 and 2017 by de Souza, Rogério Ribeiro, Righetti de Abreu, Vanessa Holanda, de Novais, Jaílson Santos

    Published in Palynology (02-10-2019)
    “…We analysed scientific production related to melissopalynology in Brazil and surveyed the pollen types described in publications, producing a…”
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    Effect of Hummingbird Flower Mites on Nectar Availability of Two Sympatric Heliconia Species in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest by Da Cruz, Denise Dias, Righetti De Abreu, Vanessa Holanda, Van Sluys, Monique

    Published in Annals of botany (01-09-2007)
    “…BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hummingbird flower mites feed and reproduce in flowers of host plants pollinated by hummingbirds, and use the nostrils and bill of the…”
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  11. 11

    Resources Collected by two Melipona Illiger, 1806 (Apidae: Meliponini) Species Based on Pollen Spectrum of Honeys from the Amazon Basin by Souza, Rogério Ribeiro de, Pimentel, Alyne Daniele Alves, Nogueira, Lizandra Ludgerio, Abreu, Vanessa Holanda Righetti de, Novais, Jaílson Santos de

    Published in Sociobiology (Chico, CA) (01-06-2020)
    “…This study aimed to identify the pollen grains found in honeys of Melipona (Michmelia) seminigra pernigra Moure & Kerr and Melipona (Melikerria) interrupta…”
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    Polliniferous flora foraged by Melipona bees along the Rio Negro in the Brazilian Amazon by Pimentel, Alyne Daniele Alves, Absy, Maria Lúcia, Rech, André Rodrigo, Holanda Righetti De Abreu, Vanessa

    Published in Grana (03-09-2021)
    “…Undoubtedly, Melipona bees are the most widely managed native American bee species for the production of honey and related products. These bees have been…”
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    Catalogando a palinoteca da Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará como fonte de dados para estudos em palinologia by Fonseca, Raylana Rodrigues da, Novais, Jaílson Santos de, Suemitsu, Chieno, Abreu, Vanessa Holanda Righetti de

    Published in Paubrasilia (Online) (07-12-2020)
    “…Descrevemos a catalogação das lâminas palinológicas da palinoteca da Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará. Atualmente, a palinoteca conta com 863 lâminas em…”
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    Morfologia polínica e visitantes florais de duas espécies simpátricas de Malpighiaceae Juss. no Parque da Cidade em Santarém, Pará by Sousa, Leilla Cristina Figueiredo de, Araújo, Natalia Moura de, Sousa, Lucas Fonseca de, Lira, Ádria Giselle dos Santos, Abreu, Vanessa Holanda Righetti de

    Published in Paubrasilia (Online) (01-04-2021)
    “…Objetivou-se identificar e analisar a morfologia polínica das espécies simpátricas de Malpighiaceae que ocorrem no Parque da Cidade em Santarém, bem como…”
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    Palinotaxonomia de espécies de Dipteryx Schreb. (Fabaceae – Papilionoideae) ocorrentes no Brasil by Natalia Moura de Araújo, Vanessa Holanda Righetti de Abreu

    Published in Paubrasilia (Online) (01-06-2024)
    “…O gênero Dipteryx Schreb. (Papilionoideae) conhecido principalmente como cumaru, compreende espécies de árvores economicamente importantes que têm chamado a…”
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    Palynoflora exploited by Frieseomelitta longipes (Smith, 1854) (Apinae: Meliponini) in protected areas from the Brazilian Amazon basin by Souza, Rogério Ribeiro de, Pimentel, Alyne Daniele Alves, Nogueira, Lizandra Ludgerio, Holanda Righetti de Abreu, Vanessa, Novais, Jaílson Santos de

    Published in Journal of apicultural research (08-08-2023)
    “…Using melissopalynology, we aimed to identify the plant species used by Frieseomelitta longipes (Smith, 1854) in the Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve, a…”
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    PLANTAS MEDICINAIS: UM SABER TRADICIONAL COMO ALTERNATIVA NO PROCESSO DE CURA by Canté da Conceição, Ana Kaira, Dos Santos Lira, Ádria Giselle, Moraes Moreira, Osvaldo Júnior, Rocha de Sousa, Luana Marise, Martins Pereira, Hugo Jordan, Holanda Righetti de Abreu, Vanessa, Almeida Vieira, Thiago

    Published in Revista Agroecossistemas (Online) (19-11-2018)
    “…A Amazônia conta com uma extensa diversidade cultural, que abrange o uso empírico dos recursos naturais, incluindo as plantas que são utilizadas não só como…”
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