Search Results - "Hamlin, J"
Moral Judgment and Action in Preverbal Infants and Toddlers: Evidence for an Innate Moral Core
Published in Current directions in psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society (01-06-2013)“…Although developmental psychologists traditionally explore morality from a learning and development perspective, some aspects of the human moral sense may be…”
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Three-month-olds show a negativity bias in their social evaluations
Published in Developmental science (01-11-2010)“…Previous research has shown that 6‐month‐olds evaluate others on the basis of their social behaviors – they are attracted to prosocial individuals, and avoid…”
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How infants and toddlers react to antisocial others
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (13-12-2011)“…Although adults generally prefer helpful behaviors and those who perform them, there are situations (in particular, when the target of an action is disliked)…”
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Social evaluation by preverbal infants
Published in Nature (22-11-2007)“…The capacity to evaluate other people is essential for navigating the social world. Humans must be able to assess the actions and intentions of the people…”
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Evidence for core social goal understanding (and, perhaps, core morality) in preverbal infants
Published in The Behavioral and brain sciences (27-06-2024)“…Spelke's masterfully describes infants' impressive repertoire of core cognitive concepts, from which the suite of human knowledge is eventually built. The…”
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Failed attempts to help and harm: Intention versus outcome in preverbal infants’ social evaluations
Published in Cognition (01-09-2013)“…•Examined preverbal infants’ ability to incorporate intentionality into their social evaluations.•View characters try, but fail, to help or to hinder a third…”
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Prosocial Behavior Leads to Happiness in a Small-Scale Rural Society
Published in Journal of experimental psychology. General (01-08-2015)“…Humans are extraordinarily prosocial, and research conducted primarily in North America indicates that giving to others is emotionally rewarding. To examine…”
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The mentalistic basis of core social cognition: experiments in preverbal infants and a computational model
Published in Developmental science (01-03-2013)“…Evaluating individuals based on their pro‐ and anti‐social behaviors is fundamental to successful human interaction. Recent research suggests that even…”
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Young infants prefer prosocial to antisocial others
Published in Cognitive development (01-01-2011)“…The current study replicates and extends the finding ( Hamlin, Wynn & Bloom, 2007) that infants prefer individuals who act prosocially toward unrelated third…”
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Creating superconductivity in WB2 through pressure-induced metastable planar defects
Published in Nature communications (22-12-2022)“…High-pressure electrical resistivity measurements reveal that the mechanical deformation of ultra-hard WB 2 during compression induces superconductivity above…”
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Toddlers’ affective responses to sociomoral scenes: Insights from physiological measures
Published in Journal of experimental child psychology (01-01-2024)“…•Toddlers show more frowning when viewing hindering (vs. helping) acts.•Toddlers’ pupils are smaller after viewing hindering (vs. helping)…”
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Giving leads to happiness in young children
Published in PloS one (14-06-2012)“…Evolutionary models of cooperation require proximate mechanisms that sustain prosociality despite inherent costs to individuals. The "warm glow" that often…”
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We aren't especially fearful apes, and fearful apes aren't especially prosocial
Published in The Behavioral and brain sciences (08-05-2023)“…Grossmann posits that heightened fearfulness in humans evolved to facilitate cooperative caregiving. We argue that three of his claims - that children express…”
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Foundations of infants' social group evaluations
Published in Developmental science (01-05-2018)“…Previous research has suggested that infants exhibit a preference for familiar over unfamiliar social groups (e.g., preferring individuals from their own…”
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Not Like Me = Bad: Infants Prefer Those Who Harm Dissimilar Others
Published in Psychological science (01-04-2013)“…Adults tend to like individuals who are similar to themselves, and a growing body of recent research suggests that even infants and young children prefer…”
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Children’s Judgments of Epistemic and Moral Agents: From Situations to Intentions
Published in Perspectives on psychological science (01-05-2019)“…Children’s evaluations of moral and epistemic agents crucially depend on their discerning that an agent’s actions were performed intentionally. Here we argue…”
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The Homogeneity and Heterogeneity of Moral Functioning in Preschool
Published in Child development (01-05-2021)“…The current study examined relations between distinct aspects of moral functioning, and their cognitive and emotional correlates, in preschool age children…”
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Able and willing: Infants selectively seek help from competent and benevolent others
Published in Developmental psychology (29-08-2024)“…Young children often encounter unsolvable problems with which they require others' help. To receive adequate assistance, children must be savvy about whom they…”
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Build up big-team science
Published in Nature (London) (27-01-2022)“…Researchers are creating grass-roots collaborative networks to tackle difficult questions in primate studies and more, but they need funding and other support…”
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Social Behavior: Bonobos Are Nice but Prefer Mean Guys
Published in Current biology (19-02-2018)“…Human infants prefer to interact with prosocial individuals. Bonobos, our close relatives, however, prefer antisocial individuals, perhaps due to a preference…”
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