Search Results - "Guimarães, Margarida"
A missense mutation in the tyrosinase gene explains acromelanism in domesticated canaries
Published in Animal genetics (01-12-2024)“…Acromelanism is a form of albinism observed in several vertebrate species. In mammals, acromelanism is known to be caused by mutations in the tyrosinase gene…”
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Effects of Mass Transfer on the Steady State and Dynamic Performance of a Kühni Column − Experimental Observations
Published in Industrial & engineering chemistry research (01-04-2009)Get full text
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Simulated and Experimental Dispersed-Phase Breakage and Coalescence Behavior in a Kühni Liquid−Liquid Extraction ColumnSteady State
Published in Industrial & engineering chemistry research (24-05-2006)“…Given the difficulties normally associated with direct experimentation in liquid−liquid extraction processes, their direct computer simulation has acquired…”
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Optimization of Breakage and Coalescence Model Parameters in a Steady-State Batch Agitated Dispersion
Published in Industrial & engineering chemistry research (16-02-2011)“…The highly dynamic behavior of liquid−liquid dispersions in reaction and separation operations still defies accurate and experimentally validated modeling…”
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Enhancing Pharmacovigilance Capabilities in the EU Regulatory Network: The SCOPE Joint Action
Published in Drug safety (01-12-2018)“…In November 2013, a team of European regulators initiated the Strengthening Collaboration for Operating Pharmacovigilance in Europe (SCOPE) Joint Action…”
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Estudo e Análise de Soluções em Pasta e Estamparia Convencional Mais Sustentáveis em Termos Químicos e Energéticos
Published 01-01-2024“…A indústria têxtil é um dos setores mais importantes da economia portuguesa, mas também um dos que gera uma maior quantidade de resíduos. Atualmente, o mercado…”
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Reproducibility of the Hydrodynamic Performance and Measurements in a Liquid−Liquid Kühni Extraction ColumnRelevance to Theoretical Model Evaluation
Published in Industrial & engineering chemistry research (18-02-2004)“…Liquid−liquid systems research increasingly concentrates on computer simulations. However, the possibility of adequately testing complex theoretical models…”
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Design optimisation study of solvent extraction: chemical reaction, mass transfer and mixer–settler hydrodynamics
Published in Hydrometallurgy (01-08-2004)“…It is a well-known fact that a typical engineering design problem usually deals with more than one design criterion. If each design criterion is stated as an…”
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Energy Potential of a Community
Published 01-01-2023“…This thesis considers the growing concern over carbon emissions and the European Union’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 through national…”
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Condicionamento Acústico e Certificação Energética de Edifícios
Published 01-01-2014“…O presente relatório desenvolvido no âmbito do estágio curricular realizado na empresa – ASL & Associados, com duração de seis meses, tem como objetivo a…”
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A Importância das Decisões Make-or-Buy nas Atividades de Marketing de uma Empresa - O Caso do Continente
Published 01-01-2017“…Numa era de globalização das empresas, tem se notado um aumento da competitividadeentre elas. Estas, para poderem prosperar no mercado em que se encontram…”
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Vivência da Gravidez e as Necessidades Espirituais das Grávidas em Fim de Vida
Published 01-01-2022“…Objetivo:Analisar artigos científicos publicados em plataformas online no cenário internacional acerca da temática cuidados paliativos, espiritualidade e…”
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As Práticas e Limitações da Gestão de Recursos Humanos: Um Ensaio na Uniform
Published 01-01-2010“…Este trabalho tem como temática a análise das Práticas e Limitações da Gestão de Recursos Humanos, tendo como principal pretensão perceber o posicionamento que…”
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Clinical and Laboratory Effects of Hydroxyurea in Children and Adolescents with Sickle Cell Anemia: A Portuguese Hospital Study
Published in Hemoglobin (2005)“…Our aim was to assess the efficacy and safety of hydroxyurea (HU) in children with severe forms of sickle cell anemia followed in a Portuguese hospital. We…”
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Effects of Mass Transfer on the Steady State and Dynamic Performance of a Kühni Column − Experimental Observations
Published in Industrial & engineering chemistry research (01-04-2009)“…Experimental data obtained in a pilot-scale Kühni liquid−liquid extraction column were used to obtain local drop size distributions, dispersed-phase hold-up…”
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Young Mothers’ Multichannel Behaviour: A Study of Channels and Touchpoints Combinations
Published 01-01-2020“…Nos últimos anos, o estudo da experiência do consumidor tem recebido especial atenção por parte da comunidade científica e profissionais de marketing…”
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An endemic‐rich island through the eyes of children: Wildlife identification and conservation preferences in São Tomé (Gulf of Guinea)
Published in Conservation science and practice (01-03-2022)“…Species that the public knows and is willing to protect often do not align with international conservation priorities. Assessing perceptions on wildlife is…”
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