Search Results - "Hoanh, C. T"
Wetting tendency in the Central Mekong Basin consistent with climate change-induced atmospheric disturbances already observed in East Asia
Published in Theoretical and applied climatology (2013)“…Regional and local trends in rainfall intensity, frequency, seasonality, and extremes were analyzed in the central Mekong Basin in continental Southeast Asia…”
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Are hydropower and irrigation development complements or substitutes? The example of the Nam Ngum River in the Mekong Basin
Published in Water international (29-07-2014)“…Hydropower and irrigation developments to address rising demand for food and energy are modifying the water balance of the Mekong Basin. Infrastructure…”
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Quantifying Source and Dynamics of Acidic Pollution in a Coastal Acid Sulphate Soil Area
Published in Water, air, and soil pollution (01-11-2013)“…The in-depth knowledge on management and reducing annual acidic pollution is important for improving the sustainable livelihood of people living in areas with…”
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Integration of Systems Network (SysNet) tools for regional land use scenario analysis in Asia
Published in Environmental modelling & software : with environment data news (01-03-2005)“…This paper introduces the approach of the Systems research Network (SysNet) for land use planning in tropical Asia with a focus on its main…”
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Impact of seawater intrusion control on the environment, land use and household incomes in a coastal area
Published in Paddy and water environment (01-07-2003)“…Agricultural production in the coastal wetlands of Asia is often hindered by salinity intrusion caused by tidal fluctuation. This paper reports changes in…”
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Sea level rise affecting the Vietnamese Mekong delta: Water elevation in the flood season and implications for rice production
Published in Climatic change (01-09-2004)“…In this study, we assessed the impact of sea level rise, one of the most ascertained consequences of global climate change, for water levels in the Vietnamese…”
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Conflict, migration and land-cover changes in Indochina: a hydrological assessment
Published in Ecohydrology (01-12-2010)“…The Indochinese section of the Mekong Basin has been subjected to major environmental disturbances over the last half century. The Vietnam War is invoked as a…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding -
Can computer models stimulate learning about sustainable land use? Experience with LUPAS in the humid (sub-)tropics of Asia
Published in Agricultural systems (01-06-2007)“…In many rice-cultivating regions of east and south-east Asia, competition for land and water resources is strong and increasing. This calls for exploration of…”
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Methodological integration for sustainable natural resource management beyond field/farm level: lessons from the ecoregional initiative for the humid and sub-humid tropics of Asia
Published in International journal of sustainable development and world ecology (01-12-2002)“…Integrated natural resources management (INRM) has to address both the livelihood goals of farmers and the ecological sustainability of agroecosystems and…”
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A systems network (SysNet) approach for interactively evaluating strategic land use options at sub-national scale in South and South-east Asia
Published in Land use policy (01-04-2004)“…This paper presents SysNet, a systems research network in South and South-east Asia, established to develop and evaluate methodologies for enhancing…”
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Social and environmental impact of rapid change in the coastal zone of Vietnam: an assessment of sustainability issues
Published in Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones (2006)“…Ca Mau Peninsula, which lies at the extreme southern tip of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, has experienced rapid environmental and socioeconomic change,…”
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Book Chapter -
Applying the Resource Management Domain (RMD) concept to land and water use and management in the coastal zone: case study of Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam
Published in Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones (2006)“…Because of changing hydrological conditions due to infrastructure development to prevent salinity intrusion into the coastal zone, local authorities in Bac…”
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Book Chapter -
Environment and livelihoods in tropical coastal zones: managing agriculture-fishery-aquaculture conflicts
Published in Environment and livelihoods in tropical coastal zones: managing agriculture-fishery-aquaculture conflicts (2006)“…This book focuses on the challenges people face in managing agricultural crops, aquaculture, fisheries and related ecosystems in areas of coastal zones in the…”
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Land and water management in coastal zones: dealing with agriculture-aquaculture-fishery conflicts
Published in Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones (2006)“…The coastal environment has undergone rapid changes in recent times. Change in the state of the environment is multifaceted, but a key concern is the way that…”
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Book Chapter