Search Results - "Hadef, A."

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  1. 1

    Characterization of Biogas-Syngas Turbulent MILD ‎Combustion in the Jet in Hot Co-Flow Burner by Benbouaziz, O, Mameri, A, Hadef, A, Aouachria, Z

    Published in Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics (01-11-2021)
    “…Moderate or Intense Low–oxygen Diluted (MILD) combustion is a promising technology with interesting ‎properties such as high efficiency and zero-emission. The…”
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  2. 2

    Numerical investigation of biogas diffusion flames characteristics under several operation conditions in counter-flow configuration with an emphasis on thermal and chemical effects of CO2 in the fuel mixture by Mameri, A., Tabet, F., Hadef, A.

    Published in Heat and mass transfer (01-08-2017)
    “…This study addresses the influence of several operating conditions (composition and ambient pressure) on biogas diffusion flame structure and NO emissions with…”
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  3. 3

    La flore exotique potentiellement envahissante d'Algérie : première description des espèces cultivées en pépinières et dans les jardins by Sakhraoui, N., Metallaoui, S., Chefrour, A., Hadef, A.

    “…The potentially invasive alien flora of Algeria: first description of potentially invasive species cultivated in nurseries and gardens. Description of the…”
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    Correlation between Surface Tension, Work of Adhesion in Liquid Metals/Ceramic Systems, and Acoustic Parameters by Z. Hadef, A. Doghmane, K. Kamli, Z. Hadjoub

    Published in Uspehi fiziki metallov (Online) (01-06-2018)
    “…In the paper, a correlation between acoustic velocities, elastic moduli, and densities, with surface tension, and work of adhesion of different liquid metals…”
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  6. 6

    Measurement of the $ZZ$ production cross section in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV using the $ZZ\to\ell^{-}\ell^{+}\ell^{\prime -}\ell^{\prime +}$ and $ZZ\to\ell^{-}\ell^{+}\nu\bar{\nu}$ channels with the ATLAS detector by Aaboud, M., Berger, N., Delmastro, M., Di Ciaccio, L., Elles, S., Grevtsov, K., Guillemin, T., Hryn’ova, T., Jézéquel, S., Koletsou, I., Lafaye, R., Lévêque, Jérémy, Mastrandea, P., Sauvan, E., Smart, B.H., Todorov, T., Wingerter-Seez, I., Yatsenko, E., Boumediene, D., Busato, E., Calvet, D., Calvet, S., Chomont, A.R., Donini, J., Gris, Ph, Madar, R., Pallin, D., Romano Saez, S.M., Santoni, C., Vazeille, F., Aad, G., Alstaty, M., Barbero, M., Calandri, A., Calvet, T.P., Coadou, Y., Diaconu, C., Djama, F., Ellajosyula, V., Feligioni, L., Hadef, A., Hallewell, G.D., Hubaut, F., Kahn, S.J., Knoops, E. B. F. G., Le Guirriec, E., Liu, J., Liu, K., Madaffari, D., Monnier, E., Muanza, S., Nagy, E., Pralavorio, P., Rodina, Y., Rozanov, A., Talby, M., Theveneaux-Pelzer, T., Ticse Torres, R.E., Tisserant, S., Toth, J., Touchard, F., Vacavant, L., Wang, Chen, Albrand, S., Berlendis, S., Bethani, A., Camincher, C., Collot, J., Crépé-Renaudin, S., Delsart, P.A., Gabaldon, C., Genest, M.H., Gradin, P.O.J., Hostachy, J.Y., Ledroit-Guillon, F., Lleres, A., Lucotte, A., Malek, F., Petit, E., Stark, J., Trocmé, B., Wu, M., Rahal, G.

