Search Results - "Gubina, L"
Analysis of some factors influencing the performance of college students: An example of Computer Science education
Published in Obrazovanie i nauka (04-03-2020)“…Introduction. In recent years, the structure and content of training of specialists of further education have significantly improved. The increased popularity…”
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P.435 Evaluation of meniscus position during orthodontic treatment
Published in Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery (2008)Get full text
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The blood glutathione system in cerebral vascular diseases and its treatment with alpha-lipoic acid
Published in Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova (2008)“…The changes of glutathione metabolism are rare in dyscirculatory encephalopathy and ischemic stroke (IS) of mild severity. The frequent and considerable…”
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Glutathione system in erythrocytes and blood plasma in strokes and dyscirculatory encephalopathy
Published in Biochemistry (Moscow). Supplement. Series B, Biomedical chemistry (01-06-2008)“…Dyscirculatory encephalopathy and mild ischemic stroke are characterized by solitary changes in components of glutathione metabolism. In moderate and severe…”
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HPLC-based quality control of cytarabine preparations
Published in Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (01-12-2006)Get full text
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Glutathione system in erythrocytes and blood plasma in strokes and dyscirculatory encephalopathy
Published in Biomeditsinskaia khimiia (01-07-2007)“…In dyscirculatory encephalopathy and moderate ischemic stroke there are single changes of components of glutathione metabolism. In moderate and severe ischemic…”
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Quantum-chemical calculations for the ions of aniline and p-Nitroaniline with different structures
Published in Journal of structural chemistry (01-07-1980)Get full text
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Analysis of pseudomonas external membrane proteins
Published in Gigiena i sanitarija (01-01-1994)Get more information
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Surgical intervention for odontogenic phlegmon in a hemophiliac patient
Published in Vestnik hirurgii im. I.I. Grekova (01-04-1968)Get more information
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Intra-arterial drug administration to patients with acute inflammatory processes of the face and neck
Published in Stomatologija (Moskva) (01-11-1980)Get more information
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Use of transfusion therapy in stomatology
Published in Stomatologija (Moskva) (01-03-1980)Get more information
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Treatment of acute inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial region and neck in diabetics
Published in Stomatologija (Moskva) (01-03-1975)Get more information
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Experience in the prevention of epidemic hepatitis with the use of gamma globulin
Published in Žurnal mikrobiologii, ėpidemiologii i immunobiologii (01-03-1966)Get more information
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