Search Results - "HARKNESS, L"
Life Stress, the "Kindling" Hypothesis, and the Recurrence of Depression: Considerations From a Life Stress Perspective
Published in Psychological review (01-04-2005)“…Major depression is frequently characterized by recurrent episodes over the life course. First lifetime episodes of depression, however, are typically more…”
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Randomized controlled trial of bikram yoga and aerobic exercise for depression in women: Efficacy and stress-based mechanisms
Published in Journal of affective disorders (01-02-2021)“…•Bikram yoga and aerobic exercise led to greater depression response than a wait-list condition.•Bikram yoga and aerobic exercise led to decreased levels of…”
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Specificity in the relations among childhood adversity, early maladaptive schemas, and symptom profiles in adolescent depression
Published in Cognitive therapy and research (01-10-2007)“…The present cross-sectional study examined the relations of particular forms of childhood adversity (e.g., emotional maltreatment vs. physical abuse vs. sexual…”
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Testing a deep convolutional neural network for automated hippocampus segmentation in a longitudinal sample of healthy participants
Published in NeuroImage (Orlando, Fla.) (15-08-2019)“…Subtle changes in hippocampal volumes may occur during both physiological and pathophysiological processes in the human brain. Assessing hippocampal volumes…”
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Is depression a chronic mental illness?
Published in Psychological medicine (01-05-2012)“…Over the past few decades, theory and research on depression have increasingly focused on the recurrent and chronic nature of the disorder. These recurrent and…”
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Endocannabinoid concentrations in major depression: effects of childhood maltreatment and relation to hippocampal volume
Published in Translational psychiatry (12-10-2024)“…Evidence from preclinical animal models suggests that the stress-buffering function of the endocannabinoid (eCB) system may help protect against stress-related…”
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The differential relation of childhood maltreatment to stress sensitization in adolescent and young adult depression
Published in Journal of adolescence (London, England.) (01-08-2014)“…Abstract Childhood maltreatment has been shown to have a stronger etiological relation to depression onset in adolescence than in adulthood. We propose that a…”
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Parental Maltreatment, Bullying, and Adolescent Depression: Evidence for the Mediating Role of Perceived Social Support
Published in Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology (01-01-2010)“…The support deterioration model of depression states that stress deteriorates the perceived availability and/or effectiveness of social support, which then…”
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Major Depression and Its Recurrences: Life Course Matters
Published in Annual review of clinical psychology (09-05-2022)“…Major depression is one of the most prevalent and debilitating personal and public health conditions worldwide. Less appreciated is that depression's…”
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Serotonin and Dopamine Gene Variation and Theory of Mind Decoding Accuracy in Major Depression: A Preliminary Investigation
Published in PloS one (14-03-2016)“…Theory of mind-the ability to decode and reason about others' mental states-is a universal human skill and forms the basis of social cognition. Theory of mind…”
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The Effects of Processed Whole Orange on Post Prandial Glycemic Responses in Healthy Men
Published in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (01-09-2014)Get full text
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Mental state decoding abilities in clinical depression
Published in Journal of affective disorders (01-06-2005)“…Depression is associated with profound impairments in social functioning. Past research and theory suggests that these impairments may be related to a…”
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Life Stress and Major Depression: The Mysteries of Recurrences
Published in Psychological review (01-11-2019)“…Approximately half of the people who suffer a major depressive episode for the first time experience recurrences, while the other half do not. Among the…”
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Derivation of human stromal (skeletal) stem (MSC)-like cells from embryonic stems with similar molecular signature to bone marrow derived MSC
Published in Bone (New York, N.Y.) (01-05-2012)Get full text
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Enhanced accuracy of mental state decoding in dysphoric college students
Published in Cognition and emotion (01-11-2005)“…A significant clinical feature of depression involves difficulties in social functioning. At the foundation of these difficulties may lie alterations in…”
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Recurrence in Major Depression: A Conceptual Analysis
Published in Psychological review (01-10-2011)“…Theory and research on major depression have increasingly assumed a recurrent and chronic disease model. Yet not all people who become depressed suffer…”
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Snorc is a novel cartilage specific small membrane proteoglycan expressed in differentiating and articular chondrocytes
Published in Osteoarthritis and cartilage (01-08-2011)“…Summary Objective Maintenance of chondrocyte phenotype is a major issue in prevention of degeneration and repair of articular cartilage. Although the critical…”
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Association between pornography use and sexual risk behaviors in adult consumers: a systematic review
Published in Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking (01-02-2015)“…The purpose of this review was to determine whether an association exists between sexual risk behaviors and pornography consumption. Consumption of pornography…”
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Why Recurrent Depression Should Be Reconceptualized and Redefined
Published in Current directions in psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society (01-06-2023)“…Major depressive disorder is the leading cause of physical and mental disability worldwide, affecting more than 264 million people. A disproportionate amount…”
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How Theory of Mind Leads to Positive First Impressions
Published in Journal of experimental psychology. General (01-06-2024)“…A common conjecture is that social success relies on "theory of mind"-the everyday skill of imputing mental states to others. We test the hypothesis that…”
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