    “…A measurement of the $ZZ$ production in the $\ell^{-}\ell^{+}\ell^{\prime -}\ell^{\prime +}$ and $\ell^{-}\ell^{+}\nu\bar{\nu}$ channels $(\ell = e, \mu)$ in…”
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  7. 7

    Measurement of the top quark mass in the $t\bar{t}\to$ dilepton channel from $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV ATLAS data by Aaboud, M., Barnovska, Z., Berger, N., Di Ciaccio, L., Elles, S., Grevtsov, K., Hryn’ova, T., Jézéquel, S., Koletsou, I., Lafaye, R., Lévêque, Jérémy, Mastrandea, P., Sauvage, G., Sauvan, E., Simard, O., Todorov, T., Wingerter-Seez, I., Yatsenko, E., Ayoub, M.K., Bassalat, A., Binet, S., Becot, C., Bourdarios, C., de Vivie de Regie, J.B., Delgove, D., Duflot, L., Escalier, M., Fayard, L., Fournier, D., Gkougkousis, E.L., Grivaz, J.-F., Guillemin, T., Hariri, F., Henrot-Versille, S., Hrivnac, J., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Kado, M., Lounis, A., Makovec, N., Morange, N., Nellist, C., Petroff, P., Poggioli, L., Puzo, P., Renaud, A., Rybkin, G., Rousseau, D., Schaffer, A.C., Serin, L., Scifo, E., Simion, S., Tanaka, R., Zerwas, D., Zhang, Zhongkai, Zhao, Y., Rahal, G., Boumediene, D., Busato, E., Calvet, D., Calvet, S., Chomont, A.R., Donini, J., Gris, Ph, Madar, R., Pallin, D., Romano Saez, S.M., Santoni, C., Simon, D., Vazeille, F., Aad, G., Alstaty, M., Barbero, M., Calandri, A., Calvet, T.P., Coadou, Y., Diaconu, C., Diglio, Sara, Djama, F., Ellajosyula, V., Feligioni, L., Gao, J., Hadef, A., Hallewell, G.D., Hubaut, F., Kahn, S.J., Knoops, E. B. F. G., Le Guirriec, E., Liu, J., Liu, K., Madaffari, D., Monnier, E., Muanza, S., Nagy, E., Pralavorio, P., Rodina, Y., Rozanov, A., Talby, M., Theveneaux-Pelzer, T., Ticse Torres, R.E., Tisserant, S.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-08-2016)
    “…The top quark mass is measured in the $t\bar{t}\to$ dilepton channel (lepton $= e, \mu$) using ATLAS data recorded in the year 2012 at the LHC. The data were…”
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  8. 8

    Search for new phenomena in events containing a same-flavour opposite-sign dilepton pair, jets, and large missing transverse momentum in $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector by Aaboud, M, Berger, N., Burger, A.M., Delmastro, M., Di Ciaccio, L., Elles, S., Grevtsov, K., Guillemin, T., Hryn’ova, T., Jézéquel, S., Koletsou, I., Lafaye, R., Lévêque, Jérémy, Mastrandea, P., Sauvan, E., Smart, B.H., Todorov, T., Wingerter-Seez, I., Yatsenko, E., Berlendis, S., Bethani, A., Camincher, C., Collot, J., Crépé-Renaudin, S., Delsart, P.A., Gabaldon, C., Genest, M.H., Gradin, P.O.J., Hostachy, J.Y., Ledroit-Guillon, F., Lleres, A., Lucotte, A., Malek, F., Petit, E., Stark, J., Trocmé, B., Wu, M., Rahal, G., Boumediene, D., Busato, E., Calvet, D., Calvet, S., Chomont, A.R., Donini, J., Ganguly, S., Gris, Ph, Madar, R., Pallin, D., Romano Saez, S.M., Santoni, C., Vazeille, F., Aad, G., Alstaty, M., Barbero, M., Calandri, A., Calvet, T.P., Coadou, Y., Diaconu, C., Djama, F., Ellajosyula, V., Feligioni, L., Hadef, A., Hallewell, G.D., Hubaut, F., Kahn, S.J., Knoops, E. B. F. G., Le Guirriec, E., Liu, J., Liu, K., Madaffari, D., Monnier, E., Muanza, S., Nagy, E., Pralavorio, P., Rodina, Y., Rozanov, A., Talby, M., Theveneaux-Pelzer, T., Ticse Torres, R.E., Tisserant, S., Toth, J., Touchard, F., Vacavant, L., Wang, Chen

