Search Results - "Hanna, D.S."

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  1. 1

    Simulations of a Scintillator Compton Gamma Imager for Safety and Security by Sinclair, L.E., Hanna, D.S., MacLeod, A.M.L., Saull, P.R.B.

    Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-06-2009)
    “…We are designing an all-scintillator Compton gamma imager for use in security investigations and remediation actions involving radioactive threat material. To…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    OSETI with STACEE: a search for nanosecond optical transients from nearby stars by Hanna, D S, Ball, J, Covault, C E, Carson, J E, Driscoll, D D, Fortin, P, Gingrich, D M, Jarvis, A, Kildea, J, Lindner, T, Mueller, C, Mukherjee, R, Ong, R A, Ragan, K, Williams, D A, Zweerink, J

    Published in Astrobiology (01-05-2009)
    “…We have used the Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment (STACEE) high-energy gamma-ray detector to look for fast blue-green laser pulses from the…”
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    The STACEE ground-based gamma-ray detector by Gingrich, D.M., Boone, L.M., Bramel, D., Carson, J., Covault, C.E., Fortin, P., Hanna, D.S., Hinton, J.A., Jarvis, A., Kildea, J., Lindner, T., Mueller, C., Mukherjee, R., Ong, R.A., Ragan, K., Scalzo, R.A., Theoret, C.G., Williams, D.A., Zweerink, J.A.

    Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-12-2005)
    “…We describe the design and performance of the Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment (STACEE) in its complete configuration. STACEE uses the…”
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    Development of a Compton imager based on bars of scintillator by MacLeod, A.M.L., Boyle, P.J., Hanna, D.S., Saull, P.R.B., Sinclair, L.E., Seywerd, H.C.J.

    “…We have developed a compact Compton gamma-ray imager with a large field of view and a low channel-count that is capable of quickly localizing gamma-ray sources…”
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    First demonstration of a Compton gamma imager based on silicon photomultipliers by Saull, P.R.B., Sinclair, L.E., Seywerd, H.C.J., Hanna, D.S., Boyle, P.J., MacLeod, A.M.L.

    “…We are developing a rugged and person-transportable Compton gamma imager for use in security investigations of radioactive materials, and for radiological…”
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  7. 7

    Very high-energy observations of the two high-frequency peaked BL Lac objects 1ES 1218 + 304 and H 1426 + 428 by Mueller, C., Akhter, N., Ball, J., Bramel, D.A., Carson, J., Covault, C.E., Driscoll, D., Fortin, P., Gingrich, D.M., Hanna, D.S., Jarvis, A., Kildea, J., Lindner, T., Mukherjee, R., Ong, R.A., Ragan, K., Scalzo, R.A., Williams, D.A., Zweerink, J.

    Published in Astroparticle physics (01-04-2011)
    “…We present results of very-high-energy gamma-ray observations ( E γ > 160 GeV) of two high-frequency-peaked BL Lac (HBL) objects, 1ES 1218 + 304 and H 1426 +…”
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  8. 8

    Measurement of elastic ϒ photoproduction at HERA by Mikunas, D., Talaga, R.L., Anselmo, F., Bari, G., Boscherini, D., Bruni, G., Cara Romeo, G., Contin, A., Coppola, N., Corradi, M., Giusti, P., Amelung, C., Brock, I., Deffner, R., Grothe, M., Heinz, L., Campbell-Robson, S., Cottingham, W.N., Heath, G.P., Capua, M., Mastroberardino, A., Lee, J.H., Lim, I.T., Pac, M.Y., Caldwell, A., Liu, W., Sampson, S., Sciulli, F., Zhu, Q., Borzemski, P., Figiel, J., Przybycień, M.B., Rulikowska-Zarȩbska, E., Beier, H., Bienlein, J.K., Drews, G., Göttlicher, P., Kowalski, H., Löhr, B., Notz, D., Schlenstedt, S., Gallo, E., Bamberger, A., Macdonald, N., McCance, G.J., Waugh, R., Meyer-Larsen, A., Salehi, H., Gladilin, L.K., Lohrmann, E., Butterworth, I., Prinias, A., Mallik, U., Wang, S.M., Wu, J.T., Cloth, P., Fleck, J.I., Hong, S.J., Lim, H., Barreiro, F., Glasman, C., Hernández, J.M., Puga, J., de Trocóniz, J.F., Hartmann, J., Riveline, M., St-Laurent, M., Stifutkin, A., Golubkov, Yu.A., Botje, M., Kooijman, P., Tiecke, H., Wiggers, L., Durkin, L.S., Ginsburg, C.M., Ling, T.Y., Nath, C., Walczak, R., Stroili, R., Okrasiński, J.R., Iga, Y., Nigro, A., Heusch, C., Williams, D.C., Levy, A., Ruspa, M., Fagerstroem, C.-P., Polenz, S., Wing, M., Ciborowski, J., Pawlak, J.M., Tymieniecka, T., Adamus, M., Eisenberg, Y., Hochman, D., Karshon, U., Wodarczyk, M., Deshpande, A., Bhadra, S., Schmidke, W.B.

