Search Results - "Grutzmann, André"

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  1. 1

    Consumption at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Current State of Research and Suggestions for Future Study by Campos, Alyce Cardoso, Rezende, Daniel Carvalho de, Prado, José Willer do, Nascimento, Thaísa Barcellos Pinheiro do, Marques, Humberto Rodrigues, Grutzmann, André

    Published in Emerging markets journal (01-01-2020)
    “…This article reviews the state of the literature on consumption at the bottom of the pyramid and summarizes the studies' suggestions for future research. This…”
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    The evolution of the disruptive ecosystem: a framework integrating disruption, ecosystems, and business models by Silva, Joao Paulo Nascimento, Grützmann, André

    Published in European journal of innovation management (29-08-2023)
    “…PurposeThis article aims to understand the dynamics between disruptive innovations and innovation ecosystems, using disruption business models as a…”
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  3. 3

    Can urban mobility be responsible? A governance perspective by de Souza, Thais Assis, Vieira, Kelly Carvalho, Nicolaï, Isabelle, Grützmann, André

    Published in Technology analysis & strategic management (01-11-2024)
    “…Transport and mobility systems are historically deeply influenced by the context, including legislation, operation arrangements, decision-making process,…”
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    From woman to woman: consumption vulnerability and responsible innovation in transport network companies by Silva, Leisianny Mayara Costa, Vieira, Kelly Carvalho, Grützmann, André, Rezende, Daniel Carvalho De

    Published in Innovation (Abingdon, England) (02-10-2023)
    “…Transport Network Companies (TNC) present challenges for women's safety during the service experience. Employing women drivers as part of Responsible…”
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    Challenges and barriers faced by older adults to access legislative e‐participation platforms in Brazil by Junqueira, Luiza, Freire, André P., Grützmann, André, Zitkus, Emilene

    “…With the steady increase of the aging population in Brazil, older adults demand government services and actions more than ever. The present exploratory study…”
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    The effects of technological leapfrogging in transportation technologies in BRICS and G7 countries by Silva, João Paulo Nascimento, de Oliveira, Cledison Carlos, Pedrosa, Gabriel, Grutzmann, André

    Published in The Bottom line (New York, N.Y.) (26-04-2023)
    “…Purpose This paper aims to analyse the technological, economic and environmental impacts of disruptive innovations in the transportation mobility market…”
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    SIPOC-OI: a proposal for open innovation in supply chains by Assis de Souza, Thais, Alcântara Pinto, Guilherme, Rodrigues Antunes, Luiz Guilherme, Grützmann, André

    Published in Innovation & management review (03-02-2023)
    “…PurposeRegarding the premises of open innovation (OI) in terms of knowledge sources, this paper aims to discuss how to manage the existing sources of knowledge…”
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    Knowledge Management and Innovation: The Role of Virtual Social Networks in Innovative Consumer Behavior by Grutzmann, Andre, Felício Macedo, Fernanda Maria, Zambalde, André Luiz

    “…Online social networks made up of actors with different degrees of innovativeness may allow knowledge management to collect new ideas and measure their…”
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  10. 10

    Inovação, Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos e as Tecnologias Internet: estudo em empresas brasileiras by Grützmann, André, Zambalde, André Luiz, Bermejo, Paulo Henrique de Souza

    Published in Gestão & Produção (2019)
    “…Resumo Este estudo investigou, a partir de abordagem qualitativa, o uso de tecnologias internet no apoio à inovação de produtos em empresas brasileiras. Uma…”
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    Mineração de Dados Educacionais para Aperfeiçoamento da Gestão do E-learning: uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura by Marques, Humberto Rodrigues, Gomes, Larissa Garcia, Zambalde, André Luiz, Grützmann, André

    Published in Teoria e Prática em Administração (07-08-2020)
    “…Objetivo: Uma vez que a mineração de dados educacionais auxilia na análise da grande quantidade de dados que sistemas de e-learning geram, aperfeiçoando os…”
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  12. 12

    Gestão do conhecimento em universidades corporativas by De Faria, Carla, Grutzmann, André

    Published in Conexão Ciência (26-08-2016)
    “…Este artigo objetiva analisar as características que definem as Universidades Corporativas, enquanto ferramenta de Gestão do Conhecimento e verificar sua…”
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    É IMPOSSÍVEL INOVAR SOZINHO: REFLEXÕES À LUZ DA TEORIA DE INOVAÇÃO ABERTA E A GESTÃO DO CONHECIMENTO DAS MULTINACIONAIS by Silva, Leisianny Mayara Costa, Calegario, Cristina Lelis Leal, Vieira, Kelly Carvalho, Grützmann, André

    Published in Gestão e Desenvolvimento (Novo Hamburgo) (19-03-2024)
    “…As discussões sobre a visão baseada no conhecimento das Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) têm trazido uma série de desafios gerenciais e organizacionais a…”
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    Fostering Music Performers in the 21st Century: A Contemporary Professional Perspective toward a New Curricular Agenda for Graduate Study in Music by da Silva Grutzmann Januario, Andre Luis

    Published 2021
    “…What if the core curriculum for graduate students in music performance were designed to prepare students to succeed in the world of the Fourth Industrial…”
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    Published in Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação (30-12-2023)
    “…A Co-inovação tem surgido como novo paradigma relacionado à conjuntura aberta da inovação e os Ecossistemas de Inovação, por sua vez, têm atuado como ambientes…”
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    O PROCESSO DE CO-INOVAÇÃO EM ECOSSISTEMAS DE INOVAÇÃO by Leisianny Mayara Costa Silva, Mozar José de Brito, André Grützmann

    Published in Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação (01-12-2023)
    “…A Co-inovação tem surgido como novo paradigma relacionado à conjuntura aberta da inovação e os Ecossistemas de Inovação, por sua vez, têm atuado como ambientes…”
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  18. 18

    Inovação Aberta entre Universidade-Empresa: a Percepção de Professores Universitários by Marques, Humberto Rodrigues, Gomes, Larissa Garcia, Grützmann, André, Zambalde, André Luiz

    Published in Sociedade, contabilidade e gestão (04-02-2021)
    “…As universidades, por meio de suas pesquisas acadêmicas, passaram a atuar não apenas na geração do conhecimento, como instituições de ensino e pesquisa, mas…”
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    A comunicação na empresa: vantagens geradas pela utilização do correio eletrônico by André Grützmann

    Published in Revista de Ciencias da Administracao (01-01-2000)
    “…The amount of information that needs to be processed by enterprises has rapidly increased, bringing the need of getting a better communication. This paper…”
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    Does Network Effect Have an Influence on the Acceptance of Airbnb? by Vieira, Kelly Carvalho, Pinto, Guilherme Alcântara, Sugano, Joel Yutaka, Carvalho, Eduardo Gomes, Grutzmann, and Andre

    Published in Global business review (03-02-2021)
    “…Companies operating in the service sector have provided a shared economy platform to optimize the use of resources. The concepts like acceptance and use of…”
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