    “…Two searches for new phenomena in final states containing a same-flavour opposite-lepton (electron or muon) pair, jets, and large missing transverse momentum…”
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  9. 9

    Measurement of the $t\bar{t}$ production cross-section using $e\mu$ events with b-tagged jets in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector by Aaboud, M., Barnovska, Z., Berger, N., Delmastro, M., Di Ciaccio, L., Elles, S., Grevtsov, K., Hryn’ova, T., Jézéquel, S., Koletsou, I., Lafaye, R., Lévêque, Jérémy, Mastrandea, P., Sauvage, G., Sauvan, E., Simard, O., Todorov, T., Wingerter-Seez, I., Yatsenko, E., Ayoub, M.K., Bassalat, A., Binet, S., Becot, C., Bourdarios, C., de Vivie de Regie, J.B., Delgove, D., Duflot, L., Escalier, M., Fayard, L., Fournier, D., Gkougkousis, E.L., Grivaz, J.-F., Guillemin, T., Hariri, F., Henrot-Versille, S., Hrivnac, J., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Kado, M., Lounis, A., Makovec, N., Morange, N., Nellist, C., Petroff, P., Poggioli, L., Puzo, P., Renaud, A., Rybkin, G., Rousseau, D., Schaffer, A.C., Serin, L., Scifo, E., Simion, S., Tanaka, R., Zerwas, D., Zhang, Zhongkai, Zhao, Y., Rahal, G., Boumediene, D., Busato, E., Calvet, D., Calvet, S., Chomont, A.R., Donini, J., Gris, Ph, Madar, R., Pallin, D., Romano Saez, S.M., Santoni, C., Simon, D., Vazeille, F., Aad, G., Alstaty, M., Barbero, M., Calandri, A., Calvet, T.P., Coadou, Y., Diaconu, C., Diglio, Sara, Djama, F., Ellajosyula, V., Feligioni, L., Hadef, A., Hallewell, G.D., Hubaut, F., Kahn, S.J., Knoops, E. B. F. G., Le Guirriec, E., Liu, J., Liu, K., Madaffari, D., Monnier, E., Muanza, S., Nagy, E., Pralavorio, P., Rodina, Y., Rozanov, A., Talby, M., Theveneaux-Pelzer, T., Ticse Torres, R.E., Tisserant, S.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-06-2016)
    “…This paper describes a measurement of the inclusive top quark pair production cross-section ($\sigma_{t\bar{t}}$) with a data sample of 3.2 fb$^{-1}$ of…”
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  10. 10

    Study of the rare decays of B0s and B0 into muon pairs from data collected during the LHC Run 1 with the ATLAS detector by Aaboud, M., Barnovska, Z., Berger, N., Delmastro, M., Di Ciaccio, L., Elles, S., Guillemin, T., Grevtsov, K., Hryn’ova, T., Jézéquel, S., Koletsou, I., Lafaye, R., Lévêque, Jérémy, Mastrandea, P., Sauvage, G., Sauvan, E., Simard, O., Smart, B.H., Todorov, T., Wingerter-Seez, I., Yatsenko, E., Boumediene, D., Busato, E., Calvet, D., Calvet, S., Chomont, A.R., Donini, J., Gris, Ph, Madar, R., Pallin, D., Romano Saez, S.M., Santoni, C., Simon, D., Vazeille, F., Albrand, S., Berlendis, S., Camincher, C., Collot, J., Crépé-Renaudin, S., Delsart, P.A., Gabaldon, C., Genest, M.H., Gradin, J., Hostachy, J.Y., Ledroit-Guillon, F., Lleres, A., Lucotte, A., Malek, F., Petit, E., Stark, J., Trocmé, B., Wu, M., Alstaty, M., Barbero, M., Calandri, A., Calvet, T.P., Coadou, Y., Diaconu, C., Diglio, Sara, Djama, F., Ellajosyula, V., Feligioni, L., Gao, J., Hadef, A., Hallewell, G.D., Hubaut, F., Kahn, S.J., Knoops, E. B. F. G., Le Guirriec, E., Liu, J., Liu, K., Madaffari, D., Monnier, E., Muanza, S., Nagy, E., Pralavorio, P., Rodina, Y., Rozanov, A., Talby, M., Theveneaux-Pelzer, T., Ticse Torres, R.E., Tisserant, S., Toth, J., Touchard, F., Vacavant, L., Wang, Chen

