Search Results - "Gritsev, Vladimir"
Integrable Floquet dynamics
Published in SciPost physics (16-06-2017)“…We discuss several classes of integrable Floquet systems, i.e. systems which do not exhibit chaotic behavior even under a time dependent perturbation. The…”
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Classifying and measuring geometry of a quantum ground state manifold
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics (19-08-2013)“…From the Aharonov-Bohm effect to general relativity, geometry plays a central role in modern physics. In quantum mechanics, many physical processes depend on…”
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Scattering of massless particles in one-dimensional chiral channel
Published in New journal of physics (27-09-2012)“…We present a general formalism describing the propagation of an arbitrary multi-particle wave packet in a one-dimensional multimode chiral channel coupled to…”
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Gaudin models solver based on the correspondence between Bethe ansatz and ordinary differential equations
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics (13-06-2011)Get full text
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Topologically protected strongly correlated states of photons
Published in New journal of physics (11-11-2014)“…Hybrid photonic nanostructures allow the engineering of novel interesting states of light. One recent example is topological photonic crystals where a…”
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Linear response theory for a pair of coupled one-dimensional condensates of interacting atoms
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics (01-05-2007)“…We use the quantum sine-Gordon model to describe the low-energy dynamics of a pair of coupled one-dimensional condensates of interacting atoms. We show that…”
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The Loschmidt Index
Published in SciPost physics (01-05-2021)“…We study the nodes of the wavefunction overlap between ground states of a parameter-dependent Hamiltonian. These nodes are topological, and we can use them to…”
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Full quantum distribution of contrast in interference experiments between interacting one-dimensional Bose liquids
Published in Nature physics (01-10-2006)“…The existence of quantum noise is the most direct evidence for the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. In strongly interacting systems we expect quantum…”
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The Floquet Baxterisation
Published in SciPost physics (01-03-2024)“…Quantum integrability has proven to be a useful tool to study quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium. In this paper we construct a generic framework for…”
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Hidden symmetries, the Bianchi classification and geodesics of the quantum geometric ground-state manifolds
Published in SciPost physics (28-01-2021)“…We study the Killing vectors of the quantum ground-state manifold of a parameter-dependent Hamiltonian. We find that the manifold may have symmetries that are…”
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The spectral form factor in the 't Hooft limit – Intermediacy versus universality
Published in SciPost physics core (01-12-2022)“…The Spectral Form Factor (SFF) is a convenient tool for the characterization of eigenvalue statistics of systems with discrete spectra, and thus serves as a…”
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Entanglement Dynamics of Random GUE Hamiltonians
Published in SciPost physics (01-03-2021)“…In this work, we consider a model of a subsystem interacting with a reservoir and study dynamics of entanglement assuming that the overall time-evolution is…”
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Topological field theory approach to intermediate statistics
Published in SciPost physics (01-06-2021)“…Random matrix models provide a phenomenological description of a vast variety of physical phenomena. Prominent examples include the eigenvalue statistics of…”
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Many-body localization in the Fock space of natural orbitals
Published in SciPost physics (01-06-2018)“…We study the eigenstates of a paradigmatic model of many-body localization in the Fock basis constructed out of the natural orbitals. By numerically studying…”
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Holographic quantum scars
Published in SciPost physics (01-09-2023)“…We discuss a construction of quantum many-body scars in the context of holography. We consider two-dimensional conformal field theories and use their dynamical…”
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Integrable Floquet systems related to logarithmic conformal field theory
Published in SciPost physics (01-04-2023)“…We study an integrable Floquet quantum system related to lattice statistical systems in the universality class of dense polymers. These systems are described…”
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Exact out-of-equilibrium central spin dynamics from integrability
Published in New journal of physics (01-04-2014)“…We consider a Gaudin magnet (central spin model) with a time-dependent exchange couplings. We explicitly show that the Schrödinger equation is analytically…”
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Breakdown of the adiabatic limit in low-dimensional gapless systems
Published in Nature physics (01-06-2008)“…It is generally believed that a generic system can be reversibly transformed from one state to another by a sufficiently slow change of parameters…”
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Random Matrix Ensemble for the Level Statistics of Many-Body Localization
Published in Physical review letters (10-05-2019)“…We numerically study the level statistics of the Gaussian β ensemble. These statistics generalize Wigner-Dyson level statistics from the discrete set of Dyson…”
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