Search Results - "Hess, Clemens Friedrich"
Acute Toxicity of Radiochemotherapy in Rectal Cancer Patients: A Risk Particularly for Carriers of the TGFB1 Pro25 variant
Published in International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (01-05-2012)“…Purpose Transforming growth factor-beta1 is related to adverse events in radiochemotherapy. We investigated TGFB1 genetic variability in relation to quality of…”
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Fractionated External Beam Radiotherapy as a Suitable Preparative Regimen for Hepatocyte Transplantation After Partial Hepatectomy
Published in International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (15-07-2011)“…Purpose Hepatocyte transplantation is strongly considered to be a promising option to correct chronic liver failure through repopulation of the diseased organ…”
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Single-Dose Gamma-Irradiation Induces Up-Regulation of Chemokine Gene Expression and Recruitment of Granulocytes into the Portal Area but Not into Other Regions of Rat Hepatic Tissue
Published in The American journal of pathology (01-04-2010)“…Liver damage is a serious clinical complication of γ-irradiation. We therefore exposed rats to single-dose γ-irradiation (25 Gy) that was focused on the liver…”
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Role of PECAM‐1 in radiation‐induced liver inflammation
Published in Journal of cellular and molecular medicine (01-10-2015)“…Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule‐1 (PECAM‐1, CD31) is known to play an important role in hepatic inflammation. Therefore, we investigated the role…”
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The delineation of target volumes for radiotherapy of lung cancer patients
Published in Radiotherapy and oncology (01-06-2009)“…Abstract Purpose Differences in the delineation of the gross target volume (GTV) and planning target volume (PTV) in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer…”
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High-Grade Acute Organ Toxicity as a Positive Prognostic Factor in Primary Radiochemotherapy for Anal Carcinoma
Published in International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (01-04-2011)“…Purpose To test for a possible correlation between high-grade acute organ toxicity during primary radiochemotherapy and treatment outcome for patients with…”
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x-Irradiation in rat liver: consequent upregulation of hepcidin and downregulation of hemojuvelin and ferroportin-1 gene expression
Published in Radiology (01-01-2007)“…To prospectively analyze hepcidin, hemojuvelin, and ferroportin-1 expression after x-irradiation of rat liver and isolated rat hepatocytes. The treatment of…”
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Differential Regulation of Ferritin Subunits and Iron Transport Proteins: An Effect of Targeted Hepatic X-Irradiation
Published in BioMed research international (01-01-2013)“…The current study aimed to investigate radiation-induced regulation of iron proteins including ferritin subunits in rats. Rat livers were selectively…”
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Identification of Genes Responsive to Gamma Radiation in Rat Hepatocytes and Rat Liver by cDNA Array Gene Expression Analysis
Published in Radiation research (01-03-2006)“…Christiansen, H., Batusic, D., Saile, B., Hermann, R. M., Dudas, J., Rave-Frank, M., Hess, C. F., Schmidberger, H. and Ramadori, G. Identification of Genes…”
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Noninvasive imaging of liver repopulation following hepatocyte transplantation
Published in Cell transplantation (2009)“…Near infrared fluorescence (NIRF) optical imaging is a technique particularly powerful when studying in vivo processes at the molecular level in preclinical…”
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The impact of prostate volume changes during external-beam irradiation in consequence of HDR brachytherapy in prostate cancer treatment
Published in Strahlentherapie und Onkologie (01-06-2009)“…Purpose: To evaluate prostate volume changes during external-beam irradiation in consequence of high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy in prostate cancer…”
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PECAM‐1 modulates liver damage induced by synergistic effects of TNF‐α and irradiation
Published in Journal of cellular and molecular medicine (01-05-2019)“…The mechanisms of radiation‐induced liver damage are poorly understood. We investigated if tumour necrosis factor (TNF)‐α acts synergistically with…”
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Irradiation with protons for the individualized treatment of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer: A planning study with clinical implications
Published in Radiotherapy and oncology (01-01-2012)“…Abstract Background and purpose Ongoing clinical trials aim to improve local control and overall survival rates by intensification of therapy regimen for…”
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Gender affects acute organ toxicity during radiochemotherapy for rectal cancer: Long-term results of the German CAO/ARO/AIO-94 phase III trial
Published in Radiotherapy and oncology (01-07-2013)“…Abstract Introduction The CAO/ARO/AIO-94 phase-III-trial demonstrated a significant improvement of preoperative chemoradiotherapy (CRT) versus postoperative…”
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Hepatic fat accumulation and regulation of FAT/CD36: an effect of hepatic irradiation
Published in International journal of clinical and experimental pathology (01-01-2014)“…Irradiation is known to induce inflammation and affect fat metabolic pathways. The current study investigates hepatic fat accumulation and fatty acid…”
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In vivo dosimetry in the urethra using alanine/ESR during (192)Ir HDR brachytherapy of prostate cancer--a phantom study
Published in Physics in medicine & biology (07-05-2009)“…A phantom study for dosimetry in the urethra using alanine/ESR during (192)Ir HDR brachytherapy of prostate cancer is presented. The measurement method of the…”
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In vivo alanine/electron spin resonance (ESR) dosimetry in radiotherapy of prostate cancer: A feasibility study
Published in Radiotherapy and oncology (01-07-2008)“…Abstract Purpose We have developed a device to evaluate the potential of alanine/electron spin resonance (ESR) dosimetry for quality assurance in 3D conformal…”
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Rat model of fractionated (2 Gy/day) 60 Gy irradiation of the liver: long-term effects
Published in Radiation and environmental biophysics (01-08-2013)“…The liver is considered a radiosensitive organ. However, in rats, high single-dose irradiation (HDI) showed only mild effects. Consequences of fractionated…”
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Effect of Radiation on Gene Expression of Rat Liver Chemokines: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies
Published in Radiation research (01-02-2008)“…Moriconi, F., Christiansen, H., Raddatz, D., Dudas, J., Hermann, R. M., Rave-Fränk, M., Sheikh, N., Saile, B., Hess, C. F. and Ramadori, G. Effect of Radiation…”
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Irradiation as preparative regimen for hepatocyte transplantation causes prolonged cell cycle block
Published in International journal of radiation biology (01-01-2008)“…Purpose: Hepatocyte transplantation following liver irradiation (IR) and partial hepatectomy (PH) leads to extensive liver repopulation. We investigated the…”
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