Search Results - "Hain, Toby D."
Rotational State Selection and Orientation of OH and OD Radicals by Electric Hexapole Beam-Focusing
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (09-10-1997)“…An electrostatic hexapole was used to state-select OH and OD radicals in single, low-lying, |JΩM J〉 rotational states. The radicals were produced in a corona…”
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A laser and molecular beam mass spectrometer study of low-pressure dimethyl ether flames
Published in Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2000)“…The oxidation of dimethyl ether (DME) was studied in low-pressure, premixed flames using a new molecular beam mass spectrometer (MBMS) and laser diagnosties…”
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Controlling the Orientation of Hexapole-Selected Hydroxyl (OH) Radicals
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (26-11-1998)“…Recently, Hain, Toby D.; Weibel, Michael A.; Backstrand, Kyle M.; and Curtiss, Thomas J. J. Phys. Chem. A 1997, 101, 7674 reported the production of intense,…”
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Observation of two reaction pathways for water formation from hydroxyl radical covered Pt(111)
Published in Chemical physics letters (01-05-1998)“…Intense molecular beams of hydroxyl radicals produced in a supersonic corona discharge source were focused and state-selected by an electrostatic hexapole…”
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Experimental validation of formaldehyde rotational state selection
Published in Chemical physics letters (13-06-2007)“…Rotational state selection of formaldehyde is presented. Data agrees with a rigorous quantum mechanical treatment of the Stark effect. We present experimental…”
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Rotational-state-resolved collisional attenuation of hexapole focused hydroxyl radical beams by gas-phase target molecules
Published in Chemical physics letters (28-05-1999)“…Hydroxyl radicals from a supersonic discharge source were rotationally state-selected by a hexapole. Two |J Ω M〉 states were resolved, the | 3 2 3 2 3 2 〉 and…”
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Generation of intense, hexapole-selected, supersonic beams of fluorocarbon radicals: CF, CF 2 , and CF 3
Published in Journal of vacuum science & technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films (01-07-1997)“…Intense molecular beams of fluorocarbon radicals were generated with a corona discharge passing through a supersonic jet expansion of 15% C 2 F 6 in Ar. An…”
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State-selected beams of hydroxyl radicals via electric hexapole focusing
Published in Chemical physics letters (29-11-1996)“…We report the development of a new molecular beam source of hydroxyl radicals. An electrostatic hexapole focuses and state-selects radicals produced in a…”
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Generation of intense, hexapole-selected, supersonic beams of fluorocarbon radicals: CF, CF2, and CF3
Published in Journal of vacuum science & technology. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films (01-07-1997)“…Intense molecular beams of fluorocarbon radicals were generated with a corona discharge passing through a supersonic jet expansion of 15% C2F6 in Ar. An…”
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Palladium(II), magnesium(II), and barium(II) nitrate combinations for matrix modification in electrothermal atomic absorption measurement of total selenium in human urine
Published in Analytical biochemistry (01-08-1994)“…Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with a temperature-stabilizing platform and palladium(II) nitrate-magnesium nitrate-barium nitrate matrix…”
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