Search Results - "Hamada, Mitsuru"

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  1. 1

    The minimum number of rotations about two axes for constructing an arbitrarily fixed rotation by Hamada, Mitsuru

    Published in Royal Society open science (01-11-2014)
    “…For any pair of three-dimensional real unit vectors m^ and n^ with |m^Tn^|<1 and any rotation U, let Nm^,n^(U) denote the least value of a positive integer k…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    Concatenated Quantum Codes Constructible in Polynomial Time: Efficient Decoding and Error Correction by Hamada, M.

    Published in IEEE transactions on information theory (01-12-2008)
    “…A method for concatenating quantum error-correcting codes is presented. The method is applicable to a wide class of quantum error-correcting codes known as…”
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    Journal Article
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  4. 4

    Information rates achievable with algebraic codes on quantum discrete memoryless channels by Hamada, M.

    Published in IEEE transactions on information theory (01-12-2005)
    “…The highest information rate at which quantum error-correction schemes work reliably on a channel is called the quantum capacity. Here this is proven to be…”
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    Journal Article
  5. 5

    The Minimum Number of Rotations About Two Axes for Constructing an Arbitrary Fixed Rotation by Hamada, Mitsuru

    Published 30-06-2014
    “…R. Soc. open sci. 1: 140145 (Nov. 2014) For any pair of three-dimensional real unit vectors $\hat{m}$ and $\hat{n}$ with $|\hat{m}^{\rm T} \hat{n}| < 1$ and…”
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  6. 6

    Lower bounds on the quantum capacity and highest error exponent of general memoryless channels by Hamada, M.

    Published in IEEE transactions on information theory (01-09-2002)
    “…Tradeoffs between the information rate and fidelity of quantum error-correcting codes are discussed. Quantum channels to be considered are those subject to…”
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    Journal Article
  7. 7

    Security of concatenated encoders for wiretap channels by Hamada, Mitsuru

    “…Upper bounds on the `information leakage' of concatenated encoders for wiretap channels are presented. An illustrative implication of this result is that for a…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  8. 8

    The burst weight distributions of maximum-Hamming-distance-separable codes by Hamada, M.

    Published in IEEE transactions on information theory (01-01-2001)
    “…The burst weight distributions (spectra) of linear maximum-Hamming-distance-separable (MDS) codes are all established explicitly…”
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    Journal Article
  9. 9

    An Exposition of a Result in "Conjugate Codes for Secure and Reliable Information Transmission" by Hamada, Mitsuru

    Published 12-01-2010
    “…An elementary proof of the attainability of random coding exponent with linear codes for additive channels is presented. The result and proof are from Hamada…”
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    Journal Article
  10. 10

    Class of error control codes for byte organized memory systems - SbEC-(Sb+S)ED codes by Hamada, Mitsuru, Fujiwara, Eiji

    Published in IEEE transactions on computers (01-01-1997)
    “…A new class of error control codes, single byte error correcting and single byte plus single bit error detecting codes, are presented. The codes are suitable…”
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    Journal Article
  11. 11

    Constructive Conjugate Codes for Quantum Error Correction and Cryptography by Hamada, Mitsuru

    Published 28-03-2007
    “…A conjugate code pair is defined as a pair of linear codes either of which contains the dual of the other. A conjugate code pair represents the essential…”
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    Journal Article
  12. 12

    Concatenated Quantum Codes Constructible in Polynomial Time: Efficient Decoding and Error Correction by Hamada, Mitsuru

    Published 23-10-2006
    “…IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 5689--5704, 2008 A method for concatenating quantum error-correcting codes is presented. The method is…”
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    Journal Article
  13. 13

    Concatenated Conjugate Codes by Hamada, Mitsuru

    Published 23-10-2006
    “…A conjugate code pair is defined as a pair of linear codes either of which contains the dual of the other. A conjugate code pair represents the essential…”
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    Journal Article
  14. 14

    Conjugate Codes and Applications to Cryptography by Hamada, Mitsuru

    Published 23-10-2006
    “…Tamagawa University Research Review, No. 12, pp. 19--25, 2006 A conjugate code pair is defined as a pair of linear codes such that one contains the dual of the…”
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    Journal Article
  15. 15

    Conjugate Codes for Secure and Reliable Information Transmission by Hamada, Mitsuru

    “…A conjugate code pair is defined as a pair of linear codes either of which contains the dual of the other. A conjugate code pair represents the essential…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  16. 16

    Teleportation and entanglement distillation in the presence of correlation among bipartite mixed states by Hamada, Mitsuru

    “…The teleportation channel associated with an arbitrary bipartite state denotes the map that represents the change suffered by a teleported state when the…”
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    Journal Article
  17. 17

    ToA-based positioning system for industrial wireless LAN by Denney, Khairunisa Ahmad, Hamada, Mitsuru, Nagao, Yuhei, Kurosaki, Masayuki, Ochi, Hiroshi

    “…In this paper, we propose an alternative positioning system using time-synchronized wireless network that can achieve high positioning accuracy without being…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  18. 18

    A polynomial-time construction of self-orthogonal codes and applications to quantum error correction by Hamada, M.

    “…A polynomial-time construction of a sequence of self-orthogonal geometric Goppa codes attaining the Tsfasman-Vladut-Zink (TVZ) bound is presented. The issue of…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  19. 19

    Efficient quotient codes decodable in polynomial time for quantum error correction and cryptography by Hamada, M.

    “…Quantum error-correcting codes that achieve high rates in the Shannon theoretic sense and that are efficiently decodable are presented…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  20. 20

    Algebraic and quantum theoretical approach to coding on wiretap channels by Hamada, M.

    “…Algebraic codes designed on a criterion that has arisen from quantum cryptography are analyzed. The primary purpose of this analysis is to demonstrate the…”
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    Conference Proceeding