    Published in Physics letters. B (08-10-1998)
    “…The photoproduction reaction γp→ μ +μ −p has been studied in ep interactions using the ZEUS detector at HERA. The data sample corresponds to an integrated…”
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    Very high energy observations of the BL Lac objects 3C 66A and OJ 287 by Lindner, T., Hanna, D.S., Kildea, J., Ball, J., Bramel, D.A., Carson, J., Covault, C.E., Driscoll, D., Fortin, P., Gingrich, D.M., Jarvis, A., Mueller, C., Mukherjee, R., Ong, R.A., Ragan, K., Scalzo, R.A., Williams, D.A., Zweerink, J.

    Published in Astroparticle physics (01-11-2007)
    “…Using the Solar Tower Atmospheric Cherenkov Effect Experiment (STACEE), we have observed the BL Lac objects 3C 66A and OJ 287. These are members of the class…”
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  10. 10

    Measurement of exclusive ω electroproduction at HERA by Krakauer, D., Pellegrino, A., Anselmo, F., Bari, G., Boscherini, D., Bruni, G., Cara Romeo, G., Contin, A., Coppola, N., Corradi, M., Giusti, P., Amelung, C., Brock, I., Deffner, R., Jakob, H.-P., Paul, E., Brook, N.H., Foster, B., Heath, G.P., Mastroberardino, A., Lee, J.H., Lim, I.T., Caldwell, A., Liu, W., Sampson, S., Sciulli, F., Chwastowski, J., Figiel, J., Olkiewicz, K., Przybycień, M.B., Przybycień, M., Suszycki, L., Dannheim, D., Desler, K., Hain, W., Koch, W., Kötz, U., Mankel, R., Milite, M., Notz, D., Rohde, M., Meyer, A., Maccarrone, G., Votano, L., Markun, P., Sinclair, L.E., Wick, K., Kçira, D., Lohrmann, E., Zetsche, F., Goncalo, R., Long, K.R., Tapper, A.D., Filges, D., Kuze, M., Nagano, K., Lee, S.B., Park, I.H., Son, D., Glasman, C., Barbi, M., Bashkirov, V., Sosnovtsev, V., Suchkov, S., Ermolov, P.F., Khein, L.A., Korzhavina, I.A., Lukina, O.Yu, Solomin, A.N., Bokel, C., Brümmer, N., Gilmore, J., Boogert, S., Okrasiński, J.R., Whitmore, J.J., Iga, Y., D'Agostini, G., Epperson, D., Seiden, A., Wichmann, R., Abramowicz, H., Fusayasu, T., Inuzuka, M., Ferrero, M.I., Ruspa, M., Fagerstroem, C.-P., Martin, J.F., Polenz, S., Butterworth, J.M., Jones, T.W., Ciesielski, R., Nowak, R.J., Pawlak, R., Eisenberg, Y., Hochman, D., Karshon, U., Foudas, C., Wodarczyk, M., Bhadra, S., Hall-Wilton, R.

    Published in Physics letters. B (17-08-2000)
    “…The exclusive electroproduction of ω mesons, ep→ eωp, has been studied in the kinematic range 3< Q 2<20 GeV 2, 40< W<120 GeV and | t|<0.6 GeV 2 with the ZEUS…”
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  11. 11

