Search Results - "Gutierrez Esteban, Prudencia"
University-School Scenarios and Voices from Classrooms. Rethinking Collaboration within the Framework of an Interuniversity Project
Published in Journal of new approaches in educational research (2019)“…This work presents the analysis of a proposal designed in the field of initial teacher training, the aim of which is to promote the presence of schools in a…”
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Development of the digital and socio-civic skills (DIGISOC) questionnaire
Published in Educational technology research and development (01-12-2020)“…Recognizing that digital citizenship includes the capacity to foster growth opportunities and also, can help to minimize risks and divides from the use of…”
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A descriptive literature review of phubbing behaviors
Published in Heliyon (01-05-2021)“…The practice of phubbing has become an emerging phenomenon of worldwide interest to researchers. The cause is due to the fact that smartphones are ubiquitous…”
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Digital inclusion of businesswomen and women entrepreneurs through social networks in the informal environment
Published in Géneros (Barcelona) (2021)“…With the diffusion of Web 2.0, opportunities for collaboration, participation and training in the professional environment have widened. The purpose of this…”
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Challenges and enablers in the advancement of educational innovation. The forces at work in the transformation of education
Published in Teaching and teacher education (01-12-2023)“…This study was carried out in Spain between 2018 and 2021 and aims to identify the obstacles and facilitators that are necessary to embrace the culture of…”
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Phubbing and its impact on the individual's psychological well-being
Published in Acta psychologica (01-08-2024)“…Increasingly, smartphones have become a part of people's everyday lives, and are now considered by many to be an indispensable social accessory. Since…”
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Digital and socio-civic skills development and young people’s perceptions of digital citizenship in the UK
Published in Education, citizenship and social justice (01-11-2024)“…Digital Citizenship is an emerging field of research but there is still a lack of knowledge into what works and how to implement educational practices to…”
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"I Also Like It That People Care About Me." Children's Dialogues on Values, Emotions and Feelings in Dialogic Literary Gatherings
Published in Journal of language, identity, and education (02-01-2024)“…This study explores the dialogues about social values, emotions and feelings that emerge during the implementation of dialogic literary gatherings (DLG). DLG…”
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Achieving Universal Digital Literacy through Universal Design for Learning in Open Educational Resources
Published in Education as change (01-01-2022)“…Over the years, the Spanish education authorities have proposed various measures, such as the creation of Open Educational Resources (OERs), to guarantee the…”
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Development of sexist attitudes in primary school teachers during their initial teacher training
Published in Women's studies international forum (01-01-2019)“…Initial Teacher Training does not show a real concern for embracing gender issues, despite the process of convergence to the European Higher Education Area…”
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Open Educational Resources in virtual teaching communities
Published in Apertura : revista de innovación educative (26-03-2021)“…Formative models related to the theory of connectivism are increasingly flexible, open and participatory. Under this trend, ideas such as virtual teaching…”
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La Inteligencia Artificial como recurso educativo durante la formación inicial del profesorado
Published in Revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia (01-12-2022)“…La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) se presenta como una tecnología emergente que facilita la personalización del aprendizaje y prepara a la juventud para un…”
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Promoting a participatory convergence in a Spanish context: an inter-university action research project using visual narrative
Published in Educational action research (27-05-2019)“…This article focuses on the deconstruction of an inter-university action research project that has allowed us to rethink our teaching and research, questioning…”
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Collaborative action research through technologically mediated agoras
Published in Educational action research (01-01-2017)“…The study presented in this article forms part of a wider project promoting collaboration between junior researchers from different universities with the…”
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Trazando caminos hacia la mejora educativa: identificación de elementos clave en la formación inicial del profesorado
Published in Foro de educación (2023)“…The design of initial teacher training has been identified as one of the factors that may be significantly influence the crisis in education systems around the…”
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Por una Educación Maker Inclusiva. Revisión de la literatura (2016-2021)
Published in Pixel-bit : revista de medios y educación (01-05-2022)“…El movimiento maker ha causado gran interés en el ámbito educativo, dando lugar a la educación maker. Se realiza una revisión de la literatura con el objetivo…”
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Recursos educativos abiertos en comunidades virtuales docentes
Published in Apertura : revista de innovación educative (2021)“…Resumen Los modelos formativos ligados a la teoría del conectivismo son cada vez más flexibles, abiertos y participativos. Bajo esta tendencia, se han…”
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Diseño y validación de un instrumento para evaluar los comportamientos phubbing
Published in Revista electrónica de investigación y evaluación educativa (08-12-2020)“…En este estudio se muestra el proceso llevado a cabo en el diseño y validación de un cuestionario que evalúa los comportamientos phubbing y los efectos que…”
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Experiencia formativa virtual en Realidad Aumentada con el alumnado de Educación Primaria de un centro de Atención Educativa Preferente
Published in Edmetic (19-07-2022)“…El presente estudio describe una experiencia innovadora orientada a la formación en el diseño en 3D y Realidad Aumentada del alumnado de 5º de Educación…”
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Entornos personales de aprendizaje del profesorado desde una perspectiva de género
Published in Profesorado (01-12-2018)“…Resumen:Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio exploratorio cuyo objetivo ha sido conocer el nivel de inclusión digital del profesorado así como…”
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