Search Results - "Hodgson, Vivien"
An exploration of the ideological becoming of online educators
Published in British journal of educational technology (01-01-2024)“…As online education continues to proliferate that there is a need to understand how institutions can better support faculty in the transition to online…”
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The European Union and e-learning: an examination of rhetoric, theory and practice
Published in Journal of computer assisted learning (01-09-2002)“…The paper examines the impact that new technology has had upon the rhetoric, theory and practice of trans‐national educational collaboration within Europe. The…”
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Networked Learning and Postdigital Education
Published in Postdigital science and education (15-04-2019)“…This paper considers the positon of networked learning in higher education learning and teaching in the postdigital era. The underlying origins and principles…”
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Understanding nomadic collaborative learning groups
Published in British journal of educational technology (01-03-2018)“…The paper builds on the work of Rossitto et al. on collaborative nomadic work to develop three categories of practice of nomadic collaborative learning groups…”
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A phenomenographic study of lecturers' conceptions of using learning technology in a Pakistani context
Published in Learning, media and technology (03-04-2017)“…While there are many studies exploring the phenomenon of lecturers' use of learning technology within teaching practices in western higher education contexts,…”
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Socio-Digital Disadvantage Within Management Education: A Study of MBA Students’ Experiences of Digital Technologies
Published in Journal of management education (01-02-2024)“…Assumptions regarding digital technologies in business schools have become part of the hidden curriculum. It is generally assumed that students have the same…”
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Positioning theory and practice question(s) within the field of management learning
Published in Management learning (01-04-2013)“…In this paper we argue that management learning, as a field of study, has different choices to make than mainstream management research in its…”
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Networked Learning: Inviting Redefinition
Published in Postdigital science and education (01-04-2021)“…An interest in how technologies shape and are shaped by human activity, with a recognition that tools, artefacts and infrastructure are assembled or…”
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Developing a model of conflict in virtual learning communities in the context of a democratic pedagogy
Published in British journal of educational technology (01-01-2017)“…In this paper, we argue that in order to get a fuller understanding of the complexity of conflict in democratic pedagogies in online and blended learning…”
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Relationships between conceptions of learning approaches to study and students' judgements about the value of their experiences of networked learning
Published in Research in learning technology (01-12-2003)“…This paper reports on an enquiry into relationships between students' views of their experiences of participating in networked learning courses and data on…”
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Consensus, difference and 'multiple communities' in networked learning
Published in Studies in higher education (Dorchester-on-Thames) (01-02-2005)“…The article reviews the popularity in networked learning designs for values of collaboration, and in particular, of community. Examples of this are drawn from…”
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Researching Networked Management Learning
Published in Management learning (01-06-2004)“…After a review of the dominant approaches that have been used to research networked learning, the article focuses on research that has been reported in the…”
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Networked learning in higher education: students' expectations and experiences
Published in Higher education (01-10-2005)“…This paper reports findings from a study of undergraduates' expectations about, and experiences of, networked learning using computer-mediated conferencing…”
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The Social Constructionist Case for Researching Networked Management Learning: A Postscript and Reply to Arbaugh and Benbunan-Fich
Published in Management learning (01-06-2004)“…Arbaugh and Benbunan-Fich (2003) identified and examined three main pedagogical models and learning theories that they see as most associated with online…”
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Dialogue, language and identity: critical issues for networked management learning
Published in Studies in continuing education (01-11-2006)“…This paper draws on the work of Mikhail Bakhtin and Norman Fairclough to show how dialogue is central to the construction of identity in networked management…”
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Introduction to the special issue on: Advances in Research on Networked Learning
Published in Instructional science (01-01-2003)“…Taken together, the articles in this special issue contribute to the collective sense of recent progress in research on networked learning in higher education…”
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Openness and Closure in Distance Education
Published in Journal of Higher Education (01-07-1989)Get full text
Book Review Journal Article -
Educational Computing: Mirrors of Educational Values
Published in ETTI. Educational & training technology international (01-02-1993)“…Describes examples of two computer technologies that have the potential to enhance and contribute to developmental learning: the adoption of computer-mediated…”
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Learning communities and networked learning: theory, practice and critique
Published in Studies in higher education (Dorchester-on-Thames) (01-02-2005)Get full text
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Computer Conferencing: A New Medium for Investigating Issues in Gender and Learning
Published in Higher education (01-10-1994)“…Claims have been made that computer mediated communication (CMC) is a potentially highly participatory and democratic medium because it reduces the requirement…”
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