    Measurement of inclusive prompt photon photoproduction at HERA by Krakauer, D., Pellegrino, A., Anselmo, F., Bari, G., Boscherini, D., Bruni, G., Cara Romeo, G., Contin, A., Coppola, N., Corradi, M., Giusti, P., Amelung, C., Brock, I., Deffner, R., Jakob, H.-P., Paul, E., Voss, K.Ch, Brook, N.H., Heath, G.P., Mastroberardino, A., Lee, J.H., Lim, I.T., Liu, W., Sampson, S., Sciulli, F., Chwastowski, J., Jeleń, K., Przybycień, M., Suszycki, L., Fricke, U., Hasell, D., Hebbel, K., Martı́nez, M., Monteiro, T., Rohde, M., Youngman, C., Coldewey, C., Straub, P.B., Barbagli, G., Maccarrone, G., Votano, L., Eisenhardt, S., Macdonald, N., Sinclair, L.E., Skillicorn, I.O., Waugh, R., Meyer-Larsen, A., Gialas, I., Gladilin, L.K., Kçira, D., Lohrmann, E., Zetsche, F., Goncalo, R., Long, K.R., Tapper, A.D., Filges, D., Kuze, M., Nagano, K., An, S.H., Lee, S.B., Park, S.K., Redondo, I., Corriveau, F., Stairs, D.G., Golubkov, Yu.A., Khein, L.A., Kooijman, P., Tiecke, H., Vossebeld, J., Durkin, L.S., Ling, T.Y., Sutton, M.R., Bertolin, A., Brugnera, R., Dondana, S., Dosselli, U., Morandin, M., Voci, C., Sadrozinski, H.F.-W., Dagan, S., Kananov, S., Kreisel, A., Hamatsu, R., Cartiglia, N., Maselli, S., Peroni, C., Staiano, A., Bailey, D.C., Galea, R., Levman, G.M., Catterall, C.D., Heaphy, E.A., Ciborowski, J., Grzelak, G., Wróblewski, A.K., Żarnecki, A.F., Reeder, D.D., Smith, W.H., Cole, J.E., Khakzad, M.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-01-2000)
    “…First inclusive measurements of isolated prompt photons in photoproduction at the HERA ep collider have been made with the ZEUS detector, using an integrated…”
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  12. 12

    Measurement of azimuthal asymmetries in deep inelastic scattering by Krakauer, D., Pellegrino, A., Anselmo, F., Bari, G., Boscherini, D., Bruni, G., Cara Romeo, G., Contin, A., Coppola, N., Corradi, M., Giusti, P., Amelung, C., Brock, I., Deffner, R., Jakob, H.-P., Paul, E., Voss, K.Ch, Brook, N.H., Heath, G.P., Mastroberardino, A., Lee, J.H., Lim, I.T., Caldwell, A., Liu, W., Sampson, S., Sciulli, F., Chwastowski, J., Figiel, J., Olkiewicz, K., Przybycień, M.B., Przybycień, M., Suszycki, L., Dannheim, D., Desler, K., Göttlicher, P., Hain, W., Hebbel, K., Johnson, K.F., Koch, W., Kötz, U., Milite, M., Notz, D., Rohde, M., Tassi, E., Youngman, C., Coldewey, C., Straub, P.B., Barbagli, G., Maccarrone, G., Votano, L., Benen, A., Eisenhardt, S., Sinclair, L.E., Wick, K., Kçira, D., Lohrmann, E., Zetsche, F., Goncalo, R., Long, K.R., Tapper, A.D., Filges, D., Kuze, M., Nagano, K., Lee, S.B., Park, I.H., Son, D., Glasman, C., Barbi, M., Bashkirov, V., Kuzmin, V.A., Botje, M., Kooijman, P., Vossebeld, J., Kim, C.L., Ling, T.Y., Sutton, M.R., Bertolin, A., Brugnera, R., Morandin, M., Posocco, M., Sadrozinski, H.F.-W., Dagan, S., Kananov, S., Kreisel, A., Hamatsu, R., Cartiglia, N., Maselli, S., Peroni, C., Solano, A., Bailey, D.C., Galea, R., Orr, R.S., Hayes, M.E., Grzelak, G., Wróblewski, A.K., Deppe, O., Chapin, D., Catterall, C., Frisken, W.R., Menary, S.

    Published in Physics letters. B (25-05-2000)
    “…The distribution of the azimuthal angle for the charged hadrons has been studied in the hadronic centre-of-mass system for neutral current deep inelastic…”
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  13. 13

