Search Results - "Hernández Hurtado, Estrella M"
Association between epicardial fat volume and coronary plaques diagnosed by multislice computed tomography
Published in CorSalud (01-01-2016)“…Introduction: Coronary atherosclerotic disease is a major cause of death in Cuba and elsewhere. The volume of epicardial fat is considered a new cardiovascular…”
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Asociación entre el volumen de grasa epicárdica y las placas coronarias diagnosticadas por tomografía multicorte/ Associationbetweenepicardialfatvolume and coronary plaques diagnosedbymultislicecomputedtomography
Published in CorSalud (01-12-2015)“…Introduction: Coronary atherosclerotic disease is a major cause of death in Cuba and elsewhere. The volume of epicardial fat is considered a new cardiovascular…”
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CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LOS FACTORES DE RIESGO VASCULAR EN PACIENTES ADULTOS / Characterization of vascular risk factors in adult patients
Published in CorSalud (01-07-2013)“…Resumen: Introducción: La elevada prevalencia de factores de riesgo vascular en la población y su relación con el desarrollo de la cardiopatía isquémica…”
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Asociación entre el volumen de grasa epicárdica y las placas coronarias diagnosticadas por tomografía multicorte
Published in CorSalud (2015)“…Introduction: Coronary atherosclerotic disease is a major cause of death in Cuba and elsewhere. The volume of epicardial fat is considered a new cardiovascular…”
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Los betabloqueadores y su adecuado uso en pacientes con dislipidemia
Published in CorSalud (2013)Get full text
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Caracterización de los factores de riesgo vascular en pacientes adultos
Published in CorSalud (2013)“…Introduction: The high prevalence of vascular risk factors in the population and its relationship to the development of ischemic heart disease represent a…”
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