Search Results - "Grondelle, Rienk van"
Quantum design of photosynthesis for bio-inspired solar-energy conversion
Published in Nature (London) (16-03-2017)“…Photosynthesis is the natural process that converts solar photons into energy-rich products that are needed to drive the biochemistry of life. Two ultrafast…”
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Light Absorption and Energy Transfer in the Antenna Complexes of Photosynthetic Organisms
Published in Chemical reviews (25-01-2017)“…The process of photosynthesis is initiated by the capture of sunlight by a network of light-absorbing molecules (chromophores), which are also responsible for…”
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Both electronic and vibrational coherences are involved in primary electron transfer in bacterial reaction center
Published in Nature communications (25-02-2019)“…Understanding the mechanism behind the near-unity efficiency of primary electron transfer in reaction centers is essential for designing performance-enhanced…”
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Quieting a noisy antenna reproduces photosynthetic light-harvesting spectra
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (26-06-2020)“…Photosynthesis achieves near unity light-harvesting quantum efficiency yet it remains unknown whether there exists a fundamental organizing principle giving…”
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Bioinspiration in light harvesting and catalysis
Published in Nature reviews. Materials (01-11-2020)“…Capturing and converting solar energy into fuels and feedstocks is a global challenge that spans numerous disciplines and fields of research. Billions of years…”
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The Role of Resonant Vibrations in Electronic Energy Transfer
Published in Chemphyschem (04-05-2016)“…Nuclear vibrations play a prominent role in the spectroscopy and dynamics of electronic systems. As recent experimental and theoretical studies suggest, this…”
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The nature of coherences in the B820 bacteriochlorophyll dimer revealed by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy
Published in Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP (01-01-2014)“…Light-harvesting in photosynthesis is determined by the excitonic interactions in disordered antennae and the coupling of collective electronic excitations to…”
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Controlled Disorder in Plant Light-Harvesting Complex II Explains Its Photoprotective Role
Published in Biophysical journal (06-06-2012)“…The light-harvesting antenna of photosystem II (PSII) has the ability to switch rapidly between a state of efficient light use and one in which excess…”
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Switching an Individual Phycobilisome Off and On
Published in The journal of physical chemistry letters (03-05-2018)“…Photosynthetic organisms have found various smart ways to cope with unexpected changes in light conditions. In many cyanobacteria, the lethal effects of a…”
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Excitation Dynamics in Phycoerythrin 545: Modeling of Steady-State Spectra and Transient Absorption with Modified Redfield Theory
Published in Biophysical journal (21-07-2010)“…We model the spectra and excitation dynamics in the phycobiliprotein antenna complex PE545 isolated from the unicellular photosynthetic cryptophyte algae…”
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The Photophysics of the Orange Carotenoid Protein, a Light-Powered Molecular Switch
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. B (01-03-2012)“…To cope with the deleterious effects of excess illumination, photosynthetic organisms have developed photoprotective mechanisms that dissipate the absorbed…”
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Mixed Exciton–Charge-Transfer States in Photosystem II: Stark Spectroscopy on Site-Directed Mutants
Published in Biophysical journal (18-07-2012)“…We investigated the electronic structure of the photosystem II reaction center (PSII RC) in relation to the light-induced charge separation process using Stark…”
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Functional Rearrangement of the Light-Harvesting Antenna upon State Transitions in a Green Alga
Published in Biophysical journal (20-01-2015)“…State transitions in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii serve to balance excitation energy transfer to photosystem I (PSI) and to photosystem II (PSII)…”
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Metal Cations Induced αβ‐BChl a Heterogeneity in LH1 as Revealed by Temperature‐Dependent Fluorescence Splitting
Published in Chemphyschem (18-08-2017)“…Two spectral forms of the core light‐harvesting complex (LH1) of the purple bacterium Thermochromatium (Tch.) tepidum, the native Ca2+‐binding and the…”
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Energy transfer and trapping in Synechococcus WH 7803
Published in Photosynthesis research (01-03-2018)“…Excitation energy transfer (EET) and trapping in Synechococcus WH 7803 whole cells and isolated photosystem I (PSI) complexes have been studied by…”
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Functional Compartmental Modeling of the Photosystems in the Thylakoid Membrane at 77 K
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. B (26-09-2013)“…Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy measurements at 77 K on thylakoid membrane preparations and isolated photosynthetic complexes thereof were investigated…”
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The Specificity of Controlled Protein Disorder in the Photoprotection of Plants
Published in Biophysical journal (20-08-2013)“…Light-harvesting pigment-protein complexes of photosystem II of plants have a dual function: they efficiently use absorbed energy for photosynthesis at…”
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Molecular Adaptation of Photoprotection: Triplet States in Light-Harvesting Proteins
Published in Biophysical journal (17-08-2011)“…The photosynthetic light-harvesting systems of purple bacteria and plants both utilize specific carotenoids as quenchers of the harmful (bacterio)chlorophyll…”
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Fluorescence blinking of single major light-harvesting complexes
Published in New journal of physics (09-08-2013)“…Recent time-resolved studies have revealed the switching behavior of single photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes. In this work, we suggest a conceptual…”
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On the Involvement of Single-Bond Rotation in the Primary Photochemistry of Photoactive Yellow Protein
Published in Biophysical journal (07-09-2011)“…Prior experimental observations, as well as theoretical considerations, have led to the proposal that C 4-C 7 single-bond rotation may play an important role…”
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