    Measurement of elastic φ photoproduction at HERA by Mikunas, D., Talaga, R.L., Basile, M., Bruni, A., Cara Romeo, G., Castellini, G., Gialas, I., Iacobucci, G., Levi, G., Massam, T., Palmonari, F., Zamora Garcia, Y., Zichichi, A., Jakob, H.-P., Katz, U.F., Mollen, J., Paul, E., George, S., Heath, G.P., Piccioni, D., Yoshida, R., Liu, W., Ritz, S., Chwastowski, J., Zaja̧c, J., Gilkinson, D.J., Große-Knetter, J., Klanner, R., Notz, D., Westphal, D., Wolf, G., Youngman, C., Mari, S.M., Wulff, N., De Pasquale, S., Eisenhardt, S., Sinclair, L.E., Utley, M.L., Horstmann, D., Burow, B.D., Hagge, L., Bacon, T.C., Butterworth, I., Prinias, A., Sideris, D., Mallik, U., Wang, M.Z., Wu, J.T., Cho, G.H., Kim, H.-J., McNeil, R.R., Barreiro, F., Hernández, J.M., Puga, J., Terron, J., Hartmann, J., Hung, L.W., Stairs, D.G., Zacek, G., Dolgoshein, B.A., Gladilin, L.K., Solomin, A.N., Chlebana, F., Verkerke, W., Acosta, D., Gilmore, J., Cashmore, R.J., Cooper-Sarkar, A.M., McFall, J.D., Quadt, A., Tickner, J.R., Dal Corso, F., Stroili, R., Zuin, F., Feild, R.G., Nigro, A., Shah, T.P., Dubbs, T., Heusch, C., Seiden, A., Zech, G., Fleck, J.I., Mine, S., Umemori, K., Chiba, M., Sacchi, R., Solano, A., Sampson, C.R., Simmons, D., Butterworth, J.M., Shulman, J., Lu, B., Ciborowski, J., Gajewski, J., Kasprzak, M., Krzyżanowski, M., Muchorowski, K., Badgett, W.F., Chapin, D., Mattingly, S.

    Published in Physics letters. B (13-06-1996)
    “…The production of φ mesons in the reaction e + p → e + φp ( gf → K + K −) at a median Q 2 of 10 −4 GeV 2 h been studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The…”
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  15. 15

    Measurement of inclusive ( Ds±) photoproduction at HERA by Krakauer, D., Pellegrino, A., Anselmo, F., Bari, G., Boscherini, D., Bruni, G., Cara Romeo, G., Contin, A., Coppola, N., Corradi, M., Giusti, P., Amelung, C., Brock, I., Deffner, R., Jakob, H.-P., Paul, E., Voss, K.Ch, Brook, N.H., Heath, G.P., Mastroberardino, A., Lee, J.H., Lim, I.T., Liu, W., Sampson, S., Sciulli, F., Chwastowski, J., Figiel, J., Olkiewicz, K., Przybycień, M.B., Przybycień, M., Suszycki, L., Dannheim, D., Desler, K., Göttlicher, P., Hain, W., Hebbel, K., Johnson, K.F., Koch, W., Kötz, U., Milite, M., Notz, D., Rohde, M., Tassi, E., Youngman, C., Coldewey, C., Straub, P.B., Barbagli, G., Maccarrone, G., Votano, L., Benen, A., Eisenhardt, S., Sinclair, L.E., Wick, K., Kçira, D., Lohrmann, E., Zetsche, F., Goncalo, R., Long, K.R., Tapper, A.D., Filges, D., Kuze, M., Nagano, K., Lee, S.B., Park, I.H., Son, D., Glasman, C., Barbi, M., Bashkirov, V., Kuzmin, V.A., Botje, M., Kooijman, P., Vossebeld, J., Kim, C.L., Ling, T.Y., Sutton, M.R., Bertolin, A., Brugnera, R., Morandin, M., Posocco, M., Sadrozinski, H.F.-W., Dagan, S., Kananov, S., Kreisel, A., Hamatsu, R., Cartiglia, N., Maselli, S., Peroni, C., Solano, A., Dardo, M., Bailey, D.C., Galea, R., Orr, R.S., Hayes, M.E., Grzelak, G., Wróblewski, A.K., Deppe, O., Chapin, D., Catterall, C., Frisken, W.R., Menary, S.

    Published in Physics letters. B (25-05-2000)
    “…The first measurement of inclusive D s ± photoproduction at HERA has been performed with the ZEUS detector for photon-proton centre-of-mass energies 130<W<280…”
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  16. 16

    Design studies for an all-scintillator Compton telescope by MacLeod, A.M.L., Hanna, D.S., Saull, P.R.B., Seywerd, H.C.J., Sinclair, L.E.

