Search Results - "Hailikari, Telle"
Explaining the changes in procrastination in an ACT-based course - psychological flexibility and time and effort management as mediators
Published in Frontiers in psychology (01-05-2024)“…The aim of our study is to explore the relationship between procrastination, time management skills and psychological flexibility and the changes in them…”
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Detecting the Variability in Student Learning in Different Disciplines-A Person-Oriented Approach
Published in Scandinavian journal of educational research (19-09-2022)“…This paper examines disciplinary differences in the combinations of approaches to learning (i.e., learning profiles) among students, and how those combinations…”
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Using individual study profiles of first-year students in two different disciplines to predict graduation time
Published in Studies in higher education (Dorchester-on-Thames) (01-12-2020)“…Despite vast research on transitioning to higher education and student diversity, little longitudinal evidence exists of how individual differences of…”
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The ability of psychological flexibility to predict study success and its relations to cognitive attributional strategies and academic emotions
Published in Educational psychology (Dorchester-on-Thames) (28-05-2022)“…The present study combines two separate research traditions that have been found to explain the way students deal with their university study and other…”
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Using self-reflection to support higher education teaching
Published in Reflective practice (02-09-2024)“…Seeking ways to support the work of higher education teachers is important. One of the tools that can be used to support teachers' work is the promotion of…”
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All Happy Emotions Are Alike but Every Unhappy Emotion Is Unhappy in Its Own Way: A Network Perspective to Academic Emotions
Published in Frontiers in psychology (30-04-2020)“…Quantitative research into the nature of academic emotions has thus far been dominated by factor analyses of questionnaire data. Recently, psychometric network…”
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Identity profiles, motivations for attending university and study-related burnout: differences between Finnish students in professional and non-professional fields
Published in European journal of psychology of education (01-06-2024)“…Research suggests that the reported increase in student mental health issues such as study burnout might be related to students’ identity problems and their…”
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Systematic Review of Learning Generic Skills in Higher Education—Enhancing and Impeding Factors
Published in Frontiers in education (Lausanne) (26-05-2022)“…The research field on generic skills in higher education has expanded rapidly. In addition, the importance of generic skills has been highlighted both in…”
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Academic self-beliefs and prior knowledge as predictors of student achievement in Mathematics: a structural model
Published in Educational psychology (Dorchester-on-Thames) (01-01-2008)“…The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between prior knowledge, academic self-beliefs, and previous study success in predicting the achievement…”
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Academic Procrastinators, Strategic Delayers and Something Betwixt and Between: An Interview Study
Published in Frontline learning research (01-06-2015)“…The study explored university undergraduates' dilatory behaviour, more precisely, procrastination and strategic delaying. Using qualitative interview data, we…”
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Student perspectives on how different elements of constructive alignment support active learning
Published in Active learning in higher education (01-11-2022)“…Constructive alignment is often promoted as a principle to enhance the quality of learning but the student perspective has often been neglected when exploring…”
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The dimensions of approaches to teaching in higher education: a new analysis of teaching profiles
Published in Higher education (01-07-2024)“…The exploration of higher education (HE) teachers’ approaches to teaching has mainly been done using quantitative instruments which have been criticised for…”
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The Interplay between Academic Emotions, Psychological Flexibility and Self-Regulation as Predictors of Academic Achievement
Published in Journal of further and higher education (01-01-2018)“…Research concerning students' emotions as well as their way of coping with their emotions in different situations has been scarce. The purpose of this study is…”
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The complex relationship between emotions, approaches to learning, study success and study progress during the transition to university
Published in Higher education (01-03-2017)“…The demands and pressures during the first study year at university are likely to arouse a variety of emotions among students. Nevertheless, there are very few…”
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What impedes or enhances my studying? The interrelation between approaches to learning, factors influencing study progress and earned credits
Published in Teaching in higher education (01-01-2014)“…The aim of the study is to explore how students' experiences of enhancing and impeding factors and approaches to learning are related to students' study…”
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Generic skills in higher education – teachers’ conceptions, pedagogical practices and pedagogical training
Published in Teaching in higher education (18-08-2023)Get full text
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The Relevance of Prior Knowledge in Learning and Instructional Design
Published in American journal of pharmaceutical education (01-01-2008)Get full text
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Students' experiences of the factors affecting their study progress: differences in study profiles
Published in Journal of Further and Higher Education (02-01-2018)“…Many factors influence students' progress in higher education. However, the students' own voices are seldom heard. Using a qualitative approach, the study…”
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Identity profiles, motivations for attending university and study-related burnout: differences between Finnish students in professional and non-professional fields: Identity profiles, motivation and study burnout
Published in European journal of psychology of education (01-06-2024)“…Research suggests that the reported increase in student mental health issues such as study burnout might be related to students’ identity problems and their…”
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Metacognitive awareness in relation to university students’ learning profiles
Published in Metacognition and learning (01-04-2023)“…The present study aims to deepen our understanding of the relationship between metacognitive awareness and approaches to learning in a multidisciplinary…”
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