Search Results - "Gross, Samuel R"
Rate of false conviction of criminal defendants who are sentenced to death
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (20-05-2014)“…The rate of erroneous conviction of innocent criminal defendants is often described as not merely unknown but unknowable. There is no systematic method to…”
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Published in Boston University law review (01-05-2018)“…If you believe this reflects the actual rate of errors in the ninety-five percent of felony convictions that are based on plea bargains, it's very reassuring…”
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Road Work: Racial Profiling and Drug Interdiction on the Highway
Published in Michigan law review (01-12-2002)“…It is not news that American police officers devote a disproportionate amount of their attention to racial and ethnic minorities. The phrase "racial…”
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Jurisdictional Competition in Criminal Justice: How Much Does It Really Happen?
Published in Michigan law review (01-06-2006)“…It's a familiar image from American fiction: the bad guy ridden out of town on a rail or beaten up by the sheriff and dumped on the next train out. Where do…”
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Convicting the Innocent
Published in Annual review of law and social science (01-01-2008)“…Almost everything we know about false convictions is based on exonerations in rape and murder cases, which together account for only 2% of felony convictions…”
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David Baldus and the legacy of McCleskey v. Kemp
Published in Iowa law review (01-10-2012)Get full text
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Exonerations in the United States 1989 through 2003
Published in The journal of criminal law & criminology (22-12-2005)“…Gross et al provide a comprehensive study of exonerations in the US from 1989 through 2003. Therein, they discuss all exonerations that they have been able to…”
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Frequency and Predictors of False Conviction: Why We Know So Little, and New Data on Capital Cases
Published in Journal of empirical legal studies (01-12-2008)“…In the first part of this article, we address the problems inherent in studying wrongful convictions: our pervasive ignorance and the extreme difficulty of…”
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What they say at the end: Capital victims' families and the press
Published in Cornell law review (01-01-2003)“…Perhaps the most common complaint by American crime victims and their families is that they are ignored-by the police, by the prosecutors, by the courts and by…”
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Racial Profiling under Attack
Published in Columbia law review (01-06-2002)“…The events of September 11, 2001, have sparked a fierce debate over racial profiling. Many who readily condemned the practice a year ago have had second…”
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Don't try: Civil jury verdicts in a system geared to settlement
Published in UCLA law review (01-10-1996)“…The essence of adversarial litigation is procedure. Justice is defined in procedural terms: the judgment of a competent court following a trial that was…”
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Detection of Deception: The Case of Handwriting Expertise
Published in Virginia law review (01-12-2001)“…The basic method of handwriting identification compares the questioned writing with other writings by the supposed writer. But on what basis did handwriting…”
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Getting to No: A Study of Settlement Negotiations and the Selection of Cases for Trial
Published in Michigan law review (01-11-1991)“…Although trial is often celebrated as the centerpiece of the US system of justice, it is not only an uncommon method of resolving disputes, but also a…”
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Lost Lives: Miscarriages of Justice in Capital Cases
Published in Law and contemporary problems (01-10-1998)“…Gross discusses the incidence of erroneous convictions for capital murder, which are systematic consequences of the natuere of homicide prosection in general…”
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Published in Harvard journal of law and public policy (1997)“…Gross believes the best way to improve justice within the criminal justice system is to prevent crime; he does not advocate big government programs but rather…”
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Loss of Innocence: Eyewitness Identification and Proof of Guilt
Published in The Journal of legal studies (01-06-1987)Get full text
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The American Advantage: The Value of Inefficient Litigation
Published in Michigan law review (01-02-1987)Get full text
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Patterns of Death: An Analysis of Racial Disparities in Capital Sentencing and Homicide Victimization
Published in Stanford law review (01-11-1984)“…Data from 1976-80. Examines patterns of capital sentencing in several states to determine whether race of killer and victim was a factor in the imposition of…”
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Determining the Neutrality of Death-Qualified Juries: Judicial Appraisal of Empirical Data
Published in Law and human behavior (01-06-1984)“…Traces the legal history of death qualification, citing specific cases (e.g., Witherspoon vs Illinois ), and discusses the concept of jury neutrality, the…”
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Clinical Realism: Simulated Hearings Based on Actual Events in Students' Lives
Published in Journal of legal education (01-09-1990)“…A clinical law simulation exercise based on students testimony about events in their own lives was designed to train students as effective trial lawyers…”
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