Search Results - "HAAGH, S. A. V. M"

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    Surface EMG and Achilles tendon reflexes during a foot movement in a reaction time task by Haagh, S A, Spoeltman, W T, Scheirs, J G, Brunia, C H

    Published in Biological psychology (01-09-1983)
    “…A forewarned simple visual reaction time (RT) experiment was conducted to study the relation between surface EMG of the soleus muscle and Achilles tendon…”
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  4. 4

    Anticipatory response-relevant muscle activity, CNV amplitude and simple reaction time by Haagh, S A, Brunia, C H

    “…The present experiment was aimed at whether subjects, performing a forewarned simple reaction time (RT) task, do voluntarily tense agonist and antagonist…”
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    Journal Article