Search Results - "Hennig, J S"

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  1. 1

    Quantum noise cancellation in asymmetric speed metres with balanced homodyne readout by Zhang, T, Knyazev, E, Steinlechner, S, Khalili, F Ya, Barr, B W, Bell, A S, Dupej, P, Briggs, J, Gräf, C, Callaghan, J, Hennig, J S, Houston, E A, Huttner, S H, Leavey, S S, Pascucci, D, Sorazu, B, Spencer, A, Wright, J, Strain, K A, Hild, S, Danilishin, S L

    Published in New journal of physics (29-10-2018)
    “…The Sagnac speed metre topology has been identified as a promising technique to reduce quantum back-action in gravitational-wave interferometers. However,…”
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  2. 2
  3. 3

    ETpathfinder: a cryogenic testbed for interferometric gravitational-wave detectors by Utina, A, Amato, A, Arends, J, Arina, C, de Baar, M, van Bakel, N, Beaumont, W, Bertolini, A, van Beuzekom, M, Biersteker, S, Binetti, A, ter Brake, H. J. M, Bruno, G, Bryant, J, Bulten, H. J, Busch, L, Cebeci, P, Collette, C, Cornelissen, R, Cuijpers, P, Danilishin, S, Dixit, D, van Doesburg, S, Doets, M, Erends, V, van Erps, J, Freise, A, Frenaij, H, Garcia, R, Giesberts, M, Grohmann, S, Van Haevermaet, H, Heijnen, S, van Heijningen, J. V, Hennig, J. -S, Hennig, M, Hertog, T, Hild, S, Hoffmann, H. -D, Hoft, G, Hopman, M, Hoyland, D, Jamshidi, R, Jansweijer, P, Jones, A, Jones, P, Knust, N, Koroveshi, X, Kortekaas, T, Koushik, A. N, Kraan, M, van de Kraats, M, Kuijer, P, Kukkadapu, K. A, Lam, K, Letendre, N, Li, P, Limburg, R, Linde, F, Locquet, J. -P, Loosen, P, Lueck, H, Masserot, A, Molenaar, M, Mow-Lowry, C, Mundet, J, Munneke, B, van Nieuwland, L, Pacaud, E, Pascucci, D, Petit, S, Van Ranst, Z, Recaman, P. M, van Remortel, N, Rolland, L, de Roo, L, Roose, E, Rosier, J. C, Ryckbosch, D, Schouteden, K, Sevrin, A, Sider, A, Spagnuolo, V, Stahl, A, Steinlechner, J, Steinlechner, S, Swinkels, B, Szilasi, N, Tacca, M, Thienpont, H, Vecchio, A, Verkooijen, H, Vermeer, C. H, Vervaeke, M, Visser, G, Werneke, P, Westhofen, C, Willke, B, Xhahi, A, Zhang, T

    Published 10-06-2022
    “…The third-generation of gravitational wave observatories, such as the Einstein Telescope (ET) and Cosmic Explorer (CE), aim for an improvement in sensitivity…”
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  4. 4

    Quantum noise cancellation in asymmetric speed meters with balanced homodyne readout by Zhang, T, Knyazev, E, Steinlechner, S, Khalili, F Ya, Barr, B W, Bell, A S, Dupej, P, Gräf, C, Callaghan, J, Hennig, J S, Houston, E A, Huttner, S H, Leavey, S S, Pascucci, D, Sorazu, B, Spencer, A, Wright, J, Strain, K A, Danilishin, S L, Hild, S

    Published 14-06-2018
    “…Sagnac speed meter (SSM) topology is known as an alternative technique to reduce quantum back-action in gravitational-wave interferometers. However, any…”
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  5. 5

    Control of a velocity-sensitive audio-band quantum non-demolition interferometer by Leavey, S. S, Danilishin, S. L, Gläfke, A, Barr, B. W, Bell, A. S, Gräf, C, Hennig, J. -S, Houston, E. A, Huttner, S. H, Lück, H, Pascucci, D, Somiya, K, Sorazu, B, Spencer, A, Steinlechner, S, Strain, K. A, Wright, J, Zhang, T, Hild, S

    Published 24-03-2016
    “…The Sagnac speed meter interferometer topology can potentially provide enhanced sensitivity to gravitational waves in the audio-band compared to equivalent…”
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