Search Results - "Hirstoaga, Sever A."
A parareal algorithm for a highly oscillating Vlasov-Poisson system with reduced models for the coarse solving
Published in Computers & mathematics with applications (1987) (15-01-2023)“…In this paper, we introduce a new strategy for solving highly oscillatory two-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson systems by means of a specific version of the parareal…”
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Reduced model-based parareal simulations of oscillatory singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations
Published in Journal of computational physics (01-07-2021)“…•Parareal algorithm for characteristics of Vlasov equation with strong magnetic field.•Validation of reduced models from two-scale asymptotic expansions for…”
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Optimization of particle-in-cell simulations for Vlasov-Poisson system with strong magnetic field
Published in ESAIM. Proceedings and surveys (01-03-2016)“…We study the dynamics of charged particles under the influence of a strong magnetic field by numerically solving the Vlasov-Poisson and guiding center models…”
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Iterative selection methods for common fixed point problems
Published in Journal of mathematical analysis and applications (15-12-2006)“…Many problems encountered in applied mathematics can be recast as the problem of selecting a particular common fixed point of a countable family of…”
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A new fully two-dimensional conservative semi-Lagrangian method: applications on polar grids, from diocotron instability to ITG turbulence
Published in The European physical journal. D, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (18-09-2014)“…While developing a new semi-Lagrangian solver, the gap between a linear Landau run in 1D × 1D and a 5D gyrokinetic simulation in toroidal geometry is quite…”
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Verification of 2D × 2D and Two-Species Vlasov-Poisson Solvers
Published in ESAIM. Proceedings and surveys (01-01-2018)“…In [2], 1D×1D two-species Vlasov-Poisson simulations are performed by the semi-Lagrangian method. Thanks to a classical first order dispersion analysis, we are…”
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Visco-penalization of the sum of two monotone operators
Published in Nonlinear analysis (15-07-2008)“…A new type of approximating curve for finding a particular zero of the sum of two maximal monotone operators in a Hilbert space is investigated. This curve…”
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Multiscale Particle-in-Cell methods and comparisons for the long-time two-dimensional Vlasov–Poisson equation with strong magnetic field
Published in Computer physics communications (01-01-2018)“…We applied different kinds of multiscale methods to numerically study the long-time Vlasov–Poisson equation with a strong magnetic field. The multiscale…”
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Discrete moments models for Vlasov equations with non constant strong magnetic limit
Published in Comptes rendus. Mecanique (01-01-2023)“…We describe the structure of an original application of the method of moments to the Vlasov-Poisson system with non constant strong magnetic field in three…”
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Long Time Behaviour of an Exponential Integrator for a Vlasov-Poisson System with Strong Magnetic Field
Published in Communications in computational physics (01-08-2015)“…With the aim of solving in a four dimensional phase space a multi-scale Vlasov-Poisson system, we propose in a Particle-In-Cell framework a robust…”
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Efficient data layouts for a three-dimensional electrostatic Particle-in-Cell code
Published in Journal of computational science (01-07-2018)“…The Particle-in-Cell (PIC) method is a widely used tool in plasma physics. To accurately solve realistic problems, the method requires to use trillions of…”
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Verification of 2 D × 2 D and Two-Species Vlasov-Poisson Solvers
Published in ESAIM. Proceedings and surveys (2018)“…In [2], 1 D ×1 D two-species Vlasov-Poisson simulations are performed by the semi-Lagrangian method. Thanks to a classical first order dispersion analysis, we…”
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Efficient Data Structures for a Hybrid Parallel and Vectorized Particle-in-Cell Code
Published in 2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW) (01-05-2017)“…The contribution of the present work relies on an innovative and judicious combination of several optimization techniques for achieving high performance when…”
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Conference Proceeding