Search Results - "Hall, Vernon C"

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  1. 1

    Can Student-Generated Illustrations Be Worth Ten Thousand Words? by Hall, Vernon C, Bailey, Johanna, Tillman, Christopher

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-12-1997)
    “…The major purpose of the present study was to determine if reader-generated illustrations are as effective as experimenter-provided illustrations in providing…”
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  2. 2

    Reflections of an Aging Educational Psychologist by Hall, Vernon C.

    Published in Educational psychology review (01-09-1997)
    “…It is suggested that the graduate training program in educational psychology fits well into an all inclusive psychology department. I go on to submit that the…”
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  3. 3

    Deciding Where Knowledge Comes From Depends on Where You Look by Hall, Vernon C, Chiarello, Karen S, Edmondson, Beverly

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-06-1996)
    “…The purpose of this investigation was to replicate the findings of K. E. Stanovich and A. E. Cunningham (1993) concerning the antecedents of declarative…”
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  4. 4

    Effects of Examples and Embedded Questions on the Accuracy of Comprehension Self-Assessments by Walczyk, Jeffrey J, Hall, Vernon C

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-09-1989)
    “…This study extends research by Glenberg, Sanocki, Epstein, and Morris (1987) by suggesting that the accuracy of students' comprehension-monitoring…”
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  5. 5

    Relative Importance of Aptitude and Prior Domain Knowledge on Immediate and Delayed Posttests by Hall, Vernon C, Edmondson, Beverly

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-06-1992)
    “…Two groups of college students were given a pretest covering basketball knowledge and asked to read a passage about basketball history. One group (IDP) took an…”
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  6. 6

    Does Performance on Memory for Order Correlate with Performance on Standardized Measures of Ability? A Meta-Analysis by Mukunda, Kamala V, Hall, Vernon C

    Published in Intelligence (Norwood) (1992)
    “…Meta-analysis of 225 hypothesis tests of measures of memory for order (MFO) and the relationship of MFO and measures of general ability demonstrate a…”
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  7. 7

    Is the Failure to Monitor Comprehension an Instance of Cognitive Impulsivity? by Walczyk, Jeffrey J, Hall, Vernon C

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-09-1989)
    “…Third and fifth graders' ability to monitor comprehension was measured with the error detection paradigm. Subjects read three passages, each containing…”
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  8. 8

    A Developmental Study of Children's Ability to Adopt Perspectives and Find Errors in Text by Walczyk, Jeffrey J, Hall, Vernon C

    “…Children's ability to adopt perspectives and then apply schematic information on-line while listening to stories was investigated in 2 experiments with 59…”
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  9. 9

    Behavior, Motivation, and Achievement in Desegregated Junior High School Science Classes by Hall, Vernon C, Howe, Anne, Merkel, Steven, Lederman, Norman

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-04-1986)
    “…In an attempt to locate possible antecedents for racial differences in science achievement, measures of math and reading achievement, causal attribution,…”
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  10. 10

    Emergence of Information-Retrieval Strategies in Numerical Cognition: A Developmental Study by Kaye, Daniel B., Post, Tim A., Hall, Vernon C., Dineen, John T.

    Published in Cognition and instruction (1986)
    “…A series of simple addition problems was presented in a reaction time, true-false verification task to subjects in Grades 2 through 4 and in college. This…”
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    Effects of social behavior on interracial acceptance by Steinberg, Jane A, Hall, Vernon C

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-02-1981)
    “…To test children's use of race and social behavior as cues in social acceptance, 128 Black and White male kindergartners and 1st graders rated 6 unknown…”
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  12. 12

    Attention and achievement exhibited by middle- and lower-class Black and White elementary school boys by Hall, Vernon C, Huppertz, John W, Levi, Alan

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-04-1977)
    “…In-class behaviors of 80 7-8 yr old boys equally divided by race (Black and White) and social class (middle and lower) were recorded. Ss were administered the…”
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  13. 13

    Patterns of early cognitive development among boys in four subcultural groups by Hall, Vernon C, Kaye, Daniel B

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-02-1977)
    “…600 boys divided by age (6, 7, and 8 yrs), race (Black and White), and social class (middle and lower) were given tests of memory (free recall and digit span),…”
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  14. 14

    Effects of familiarization feedback on the performance of lower-class and middle-class kindergartners on the Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices by Turner, Ralph R, Hall, Vernon C, Grimmett, Sadie

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-12-1973)
    “…Tested the hypothesis that after familiarization on a warm-up task white lower-class kindergartners would demonstrate larger gains in performance on the Raven…”
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  15. 15

    Ability of children from four subcultures and two grade levels to imitate and comprehend crucial aspects of standard English: A test of the different language explanation by Hall, Vernon C, Turner, Ralph R, Russell, William

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-04-1973)
    “…Administered an instrument measuring imitation and comprehension of 4 omissions of black nonstandard English dialect from standard English (possessive "s,"…”
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    The Validity of the "Different Language Explanation" for Poor Scholastic Performance by Black Students by Hall, Vernon C., Turner, Ralph R.

    Published in Review of educational research (01-01-1974)
    “…A summary of studies reported to date containing data related to the possibility that black students have sufficient difficulties in comprehending Standard…”
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  18. 18

    Concept learning in discrimination tasks by Caldwell, Edward C, Hall, Vernon C

    Published in Developmental psychology (01-01-1970)
    “…72 nursery school children and 72 2nd graders were randomly assigned by grade level to 1 of 4 warm-up groups: (a) orientation relevant, (b) orientation…”
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  19. 19

    Multitrait-multimethod analysis of conceptual tempo by Hall, Vernon C, Russell, William J. C

    Published in Journal of educational psychology (01-12-1974)
    “…The present study used the multitrait-inultimethod matrix to determine the convergent and divergent validity of conceptual tempo. Two measures of conceptual…”
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  20. 20

    Comparison of Imitation and Comprehension Scores between Two Lower-Class Groups and the Effects of Two Warm-Up Conditions on Imitation of the Same Groups by Hall, Vernon C., Turner, Ralph R.

    Published in Child development (01-12-1971)
    “…A test devised and used by Osser, Wang, and Zaid (1969) designed to measure speech imitation and comprehension abilities was administered to 16 lower-class…”
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