Search Results - "Heracleous, Panikos"
A comprehensive study on bilingual and multilingual speech emotion recognition using a two-pass classification scheme
Published in PloS one (15-08-2019)“…Emotion recognition plays an important role in human-computer interaction. Previously and currently, many studies focused on speech emotion recognition using…”
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Analysis and Recognition of NAM Speech Using HMM Distances and Visual Information
Published in IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing (01-08-2010)“…Non-audible murmur (NAM) is an unvoiced speech signal that can be received through the body tissue with the use of special acoustic sensors (i.e., NAM…”
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Unvoiced speech recognition using tissue-conductive acoustic sensor
Published in EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing (01-01-2007)“…We present the use of stethoscope and silicon NAM (nonaudiblemurmur) microphones in automatic speech recognition. NAMmicrophones are special acoustic sensors,…”
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Using Body-Conducted Acoustic Sensors for Human-Robot Communication in Noisy Environments
Published in International journal of advanced robotic systems (01-02-2013)“…In this study, the use of alternative acoustic sensors in human-robot communication is investigated. In particular, a Non-Audible Murmur (NAM) microphone was…”
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Combining laser range finders and local steered response power for audio monitoring
Published in 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (01-10-2012)“…This paper presents an audio monitoring system for detecting and identifying people engaged in a conversation. The proposed method is hands-free as it uses a…”
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Speech emotion recognition in noisy and reverberant environments
Published in 2017 Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) (01-10-2017)“…The current study is focused on automatic speech emotion recognition, and particularly on the effect of additive noise and reverberation on speech emotion…”
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Exploiting alternative acoustic sensors for improved noise robustness in speech communication
Published in Pattern recognition letters (01-09-2018)“…•This study is focused on speech communication using body-conducted sensors.•The sensors are evaluated using subjective tests and automatic speech…”
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A microphone array-based 3-D N-best search algorithm for the simultaneous recognition of multiple sound sources in real environments
Published in 2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings (Cat. No.01CH37221) (01-05-2001)“…Deals with the recognition of distant talking speech and, particularly, with the simultaneous recognition of multiple sound sources. A problem that must be…”
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Cued Speech automatic recognition in normal-hearing and deaf subjects
Published in Speech communication (01-06-2010)“…This article discusses the automatic recognition of Cued Speech in French based on hidden Markov models (HMMs). Cued Speech is a visual mode which, by using…”
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Automatic recognition of speech without any audio information
Published in 2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (01-05-2011)“…This article introduces automatic recognition of speech without any audio information. Movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw are tracked by an…”
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A pilot study on augmented speech communication based on Electro-Magnetic Articulography
Published in Pattern recognition letters (01-06-2011)“…► An Electro-Magnetic Articulography (EMA) device can capture tongue movements accurately. ► Using Hidden Markov models, articulatory movements of…”
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Analysis of the visual Lombard effect and automatic recognition experiments
Published in Computer speech & language (01-01-2013)“…► When speech is occurred in noisy environment, Lombard effect appears. ► Recognition rates decrease also because of the presence of Lombard effect. ► The…”
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Cued Speech automatic recognition in normal-hearing and deaf subjects: Speech and Face-to-Face Communication
Published in Speech communication (2010)Get full text
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HMM-based vowel and consonant automatic recognition in Cued Speech for French
Published in 2009 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurements Systems (01-05-2009)“…In this paper, hidden Markov models (HMM)-based vowel and consonant automatic recognition in cued speech for French are presented. Cued speech is a visual…”
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Lip Shape and Hand Position Fusion for Automatic Vowel Recognition in Cued Speech for French
Published in IEEE signal processing letters (01-05-2009)“…Cued speech is a visual mode of communication that uses handshapes and placements in combination with the mouth movements of speech to make the phonemes of a…”
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Stochastic modeling and disaggregation of energy-consumption behavior
Published in 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (01-05-2014)“…This paper focuses on stochastic modeling and energy disaggregation based on conditional random fields (CRFs) using real-world energy consumption data…”
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Comparative Study on Spoken Language Identification Based on Deep Learning
Published in 2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (01-09-2018)“…Spoken language identification is the process by which the language in a spoken utterance is recognized automatically. Spoken language identification is…”
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Multi-modal front-end for speaker activity detection in small meetings
Published in 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (01-09-2011)“…Small informal meetings of two to four participants are very common in work environments. For this reason, a convenient way for recording and archiving these…”
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Unvoiced Speech Recognition Using Tissue-Conductive Acoustic Sensor
Published in EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing (01-01-2007)“…We present the use of stethoscope and silicon NAM (nonaudible murmur) microphones in automatic speech recognition. NAM microphones are special acoustic…”
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A novel approach for modeling non-keyword intervals in a keyword spotter exploiting acoustic similarities of languages
Published in Speech communication (01-04-2005)“…In this paper, we present a new keyword spotting technique. A critical issue in keyword spotting is the explicit modeling of the non-keyword portions. To date,…”
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