Search Results - "Guimarães, Andrea Carmen"
Published in Acta ortopedica brasileira (01-01-2023)“…Investigate the prevalence of postural changes and correlate them with body weight and the weight of schoolchildren's backpacks in a school in the city of São…”
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Balance, physical conditioning, and health perception in elderly women submitted to a 32-week physical exercise program
Published in Biomedical human kinetics (01-01-2022)“…: To assess the effects of a long-term physical exercise program on balance, physical conditioning, and health perception in elderly women. : The sample, 143…”
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Ação interdisciplinar com a utilização de exercícios físicos lúdicos na melhoria da autonomia funcional de idosos institucionalizados
Published in Motricidade (01-09-2023)“…O objetivo deste estudo foi de descrever as experiências da ação interdisciplinar com aplicação de exercícios físicos e atividades com grupos lúdicos, na…”
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Realidades e desafios da intersetorialidade nas ações do programa saúde na escola entre 2017-2021: revisão integrativa e documental
Published in Motricidade (01-09-2023)“…O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi investigar as realidades e desafios da intersetorialidade nas cidades/região que possuem estruturação dos grupos de…”
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Avaliação da Mobilidade Funcional e Força de Preensão Palmar de usuários assistidos na Atenção Primária após COVID-19
Published in Motricidade (01-09-2023)“…Com a pandemia do COVID-19 evidenciou-se, mediante a percepçao de sinais e síntomas resistentes, a existencia da Síndrome Pós-COVID-19 ou Covid Longa. A…”
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Efeitos de 20 semanas de treinamento combinado na capacidade funcional de idosas
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte (01-10-2017)“…O estudo baseou‐se em avaliar os efeitos de 20 semanas de treinamento combinado na capacidade funcional de idosas; 66 foram divididas por randomização em dois…”
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Psychometric Properties of a Spanish Version of the Basic Needs Satisfaction in Sports Scale
Published in Frontiers in psychology (13-12-2019)“…The Basic Needs Satisfaction in Sport Scale (BNSSS) is an instrument designed to measure the level of satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs (BPN)…”
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Prediction of maximum oxygen uptake through incremental exercise testing using ventilometry: a cross-sectional study
Published in Revista brasileira de fisioterapia (São Carlos (São Paulo, Brazil)) (01-07-2020)“…•The high operational cost of implementing CPET hampers its use.•Ventilometry combined to ergometric test can be used for estimating V˙ O2max.•We analyzed the…”
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Published in Psicologia & Sociedade (01-04-2015)“…Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar as características psicossociais do processo de formação de professores, especificamente do contato inicial com…”
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Multimodal HIIT is More Efficient Than Moderate Continuous Training for Management of Body Composition, Lipid Profile and Glucose Metabolism in the Diabetic Elderly
Published in International journal of morphology (01-04-2020)“…The exercise could play a central role to the fat management and glucose metabolism what can be a critical role in the health status of diabetic people, but…”
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Effects of a 20-Week Concurrent Training Program on Bone Metabolism in Elderly Women
Published in International journal of morphology (01-06-2018)“…The present study evaluated the effect of a 20-week concurrent training program on bone metabolism in elderly women. The sample consisted of 51 elderly women…”
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Impacto de los exergames en el perfil antropométrico, el acondicionamiento cardiorrespiratorio y la autonomía funcional en individuos con síndrome de Down
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2023)“…The objective of the study was to verify the effect of exergames on the anthropometric profile, cardiorespiratory fitness and functional autonomy in…”
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Aerobic conditioning, blood pressure (BP) and body mass index (BMI) of older participants of the Brazilian Family Health Program (FHP) after 16 weeks of guided physical activity
Published in Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (01-01-2012)“…Abstract Because physical exercise is an efficient means to improve maximum consumption of oxygen (VO2max ) and reduce body fat, the objective of this work was…”
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Intervenções por exercício físico e funções cognitivas de idosos: revisão sistemática da literatura
Published in Atividade física & saúde (30-09-2022)“…O objetivo dessa revisão sistemática foi analisar e sumarizar as características dos estudos que avaliam o efeito do exercício físico nas funções cognitivas de…”
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Impacto dos exergames no perfil antropométrico, condicionamento cardiorrespiratório e autonomia funcional em indivíduos com síndrome de Down
Published in Retos (Madrid) (06-11-2022)“…O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o efeito dos exergames no perfil antropométrico, aptidão cardiorrespiratória e autonomia funcional em indivíduos com…”
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Epidemiology of health risk behavior among university students
Published in Revista Ciências em Saúde (25-06-2021)“…Introduction: Moderate and vigorous physical activity is essential to maintain proper body composition, to reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease, diabetes,…”
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El impacto del ejercicio físico adaptado en el índice de vulnerabilidad clínica funcional de los adultos mayores institucionalizados
Published in Revista Ciencias de la Actividad Física (01-06-2022)“…Objetivos: Analizar el efecto del ejercicio físico adaptado sobre el índice de vulnerabilidad funcional clínica en ancianos de una institución de larga…”
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Effects of a 20-Week Concurrent Training Program on Bone Metabolism in Elderly Women/ Efecto de 20 Semanas de Entrenamiento Concurrente Sobre el Metabolismo Oseo de Adultas Mayores
Published in International journal of morphology (01-06-2018)“…The present study evaluated the effect of a 20-week concurrent training program on bone metabolism in elderly women. The sample consisted of 51 elderly women…”
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Multimodal HIIT is More Efficient Than Moderate Continuous Training for Management of Body Composition, Lipid Profile and Glucose Metabolism in the Diabetic Elderly/El Entrenamiento Multimodal es mas Eficiente que el Entrenamiento Continuo Moderado para el Manejo de la Composicion Corporal, El Perfil de Lipidos y el Metabolismo de la Glucosa en Adultos Mayores DiabEticos
Published in International journal of morphology (01-06-2020)“…The exercise could play a central role to the fat management and glucose metabolism what can be a critical role in the health status of diabetic people, but…”
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Percepções sobre as Paralimpíadas Escolares: Um estudo com atletas
Published in Pensar a prática : revista da pós-graduação em educação física escolar (23-12-2019)“…O paradesporto no Brasil vem se fomentando devido a um conjunto de motivos, como o fato de termos sediado as Paralimpíadas Mundiais 2016, maior interesse do…”
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