Search Results - "Harutyunyan, Hovhannes A."
Messy Broadcasting in Grid
Published in Algorithms (01-07-2024)“…In classical broadcast models, information is disseminated in synchronous rounds under the constant communication time model, wherein a node may only inform…”
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A new metric to compare local community detection algorithms in social networks using geodesic distance
Published in Journal of combinatorial optimization (01-11-2022)“…Community detection problem is a well-studied problem in social networks. One major question to this problem is how to evaluate different community detection…”
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Dynamic Local Community Detection Algorithms
Published in NOMS 2022-2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (25-04-2022)“…Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of social network services. Real-world social networks are huge and changing over time. Consequently, the problems…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Efficient broadcast trees for weighted vertices
Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics (10-01-2017)“…In this paper, we consider a weighted-vertex model for information dissemination in communication networks. Each node of the network (e.g., a processing…”
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Directional core selection approach and dynamic tree reorganization for delay and delay variation multicast routing
Published in International journal of communication systems (10-03-2018)“…Summary Multicast communication constrained by end‐to‐end and interdestination delay variation is known as delay and delay variation–bounded multicast. These…”
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Tight lower bounds on broadcast function for n = 24 and 25
Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics (01-10-2014)Get full text
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Diametral broadcast graphs
Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics (10-07-2014)“…This paper studies the family of graphs with broadcast time equal to their diameter. The diametral broadcast graph (dbg) problem is to answer the question…”
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Upper bounds on the broadcast function using minimum dominating sets
Published in Discrete mathematics (28-10-2012)“…We construct new upper bounds on the broadcast function B(n), the number of edges in a minimum broadcast graph on n vertices, for a large class of integers n…”
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The worst case behavior of randomized gossip protocols
Published in Theoretical computer science (04-12-2014)“…This paper considers the quasi-random rumor spreading model introduced by Doerr, Friedrich, and Sauerwald in [10], hereafter referred to as the list-based…”
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An Efficient Vertex Addition Method for Broadcast Networks
Published in Internet mathematics (01-01-2008)“…Broadcasting is a basic problem of communication in usual networks. Many papers have investigated the construction of minimum broadcast networks, the cheapest…”
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Minimum multiple message broadcast graphs
Published in Networks (01-07-2006)“…Multiple message broadcasting is the process of multiple message dissemination in a communication network in which m messages, originated by one vertex, are…”
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On broadcasting in unicyclic graphs
Published in Journal of combinatorial optimization (01-10-2008)“…Broadcasting is an information dissemination problem in a connected network, in which one node, called the originator , disseminates a message to all other…”
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Messy broadcasting — Decentralized broadcast schemes with limited knowledge
Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics (06-03-2011)“…We consider versions of broadcasting that proceed in the absence of information about the network. In particular, the vertices of the network do not know the…”
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Broadcasting in interconnection networks based on node partitioning
Published in 2023 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom) (04-09-2023)“…Broadcasting is one of the information dissemination primitives where a message is passed from one node (called originator) to all other nodes in the network…”
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Broadcasting in chains of rings
Published in 2023 Fourteenth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) (04-07-2023)“…Broadcasting is an information dissemination problem in an interconnection network where one node, called the originator, must distribute a message to all…”
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Conference Proceeding -
A Fast Local Community Detection Algorithm in Signed Social Networks
Published in 2022 Ninth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS) (29-11-2022)“…Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of social network services and consequently, research problems investigated in this area. Community detection is…”
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Fully-adaptive Model for Broadcasting with Universal Lists
Published in 2022 24th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC) (01-09-2022)“…In classical broadcasting, a piece of information must be transmitted to all entities of a network as quickly as possible, starting from a particular member…”
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Nonadaptive broadcasting in trees
Published in Networks (01-03-2011)“…We study nonadaptive broadcasting in trees, a process of sending a message from one vertex in a tree to all other vertices. In the nonadaptive model, each…”
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A linear algorithm for finding the k-broadcast center of a tree
Published in Networks (01-05-2009)“…The term k‐broadcast indicates the process of disseminating a message from one vertex to all vertices of a graph in such a way that in each time unit, an…”
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A Broadcasting Heuristic for Hypercube of Trees
Published in 2021 IEEE 11th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC) (27-01-2021)“…Broadcasting is the process of dissemination of information in a network where a particular message is sent starting from an originator. The ultimate objective…”
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Conference Proceeding