Search Results - "Hisarli, Z M"
Curie point depths based on spectrum analysis of aeromagnetic data, West Anatolian extensional province, Turkey
Published in Pure and applied geophysics (01-03-2005)“…The Curie point depth map of Western Anatolia was constituted from spectral analysis of the aeromagnetic data. The Curie point depth values from 53 overlapping…”
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Correlation between gravity and magnetic anomalies of Western Anatolia and its relation to tectonic structures
Published in Earth, planets, and space (01-01-2006)“…In this paper, we apply for the first time the moving-windows application of the Poisson’s theorem to the synthetic gravity and magnetic data, followed by…”
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Thermal structure of the crust in the Black Sea: comparative analysis of magnetic and heat flow data
Published in Marine geophysical researches (01-12-2014)“…This paper presents the first study of mapping of the Curie point depth (CPD) from magnetic data for the Black Sea and a comparison with a classical thermal…”
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Evidence of Early Cretaceous remagnetization in the Crimean Peninsula: a palaeomagnetic study from Mesozoic rocks in the Crimean and Western Pontides, conjugate margins of the Western Black Sea
Published in Geophysical journal international (01-11-2013)“…We report on a palaeomagnetic study from Mesozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks from the conjugate areas of the Western Black Sea Basin; that is, the Crimean…”
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Comments on the Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies of Saros Bay using Wavelet Approach
Published in Marine geophysical researches (01-01-2001)“…In this paper, residual and regional gravity and magnetic anomalies of Saros Bay are separated using wavelet method. Wavelet is one of the modern, stochastic…”
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Curie Point Depth variations to infer thermal structure of the crust at the African-Eurasian convergence zone, SW Turkey
Published in Earth, planets, and space (01-01-2005)“…We examined the thermal structure of the crust across complex deformation zones in SW Turkey using the Curie Point Depth (CPD) estimates and made comparisons…”
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Application of wavelet transform to magnetic data due to ruins of the Hittite, Civilization in Turkey
Published in Pure and applied geophysics (01-03-2004)“…-- In the recent years, geophysical methods have been applied successfully in archaeological studies. In this article we have studied the application of…”
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Marmara Bölgesi sediman ve volkanik kayaçlarının mağnetik özelliklerinin tanımlanmasında kaya mağnetizma çalışması
Published in İstanbul Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yerbilimleri Dergisi (2005)“…Marmara baseninde yaşları Alt Eosen-Pliyosen zaman aralığında değişen tüf, volkanik breş ve bazaltlardan oluşan volkanik kayaçlar ile kumtaşı, kuvarsit,…”
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