Search Results - "Gruner, T"
Heavy fermion and Kondo lattice behavior in the itinerant ferromagnet CeCrGe3
Published in Journal of physics. Condensed matter (12-03-2014)“…Physical properties of polycrystalline CeCrGe3 and LaCrGe3 have been investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility χ(T), isothermal…”
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Doped YbRh2Si2: not only ferromagnetic correlations but ferromagnetic order
Published in Physical review letters (21-06-2013)“…YbRh2Si2 is a prototypical system for studying unconventional antiferromagnetic quantum criticality. However, ferromagnetic correlations are present which can…”
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An Overview of the Fast Auroral SnapshoT (FAST) Satellite
Published in Space science reviews (01-08-2001)“…The FAST satellite is a highly sophisticated scientific satellite designed to carry out in situ measurements of acceleration physics and related plasma…”
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Vitamin B12 absorption and metabolism in milk-fed lambs
Published in New Zealand veterinary journal (01-02-2009)“…AIM: To quantify aspects of absorption and retention of vitamin B 12 from milk in pre-ruminant lambs, and the possible effect of activation of dependent…”
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Analysis of corrinoids in ovine tissues
Published in Biomedical chromatography (01-08-2006)“…Corrinoids from various ovine tissue samples (liver, blood, small intestinal fluid and faeces) were analysed using a combination of high‐performance liquid…”
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Development of a method for the separation of corrinoids in ovine tissues by HPLC
Published in Biomedical chromatography (01-05-2005)“…A method has been developed using a combination of high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and a radioisotope dilution assay (RIDA) to routinely estimate…”
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A critical evaluation of serum methylmalonic acid and vitamin B12 for the assessment of cobalt deficiency of growing lambs in New Zealand
Published in New Zealand veterinary journal (01-06-2004)“…AIM: To derive reference ranges for serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) for the diagnosis of cobalt/vitamin B 12 -responsiveness in lambs and critique existing…”
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Changes in serum concentrations of methylmalonic acid and vitamin B12 in cobalt-supplemented ewes and their lambs on two cobalt-deficient properties
Published in New Zealand veterinary journal (01-06-2004)“…AIM: To determine concurrent changes in serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) and vitamin B12 concentrations of ewes and their lambs on cobalt-deficient properties,…”
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Concurrent changes in serum vitamin B12 and methylmalonic acid during cobalt or vitamin B12 supplementation of lambs while suckling and after weaning on properties in the South Island of New Zealand considered to be cobalt-deficient
Published in New Zealand veterinary journal (01-06-2004)“…AIM: To compare serum analyses of vitamin B 12 and methylmalonic acid (MMA) as indices of cobalt/vitamin B 12 deficiency in lambs around weaning. METHODS:…”
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The buccal cytome and micronucleus frequency is substantially altered in Down's syndrome and normal ageing compared to young healthy controls
Published in Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (01-02-2008)“…The buccal micronucleus cytome assay was used to investigate biomarkers for DNA damage, cell death and basal cell frequency in buccal cells of healthy young,…”
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Vitamin B 12 absorption and metabolism in milk-fed lambs
Published in New Zealand veterinary journal (01-02-2009)Get full text
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Photon tunneling through absorbing dielectric barriers
Published in Optics communications (15-01-1997)“…Using a recently developed formalism of quantization of radiation in the presence of absorbing dielectric bodies, the problem of photon tunneling through…”
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Quantum-optical input-output relations for dispersive and lossy multilayer dielectric plates
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-08-1996)Get full text
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Correlation of radiation-field ground-state fluctuations in a dispersive and lossy dielectric
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-04-1995)Get full text
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Single event upset rates on 1 Mbit and 256 Kbit memories: CRUX experiment on APEX
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-12-1995)“…This paper presents the results from the CRUX experiment on the Air Force APEX satellite. The experiment monitors single event upsets on screened commercial…”
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Doped YbRh 2 Si 2 : Not Only Ferromagnetic Correlations but Ferromagnetic Order
Published in Physical review letters (01-06-2013)Get full text
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SEE data from the APEX Cosmic Ray Upset experiment: predicting the performance of commercial devices in space
Published in IEEE transactions on nuclear science (01-06-1996)“…This paper presents additional results from the CRUX experiment on the US Air Force APEX satellite. The experiment monitors single event effects on 256 Kbit…”
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Turkish government accused of hijacking boosted science budget
Published in Nature (28-04-2005)“…The government of Turkey is wresting control of the country's main research council for political ends. That's the accusation of prominent Turkish scientists…”
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The effect of thiamine on rachitic myopathy
Published in Liječnički vjesnik (01-03-1955)Get more information
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