    “…We are designing an all-scintillator Compton gamma imager to be used in criminal and security investigations involving radioactive threat material. We have…”
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  17. 17

    Measurement of dijet cross sections for events with a leading neutron in photoproduction at HERA by Derrick, M., Pellegrino, A., Yoshida, R., Mattingly, M.C.K., Boscherini, D., Bruni, A., De Pasquale, S., Levi, G., Sartorelli, G., Amelung, C., Coböken, K., Deffner, R., Heinloth, K., Irrgang, P., Tandler, J., Bailey, D.S., Brook, N.H., Foster, B., Scott, J., Schioppa, M., Caldwell, A., Liu, X., Klimek, K., Zawiejski, L., Kisielewska, D., Kowal, A.M., Kowalski, T., Behrens, U., Chiochia, V., Fox-Murphy, A., Hartner, G.F., Kowalski, H., Labes, H., Moritz, M., Savin, A.A., Selonke, F., Sievers, M., Stonjek, S., Schlenstedt, S., Straub, P.B., Gallo, E., Parenti, A., Benen, A., Glasman, C., Gendner, N., Kçira, D., Klanner, R., Lohrmann, E., Miller, D.B., Cloth, P., Ishii, T., Nagano, K., Park, S.K., Corriveau, F., Ochs, A., Padhi, S., Wing, M., Sosnovtsev, V., Ermolov, P.F., Lukina, O.Yu, Shcheglova, L.M., Solomin, A.N., Botje, M., Brümmer, N., Grijpink, S., Koffeman, E., Kooijman, P., Schagen, S., Tuning, N., Boogert, S., Devenish, R.C.E., Sutton, M.R., Brugnera, R., Limentani, S., Stanco, L., Turcato, M., Adamczyk, L., Nigro, A., Hart, J.C., Williams, D.C., Kreisel, A., Hamatsu, R., Arneodo, M., Cirio, R., Ferrero, M.I., Monaco, V., Galea, R., Levman, G.M., Butterworth, J.M., Lane, J.B., Pawlak, J.M., Żarnecki, A.F., Adamus, M., Badgett, W.F., Cross, R., Smith, W.H., Wildschek, T., Dhawan, S., Hughes, V.W., Hall-Wilton, R.

    Published in Nuclear physics. B (26-02-2001)
    “…Differential cross sections for dijet photoproduction in association with a leading neutron using the reaction e ++ p→ e ++ n+jet+jet+ X r have been measured…”
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  18. 18

    Extraction of the gluon density of the proton at x by Musgrave, B., Repond, J., Basile, M., Bruni, A., Cara Romeo, G., Castellini, G., Contin, A., Giusti, P., Timellini, R., Haun, D., Hilger, E., Mengel, S., Dyce, N., Yoshida, R., Wai, L., Bednarek, B., Jelén, K., Rulikowska-Zarȩbska, E., Bauerdick, L.A.T., Bienlein, J.K., Coldewey, C., Drews, G., Flasiński, M., Hultschig, H., Joos, P., Kröger, W., Rohde, M., Roldán, J., Selonke, F., Meyer, A., Rethfeldt, C., Votano, L., Theisen, G., Jamieson, V.A., Horstmann, D., Neumann, T., Wick, K., Pavel, N., Terron, J., Beuselinck, R., Gallo, E., Long, K.R., Sedgbeer, J.K., Cloth, P., An, S.H., Park, S.K., Imlay, R., Nadendla, V.K., Cases, G., Lim, J.N., Matthews, C.G., St.Laurent, M., Stifutkin, A., Kuzmin, V.A., Botje, M., de Jong, P., Kooijman, P., O'Dell, V., Verkerke, W., de Wolf, E., van Woudenberg, R., Honscheid, K., Seidlein, R., Blair, G.A., Byrne, A., Cashmore, R.J., Cooper-Sarkar, A.M., Harnew, N., Luffman, P.E., Uijterwaal, H., Dal Corso, F., Stroili, R., Butterworth, J.M., Feild, R.G., Cartiglia, N., Sadrozinski, H.F.-W., Dagan, S., Hazumi, M., Ishii, T., Nakao, M., Nagayama, S., Nakamitsu, Y., Maselli, S., Peroni, C., Staiano, A., Crombie, M.B., Levman, G.M., Catterall, C.D., Jones, T.W., Lane, J.B., Mo, L.W., Pawlak, J.M., Tymieniecka, T., Revel, D., Shapira, A., Ali, I., Loveless, R.J., Reeder, D.D., Smith, W.H., Furutani, K.M.

