Search Results - "Guadalupe, Guzmán María"
Structures Associated with Oogenesis and Embryonic Development during Intraovarian Gestation in Viviparous Teleosts (Poeciliidae)
Published in Fishes (01-06-2019)“…Viviparity in teleosts involves, invariably, the ovary in a gestational role. This type of viviparity is due to the combination of unique aspects, different…”
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Superfetation in the viviparous fish Heterandria formosa (Poeciliidae)
Published in Journal of morphology (1931) (01-05-2019)“…Heterandria formosa is a viviparous poeciliid native of the southeastern of United States of America. H. formosa exhibits unique reproductive features as: (a)…”
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Immune response to synthetic peptides of dengue prM protein
Published in Vaccine (15-03-2002)“…The immunological activities of five synthetic peptides of the prM protein of dengue-2 (DEN-2) virus containing B cell epitopes were evaluated in BALB/c mice…”
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Report of an unusual association of Oropouche Fever with Guillain-Barré syndrome in Cuba, 2024
Published in European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases (01-11-2024)“…Oropouche virus is the aetiological agent of Oropouche fever. At present, this is currently considered one of the most important vector-borne diseases in Latin…”
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Missed Nursing Care in Hospitalized Patients
Published in Aquichan (01-09-2015)“…Objective: Determine missed nursing care in hospitalized patients and the factors related to missed care, according to the perception of the nursing staff and…”
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Aedes aegypti larval indices and risk for dengue epidemics
Published in Emerging infectious diseases (01-05-2006)“…We assessed in a case-control study the test-validity of Aedes larval indices for the 2000 Havana outbreak. "Cases" were blocks where a dengue fever patient…”
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The protein DIIIC‐2, aggregated with a specific oligodeoxynucleotide and adjuvanted in alum, protects mice and monkeys against DENV‐2
Published in Immunology and cell biology (01-01-2015)“…Previously, we reported the ability of the chimeric protein DIIIC‐2 (domain III of the dengue envelope protein fused to the capsid protein of dengue‐2 virus),…”
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Evaluation in mice of the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a tetravalent subunit vaccine candidate against dengue virus
Published in Microbiology and immunology (01-04-2014)“…ABSTRACT A dengue vaccine must induce protective immunity against the four serotypes of the virus. Our group has developed chimeric proteins consisting of the…”
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Microclimate and sapling survival under organic and polyethylene mulch in a tropical dry deciduous forest
Published in Botanical sciences (01-06-2011)“…Mulches effect on net radiation (RN), air (Ta) and soil (TS) temperature, vapour pressure deficit (VPD), soil water content (SW), stomatal conductance (gS) and…”
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Satisfacción con el manejo del dolor posoperatorio en pacientes hospitalizados
Published in Aquichan (01-01-2015)“…Objetivo: determinar la satisfacción con el manejo del dolor en pacientes hospitalizados y su relación con la intensidad del mismo, el alivio y la orientación…”
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Cambios fiscales y académicos que indujo el virus COVID-19, en Brasil y México
Published in Retos de la Dirección (01-04-2023)“…Objetivo: Mostrar los hallazgos de la revisión de las acciones de las autoridades fiscales y académicas de Brasil y México con motivo de la pandemia y su…”
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Implementación de la responsabilidad social en las empresas mexicanas y su oportunidad en el ámbito fiscal
Published in Revista activos (01-05-2022)“…En los últimos años, las empresas mexicanas han tenido una serie de retos para identificar las áreas de oportunidad con base en la responsabilidad social de la…”
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West Nile Virus infection in humans and horses, Cuba
Published in Emerging infectious diseases (01-06-2006)“…A surveillance system to detect West Nile virus (WNV) was established in Cuba in 2002. WNV infection was confirmed by serologic assays in 4 asymptomatic horses…”
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Reemergence of dengue in Cuba: a 1997 epidemic in Santiago de Cuba
Published in Emerging infectious diseases (01-01-1998)“…After 15 years of absence, dengue reemerged in the municipality of Santiago de Cuba because of increasing migration to the area by people from disease-endemic…”
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Estudio transcriptómico multitejido en la enfermedad severa por dengue: análisis in silico de posibles drogas para su manejo
Published in Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba (01-08-2023)“…RESUMEN Introducción: El dengue constituye un grave y creciente problema de salud a nivel mundial, sin que exista un tratamiento antiviral específico que…”
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Satisfacción de las madres con la atención a sus hijos hospitalizados
Published in Aquichan (2011)“…El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los factores que se relacionan con la satisfacción de la madre con la atención que recibe su hijo hospitalizado. La…”
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Inactivación del virus Zika con medio de transporte de ácidos nucleicos, potencialmente aplicable a muestras clínicas para el diagnóstico molecular de SARS-CoV-2
Published in Revista cubana de medicina tropical (01-08-2022)“…RESUMEN Introducción: Los medios de colecta de muestras clínicas con capacidad de desnaturalizar virus reducen los riesgos de contagio durante el transporte y…”
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Interferon gamma, TGF-β1 and RANTES expression in upper airway samples from SARS-CoV-2 infected patients
Published in Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.) (01-11-2020)“…Upper respiratory tract is the primary site of SARS-CoV-2 replication. Releasing of pro and anti-inflammatory mediators plays an important role in the…”
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Contribución de Cuba y del Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí" para evitar las muertes por dengue
Published in Revista cubana de medicina tropical (01-12-2017)“…El dengue es una enfermedad viral transmitida por mosquitos que puede ser causa de gravedad y muerte. No existe droga antiviral reconocida como eficaz. Sin…”
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Costos y beneficios de la aplicación de acolchados en la reforestación de los bosques tropicales caducifolios
Published in Botanical sciences (15-09-2013)“…Los acolchados incrementan la supervivencia vegetal, favorecen el crecimiento al reforestar las áreas tropicales secas y tornan más eficientes los recursos…”
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