    “…A study of the decays B0→μ+μ− and B0s→μ+μ− has been performed using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 25 fb−1 of 7 TeV and 8 TeV proton--proton…”
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  11. 11

    A search for an excited muon decaying to a muon and two jets in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector by Aad, G., Ayoub, M.K., Bassalat, A., Bécot, C., Binet, S., Bourdarios, C., Delgove, D., de Vivie de Regie, J.-B., Duflot, L., Escalier, M., Fayard, L., Fournier, D., Gkougkousis, E.L., Grivaz, J-F., Guillemin, T., Hariri, F., Henrot-Versille, S., Hrivnac, J., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Kado, M., Lounis, A., Makovec, N., Morange, N., Nellist, C., Petroff, P., Poggioli, L., Puzo, P., Renaud, A., Rousseau, D., Rybkin, G., Schaffer, A.C., Scifo, E., Serin, L., Simion, S., Tanaka, R., Zerwas, D., Zhang, Zhongkai, Zhao, Y., Rahal, G., Barnovska, Z., Berger, N., Delmastro, M., Di Ciaccio, L., Elles, S., Grevtsov, K., Hryn’ova, T., Jézéquel, S., Koletsou, I., Lafaye, R., Lévêque, Jérémy, Mastrandea, P., Sauvage, G., Sauvan, E., Simard, O., Todorov, T., Wingerter-Seez, I., Yatsenko, E., Albrand, S., Camincher, C., Collot, J., Crépé-Renaudin, S., Delsart, P.A., Gabaldon, C., Genest, M.H., Hostachy, J.Y., Ledroit-Guillon, F., Lleres, A., Lucotte, A., Malek, F., Petit, E., Stark, J., Trocmé, B., Wu, M., Alio, L., Barbero, M., Calandri, A., Calvet, T. P., Coadou, Y., Diaconu, C., Diglio, Sara, Djama, F., Duccu, O., Ellajosyula, V., Feligioni, L., Gao, J., Hadef, A., Hallewell, G.D., Hubaut, F., Kahn, S.J., Knoops, E. B. F. G., Le Guirriec, E., Liu, J., Liu, K., Madaffari, D., Mochizuki, K., Monnier, E., Muanza, S., Nagai, Y., Nagy, E., Pralavorio, P.

    Published in New journal of physics (2016)
    “…A search is performed for an excited muon in the channel pp→μμ∗→μμ jet jet, assuming both the production and decay occur via a contact interaction. The…”
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  12. 12

    Water deficiency in Algeria: an alarming situation by Hadef, R, Hadef, A

    Published in Desalination (01-05-2001)
    “…Original Abstract: La multiplication et l'aggravation des etats de carence en eau sont en train de prendre mondialement une dimension de premier ordre. Le…”
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  13. 13

    Comparative study using MS and XRD of Fe80Al20 alloy produced by mechanical alloying by Hadef, F., Otmani, A., Grenèche, J. M.

    “…An X-ray diffraction and 57Fe MOssbauer effect study of mechanically alloyed Fe80Al20 is presented. X-ray measurements indicate that the disordered bcc…”
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