Search Results - "Gurd, J. M."
Semantic clustering in verbal fluency: schizophrenic patients versus control participants
Published in Psychological medicine (01-07-2002)“…Schizophrenic patients generate fewer words than healthy controls during verbal fluency tasks. The structure of output may explain why patients generate fewer…”
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Cerebellar Asymmetry and Cortical Connectivity in Monozygotic Twins with Discordant Handedness
Published in Cerebellum (London, England) (01-04-2018)“…Handedness differentiates patterns of neural asymmetry and interhemispheric connectivity in cortical systems that underpin manual and language functions…”
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Micrographia in Parkinson’s disease: the effect of providing external cues
Published in Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry (01-10-1997)“…OBJECTIVE To investigate whether micrographia in patients with Parkinson’s disease is lessened either by giving visual targets or by continually reminding them…”
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Aspects of non-native pronunciation in a case of altered accent following stroke (foreign accent syndrome)
Published in Clinical linguistics & phonetics (2001)“…Foreign accent syndrome (FAS) refers to a disorder that involves foreign sounding speech, usually following stroke. This paper presents a case study of an…”
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fMRI and corpus callosum relationships in monozygotic twins discordant for handedness
Published in Brain Structure and Function (01-03-2013)“…To further investigate brain structure and function in 26 handedness discordant monozygotic twin pairs (MzHd), MRI and behavioural assessments were carried…”
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Organic or Functional? A New Case of Foreign Accent Syndrome
Published in Cortex (2001)Get full text
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Competitive Inhibition Models of Lexical–Semantic Processing: Experimental Evidence
Published in Brain and language (01-09-1996)“…A modified Neisser word-search (search II) was administered to patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), and significant deficits were found. Given the…”
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Hypometria in Parkinson's disease: Automatic versus controlled processing
Published in Movement disorders (01-05-1998)“…Objectives: The aim was to investigate whether patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) make movements that are of smaller amplitude when required to attend to a…”
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Verbal fluency deficits in Parkinson's disease: individual differences in underlying cognitive mechanisms
Published in Journal of neurolinguistics (2000)“…Although it is now well established that patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) frequently have verbal fluency deficits [1,2], the issue of…”
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A case of foreign accent syndrome, with follow-up clinical, neuropsychological and phonetic descriptions
Published in Neuropsychologia (1988)“…We report a comparatively 'pure' case of 'foreign accent syndrome' (FAS) in a right-handed patient who sustained a small, isolated, left basal ganglia infarct…”
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Retrieval from semantic and letter-initial categories in patients with Parkinson's disease
Published in Neuropsychologia (1989)“…We report the impaired performance by a group of 27 patients with Parkinson's disease (vs matched controls) on semantic and letter-initial verbal fluency…”
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A method for investigating the relation between cognitive and motor functions in Parkinson’s disease
Published in Journal of neurolinguistics (2001)“…The relation between cognitive and motor deficits in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients is investigated in a study of idiopathic PDs and IQ-matched normal…”
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Word search in patients with Parkinson's disease
Published in Journal of neurolinguistics (01-07-1996)“…A Neisser word-search task and case-series method is employed to show that patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) are slow at word-search from lexical-semantic…”
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Frontal dissociations: evidence from Parkinson's disease
Published in Journal of neurolinguistics (1995)“…Control subjects and patients with Parkinson's disease were tested on three tasks that have often been held to implicate functions of frontal cortex. The tasks…”
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Published in Journal of neurolinguistics (01-10-1997)“…Two cases of language impairment subsequent to striato-capsular stroke in young women are presented. Both had circumscribed infarcts to the basal ganglia and…”
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Remote memory and lexical retrieval in a case of frontal Pick's disease
Published in Archives of neurology (Chicago) (01-08-1994)“…To examine the status of remote memory and lexical retrieval processes in a patient with frontal lobe-type dementia studied serially during an 18-month period…”
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Parkinson's disease and the frontal hypothesis: task alternation in verbal fluency
Published in Advances in neurology (1990)Get more information
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Semantic Category Word Search Impairment in Schizophrenia
Published in Cognitive neuropsychiatry (01-11-1997)“…Mechanisms of lexical retrieval within natural semantic categories are investigated in patients with schizophrenia. We predicted and found that schizophrenics…”
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Dementia with Lewy Bodies: A Pure Case
Published in Brain and cognition (01-12-2000)“…A pure case of autopsy-confirmed dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is described. The patient presented with distinctive verbal fluency deficits in the context of…”
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8 Left hand and left hemisphere: fMRI correlates of language lateralisation
Published in Journal of anatomy (01-03-2004)Get full text
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