Search Results - "Hernández, María I."
Analysing the Impact of Land Subsidence on the Flooding Risk: Evaluation Through InSAR and Modelling
Published in Water resources management (01-09-2023)“…Floods greatly impact human settlements in flood risk areas, such as floodplains and coastal lowlands, following heavy rainfall. The Alto Guadalentin valley,…”
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Phenformin-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction Sensitizes Hepatocellular Carcinoma for Dual Inhibition of mTOR
Published in Clinical cancer research (01-08-2018)“…Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ranks second in cancer mortality and has limited therapeutic options. We recently described the synergistic effect of allosteric…”
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Microencapsulated diuron herbicide: kinetic study of its release from a urea–formaldehyde matrix
Published in Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society (01-07-2022)“…The production of slow-release systems for diuron aims to reduce some disadvantages of its traditional application, diminishing its associated environmental…”
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Stakeholders’ Perspective on Groundwater Management in Four Water-Stressed Mediterranean Areas: Priorities and Challenges
Published in Land (Basel) (01-05-2022)“…Recent studies highlight the fragility of the Mediterranean basin against climate stresses and the difficulties of managing the sustainable development of…”
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Provisión de métodos anticonceptivos en el posparto inmediato en México, 2018-19
Published in Salud pública de México (01-12-2020)“…Objetivo. Analizar la anticoncepción posparto (APP) y tipode método anticonceptivo recibido según característicassociodemográficas y de atención del parto de…”
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Use of contraception and family planning in adolescent and adult women in Mexico
Published in Salud pública de México (2013)“…To offer current evidence about age at sexual initiation and contraceptive use among adolescent and adult women of different age groups, places of residence,…”
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Disordered eating behaviors and psychological correlates. Data from the Ensanut 2018-19
Published in Salud pública de México (19-08-2022)“…To analyze the relationship between disordered eating behaviors (DEB) and depressive symptoms, suicide attempts, and alcohol and tobacco use in adolescents in…”
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Primer registro de Utricularia foliosa L. (Lentibulariaceae) y su espectro alimentario para la Ciénaga de Paredes, Santander, Colombia
Published in Actualidades biológicas (01-01-2016)“…Se presenta la ampliación de registro de distribución para la planta carnívora Utricularia foliosa L. (Lentibulariaceae) encontrada por primera vez en la…”
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Copepodos epipelagicos en Bahia Cupica, Pacifico colombiano: composicion de especies, distribucion y variacion temporal
Published in Revista de biología tropical (01-09-2017)“…Los cambios en la composición y abundancia de las especies de copépodos a escala espacial y temporal, ayudan a comprender el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas…”
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Continuum of care for maternal, newborn and child health: Evidence from a national survey in Mexico
Published in Sexual & reproductive healthcare (01-03-2022)“…•Conditional coverage of maternal and child health highlights deficiencies in care.•The prenatal care coverage with adequate content shows important…”
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Microglial Activation in Metal Neurotoxicity: Impact in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Published in BioMed research international (2023)“…Neurodegenerative processes encompass a large variety of diseases with different pathological patterns and clinical features, such as Alzheimer’s and…”
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Prevalencias y factores asociados con el uso de métodos anticonceptivos modernos en adolescentes, 2012 y 2018
Published in Salud pública de México (01-12-2020)“…Objetivo. Analizar la prevalencia de uso de métodos anticonceptivos (MAC) modernos en adolescentes de 12 a19 años en 2012 y 2018-19, y factores asociados con…”
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Perfil del comportamiento sexual en adolescentes mexicanos de 12 a 19 años de edad. Resultados de la ENSA 2000
Published in Salud pública de México (2005)“…Objetivo. Describir las características del comportamiento sexual de los adolescentes mexicanos, su grado de conocimiento sobre anticoncepción, las variables…”
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Evolución de las conductas alimentarias de riesgo en adolescentes mexicanos, 2006-2018
Published in Salud pública de México (01-12-2020)“…Objetivo. Analizar la evolución de la prevalencia de conductasalimentarias de riesgo (CAR) en adolescentes mexicanosentre 2006 y 2018. Material y métodos. Se…”
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Analysis of regional large-gradient land subsidence in the Alto Guadalentín Basin (Spain) using open-access aerial LiDAR datasets
Published in Remote sensing of environment (01-10-2022)“…Land subsidence associated with groundwater overexploitation in the Alto Guadalentín Basin (Spain) aquifer system has been detected during the last decades. In…”
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Study of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Atypical Fibroxanthoma and Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma to Discern an Epithelial Origin
Published in The American journal of dermatopathology (01-04-2016)“…Atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX) is considered a fibroblastic or myofibroblastic neoplasm probably corresponding to a superficial variant of undifferentiated…”
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Advances on the investigation of landslides by space-borne synthetic aperture radar interferometry
Published in Geo-spatial information science (03-05-2024)“…Landslides are destructive geohazards to people and infrastructure, resulting in hundreds of deaths and billions of dollars of damage every year. Therefore,…”
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Maternidad en la adolescencia en localidades menores de 100 000 habitantes en las primeras décadas del milenio
Published in Salud pública de México (05-12-2019)“…Objetivo. Analizar en localidades menores de 100 000 habitantes la tendencia de la maternidad en la adolescencia y factores relacionados. Material y métodos…”
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Atención en salud materno-infantil y maternidad adolescente en localidades menores de 100 000 habitantes
Published in Salud pública de México (05-12-2019)“…Objetivo. Comparar la cobertura de atención continua de salud materna y de atención en la primera infancia en mujeres con y sin maternidad en la adolescencia…”
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Published in Temas Agrarios (01-01-2013)“…El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de los bioproductos DIMABAC y FitoMas E en el cultivo del tomate en las condiciones de suelo ferralítico rojo…”
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