Search Results - "Halil Bayrak, I"
Determination of the Effect of Different Sowing Dates on Growth and Yield Parameters of Some Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Varieties
Published in Journal of Agronomy, Technology and Engineering Management (Online) (01-06-2022)“…The sowing date is one of the environmental factors that significantly affected the growth and development of dry beans. Recently, the rapid change of climate…”
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Robust auction design under multiple priors by linear and integer programming
Published in Annals of operations research (2018)“…It is commonly assumed in the optimal auction design literature that valuations of buyers are independently drawn from a unique distribution. In this paper we…”
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Generalized second price auction is optimal for discrete types
Published in Economics letters (01-04-2016)“…We prove that a variant of the second price auction for the sale of a single good through a Bayesian incentive compatible mechanism that maximizes expected…”
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Optimal allocation with costly inspection and discrete types under ambiguity
Published in Optimization methods & software (04-07-2017)“…We consider the following problem: a principal has a good to allocate among a collection of agents who attach a private value to receiving the good. The…”
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Bilateral trade with risk‐averse intermediary using linear network optimization
Published in Networks (01-12-2019)“…We consider bilateral trade of an object between a seller and a buyer through an intermediary who aims to maximize his/her expected gains as in the previous…”
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