    Published in Physics letters. B (23-02-1995)
    “…The gluon momentum density xg( x, Q 2) of the proton was extracted at Q 2 = 20 GeV 2 for small values of x between 4 × 10 −4 and 10 −2 from the scaling…”
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  19. 19

    Exclusive ϱ0 production in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering at HERA by Mikunas, D., Basile, M., Bellagamba, L., Cara Romeo, G., Castellini, G., Gialas, I., Iacobucci, G., Levi, G., Massam, T., Nemoz, C., Palmonari, F., Zichichi, A., Crittenden, J., Eckert, M., Feld, L., Frey, A., Grothe, M., Mari, S.M., Cassidy, A., Gilmore, R., Heath, H.F., Llewellyn, T.J., Morgado, C.J.S., O'Mara, J.A., Iannotti, L., Schioppa, M., Cartiglia, N., Yang, S., Suszycki, L., Kotański, A., Deppe, O., Drews, G., Göttlicher, P., Joos, P., Löwe, M., Lüke, D., Monteiro, T., Rohde, M., Roldán, J., Selonke, F., Voß, T., Westphal, D., Youngman, C., Leich, A., Barbagli, G., De Pasquale, S., Fleck, J.I., Utley, M.L., Neumann, T., Wick, K., Lohrmann, E., Pavel, N., Poelz, G., Kartik, S., Metcalf, W., Fernandez, J.P., Labarga, L., Martinez, M., del Peso, J., Hanna, D.S., Patel, P.M., Golubkov, Yu.A., Kuzmin, V.A., Botje, M., Tiecke, H., Bylsma, B., Durkin, L.S., Romanowski, T.A., Lindemann, L., Quadt, A., Tickner, J.R., Waters, D.S., Morandin, M., Posocco, M., Voci, C., Tassi, E., Hart, J.C., Dubbs, T., Lockman, W., Williams, D.C., Seifert, R.J., Schwarzer, O., Abramowicz, H., Homma, K., Bailey, D.C., Martin, J.F., Polenz, S., Lu, B., Charchuła, K., Ciborowski, J., Gajewski, J., Grzelak, G., Kasprzak, M., Krzyżanowski, M., Muchorowski, K., Żarnecki, A.F., Karshon, U., Badgett, W.F., Behrens, B., Fordham, C.

    Published in Physics letters. B (24-08-1995)
    “…The exclusive production of ϱ 0 mesons in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering has been studied using the ZEUS detector. Cross sections have been measured…”
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    Rapidity gaps between jets in photoproduction at HERA by Mikunas, D., Basile, M., Bellagamba, L., Cifarelli, L., Levi, G., Palmonari, F., Doeker, T., Frey, A., Heinz, L., Campbell-Robson, S., Cassidy, A., Cottingham, W.N., Heath, H.F., Morgado, C.J.S., Roff, D.G., Iannotti, L., Schioppa, M., Cartiglia, N., Yang, S., Rulikowska-Zarȩbska, E., Deppe, O., Drews, G., Göttlicher, P., Joos, P., Löwe, M., Lüke, D., Monteiro, T., Rohde, M., Roldán, J., Selonke, F., Voß, T., Westphal, D., Youngman, C., Leich, A., Mari, S.M., Barbagli, G., Söldner-Rembold, S., Doyle, A.T., Utley, M.L., Neumann, T., Wick, K., Pavel, N., Suh, M.H., Kartik, S., Metcalf, W., Fernandez, J.P., Labarga, L., Martinez, M., del Peso, J., Hanna, D.S., Patel, P.M., Golubkov, Yu.A., Kuzmin, V.A., Shcheglova, L.M., Zotov, N.P., de Kamps, M., Tiecke, H., Vreeswijk, M., Bylsma, B., Durkin, L.S., Romanowski, T.A., Lancaster, M., Lindemann, L., Quadt, A., Tickner, J.R., Waters, D.S., Morandin, M., Posocco, M., Voci, C., Tassi, E., Hart, J.C., McCubbin, N.A., Prytz, K., Shah, T.P., Short, T.L., Dubbs, T., Williams, D.C., Schwarzer, O., Abramowicz, H., Briskin, G., Fleck, J.I., Hasegawa, T., Kuze, M., Mine, S., Nagasawa, Y., Suzuki, I., Tokushuku, K., Chiba, M., Sacchi, R., Dardo, M., Bandyopadhyay, D., Benard, F., Gingrich, D.M., Teuscher, R.J., Blankenship, K., Wróblewski, A.K., Zakrzewski, J.A., Adamus, M., Goussiou, A., Frisken, W.R.

    Published in Physics letters. B (15-02-1996)
    “…Photoproduction events which have two or more jets have been studied in the W γp range 135 GeV < W γp < 280 GeV with the ZEUS detector at HERA. A class of…”
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