Search Results - "Hoffmann Oliveira, Anna"

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    Predicting Runoff Risks by Digital Soil Mapping by Silva, Mayesse Aparecida da, Silva, Marx Leandro Naves, Owens, Phillip Ray, Curi, Nilton, Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann, Candido, Bernardo Moreira

    “…ABSTRACT Digital soil mapping (DSM) permits continuous mapping soil types and properties through raster formats considering variation within soil class, in…”
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    Water erosion risk prediction in eucalyptus plantations by Silva, Mayesse Aparecida da, Silva, Marx Leandro Naves, Curi, Nilton, Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann, Avanzi, Junior Cesar, Norton, Lloyd Darrell

    Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (01-04-2014)
    “…Eucalyptus plantations are normally found in vulnerable ecosystems such as steep slope, soil with low natural fertility and lands that were degraded by…”
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    INFLUÊNCIA DA SATURAÇÃO POR BASES NA QUALIDADE E CRESCIMENTO DE MUDAS DE CEDRO-AUSTRALIANO ( Toona ciliata M. Roem var. australis) by de Melo Braga, Marilena, Neto, Antonio Eduardo Furtini, Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann

    Published in Ciência florestal (16-07-2015)
    “…O cedro-australiano ( Toona ciliata M. Roem var. australis) é uma espécie promissora para plantios comerciais em função da qualidade e ampla utilização da sua…”
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    Vegetation characterization in gully areas as basis for soil conservation by Gomide, Plínio Henrique Oliveira, Silva, Marx Leandro Naves, Castro, Gislene Carvalho de, Soares, Cláudio Roberto Fonsêca Sousa, Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann, Curi, Nilton

    Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (01-04-2014)
    “…Gullies are an expression of intense environmental degradation, particularly soil and vegetation. The objective of this work was to characterize the natural…”
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    Aggregate stability in soils cultivated with eucalyptus by Avanzi, Junior Cesar, Norton, Lloyd Darrell, Silva, Marx Leandro Naves, Curi, Nilton, Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann, Silva, Mayesse Aparecida da

    Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-01-2011)
    “…The objective of this work was to evaluate the aggregate stability of tropical soils under eucalyptus plantation and native vegetation, and assess the…”
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    Evaluation of vegetation cover using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) by Lima, Gabriela Camargos, Silva, Marx Leandro Naves, Curi, Nilton, Silva, Mayesse Aparecida da, Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann, Avanzi, Junior Cesar, Ummus, Marta Eichemberger

    Published in Revista ambiente & água (29-08-2013)
    “…Soil loss by water erosion is the main cause of soil degradation in Brazil. However, erosion can be reduced by the presence of vegetation. The Normalized…”
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    Consistência hidrológica de modelos digitais de elevação (MDE) para definição da rede de drenagem na sub-bacia do horto florestal Terra Dura, Eldorado do Sul, RS by Anna Hoffmann Oliveira, Marx Leandro Naves Silva, Nilton Curi, Gustavo Klinke Neto, Mayesse Aparecida da Silva, Elias Frank de Araújo

    Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (01-08-2012)
    “…O desenvolvimento da erosão hídrica ocorre em resposta ao modo como a água se move através e sobre uma determinada paisagem. O modelo digital de elevação (MDE)…”
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    A inserção sociológica no problema da crise climática by Oliveira, Manoela Hoffmann, Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann

    Published in GeSec : Revista de Gestão e Secretariado (30-08-2024)
    “…A crise climática enfrentada atualmente pela humanidade vem sendo considerada sem precedentes na história da civilização. Especialistas de distintas…”
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    The sociological approach to the climate crisis/A insercao sociologica no problema da crise climatica/El enfoque sociologico de la crisis climatica by Oliveira, Manoela Hoffmann, Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann

    Published in GeSec : Revista de Gestão e Secretariado (01-08-2024)
    “…The climate crisis currently facing humanity is considered unprecedented in the history of civilization. Experts from different disciplines, asked to work…”
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    ANÁLISE DO RELEVO PARA O MAPEAMENTO DE ÁREAS FAVORÁVEIS AO PROCESSO DE INFILTRAÇÃO by Hoffmann Oliveira, Anna, Klinke Neto, Gustavo, Yoshinaga Pereira, Sueli

    Published in Águas subterrâneas (São Paulo, Brazil) (20-03-2017)
    “…A recarga tem início com a infiltração da água superficial através do perfil do solo, alcançando os aquíferos. Este processo pode levar dias, meses ou anos…”
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    Physiography and Geomorphology in Sub-Basin of the Mogi Guaçu River Plain, São Paulo State, Brazil by KLINKE, G., OLIVEIRA, A. H., PEREIRA, S. Y.

    Published in Anuário do Instituto de Geociências (20-08-2018)
    “…The present paper will analyze the physiography in a sub-basin of Mogi Guaçu river, state of São Paulo, as well as the geomorphology of the study area and…”
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    Water erosion in soils under eucalyptus forest as affected by development stages and management systems by Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann, Silva, Marx Leandro Naves, Curi, Nilton, Avanzi, Junior Cesar, Klinke Neto, Gustavo, Araújo, Elias Frank

    Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (01-04-2013)
    “…The constant increasing of eucalyptus forest areas in Brazil requires an accurate monitoring of water erosion. The present study aimed to evaluate soil,…”
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    Influence of base saturation in quality and growth of Australian cedar seedlings by de Melo Braga, Marilena, Neto, Antonio Eduardo Fu, Oliveira, Anna Hoflmann

    Published in Ciência florestal (01-01-2015)
    “…The Australian cedar (Toona ciliata M. Roem var. australis) is a promising species for commercial plantations based on the quality and wide use of its wood and…”
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    INFLUÊNCIA DA SATURAÇÃO POR BASES NA QUALIDADE E CRESCIMENTO DE MUDAS DE CEDRO-AUSTRALIANO (Toona ciliata M. Roem var. australis) by Braga, Marilena de Melo, Furtini Neto, Antonio Eduardo, Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann

    Published in Ciência florestal (28-03-2015)
    “… cedro-australiano (Toona ciliata M. Roem var. australis) é uma espécie promissora para plantios comerciais em função…”
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    Influência da saturação por bases na qualidade e crescimento de mudas de cedro-australiano (Toona ciliata M. Roem var. australis) by Braga, Marilena de Melo, Furtini Neto, Antonio Eduardo, Oliveira, Anna Hoffmann

    Published in Ciência florestal (01-03-2015)
    “…O cedro-australiano (Toona ciliata M. Roem var. australis) é uma espécie promissora para plantios comerciais em função da qualidade e ampla utilização da sua…”
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