Search Results - "Hanser, Steve E."
Evaluating Spatial Coverage of the Greater Sage-Grouse Umbrella to Conserve Sagebrush-Dependent Species Biodiversity within the Wyoming Basins
Published in Land (Basel) (01-01-2024)“…Biodiversity is threatened due to land-use change, overexploitation, pollution, and anthropogenic climate change, altering ecosystem functioning around the…”
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Designing multi‐scale hierarchical monitoring frameworks for wildlife to support management: a sage‐grouse case study
Published in Ecosphere (Washington, D.C) (01-09-2019)“…Population monitoring is integral to the conservation and management of wildlife; yet, analyses of population demographic data rarely consider processes…”
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A targeted annual warning system developed for the conservation of a sagebrush indicator species
Published in Ecological indicators (01-04-2023)“…•Population drivers operate at multiple spatial scales.•Conservation actions typically focus on one spatial scale.•Multi-scale population assessments can…”
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Defining fine‐scaled population structure among continuously distributed populations
Published in Methods in ecology and evolution (01-10-2022)“…Understanding wildlife population structure and connectivity can help managers identify conservation strategies, as structure can facilitate the study of…”
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Defining biologically relevant and hierarchically nested population units to inform wildlife management
Published in Ecology and evolution (01-12-2022)“…Wildlife populations are increasingly affected by natural and anthropogenic changes that negatively alter biotic and abiotic processes at multiple…”
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Synthesizing and analyzing long-term monitoring data: A greater sage-grouse case study
Published in Ecological informatics (01-07-2021)“…Long-term monitoring of natural resources is imperative for increasing the understanding of ecosystem processes, services, and how to manage those ecosystems…”
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