Search Results - "Gribanov, G. A."
Phospholipid composition of granulation and fibrous tissues in rats after local application of melatonin
Published in Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine (01-01-2003)“…We studied the effect of melatonin applied locally in doses of 1.5 and 15 mg/ml on the phospholipid composition of granulation and fibrous tissues in rats at…”
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Skin lipids in rats administered with melatonin
Published in Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine (01-04-1999)“…Effects of the pineal hormone melatonin on skin lipids in Wistar rats were studied by thinlayer chromatography. The reaction was shown to be delayed. Contents…”
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Dynamics of changes in skin lipids after stress: Effects of exogenous melatonin
Published in Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine (01-05-1999)“…Changes in the skin lipid composition induced by water-immersion stress in rats treated and untreated with melatonin were studied by thin-layer chromatography…”
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Effect of hypoxic hypothermia on phospholipid metabolism in the endocrine organs of rats in chronic hypoxic hypoxia
Published in Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine (01-09-1971)Get full text
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Express microanalysis of total lipids and their fractions in blood serum by micro-thin layer chromatography
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-11-1975)“…A rapid and sensitive microanalysis in blood serum of total lipids and their main fractions (phospholipids, free cholesterol, free fatty acids, triglycerids,…”
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Changes in phospholipids of the brain grey and white matter during in vitro autolysis in rats subjected to acute hypobaric hypoxic hypoxia
Published in Biomeditsinskaia khimiia (01-03-2004)“…The development of autolysis in grey brain matter of albino rats was accompanied by desintegration of aminophospholipids with parallel increase of…”
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Changes in lipid components of the rat brain gray matter caused Ca(2+) ions in postmortem autolysis in vitro
Published in Biomeditsinskaia khimiia (01-05-2003)“…The influence of exogenous ions Ca2+ on the autholytic alterations of lipids in the brain grey matter of rats was investigated during incubation in a sterile…”
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The effect of acute hypobaric hypoxia on the autolytic changes in lipids of the gray and white substance of white rats
Published in Aviakosmicheskaia i Äkologicheskaia meditsina (2001)“…Effects of acute hypobaric hypoxia (1:30 hrs. at 190-200 mm Hg) on the autolytic changes in lipids of the gray and white substance of the brain were evaluated…”
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Effect of bovine serum albumin on the character of autolytic changes in the lipid component of rat gray and white brain matter in vitro
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-05-1998)“…The influence of cytoprotecting concentrations of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the autolytic alterations of rat brain white and grey matters in the…”
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Catabolic changes in endogenous lipids in rat adrenal glands during autolysis
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-05-1977)“…Alterations in lipid composition of rat adrenal glands were studied at various periods of autolysis by means of micro-thin layer chromatography. Phospholipids,…”
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"hypoxic" hypothermia in phospholipid metabolism of rat endocrine organs during acute hypoxia
Published in Kosmicheskaia biologiia i aviakosmicheskaia meditsina (01-03-1975)“…The effect of "hypoxic" hypothermia on the metabolism of phsopholidpds of the endocrine organia that occurs during acute hypoxia produces no inhibitory effect…”
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Changes in phospholipids in the gray and white matter of the rat brain during postmortem autolysis dynamics
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-09-1994)“…Content of total phospholipids and their individual fractions, studied in rat brain grey and white substances during postmortal autolysis, was distinctly and…”
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Features of autolytic restructuring of lipids in plasma, serum, and blood clots
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-05-1993)“…Quantitative composition and amount of main lipid fractions were studied by means of microthin-layer chromatography in blood clot free of cell elements, in…”
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Lipids from gray and white rat brain matter in autolysis
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-03-1993)“…A decrease in relative content of phospholipids and cholesterol simultaneously with increase in cholesterol esters and free fatty acids were detected in…”
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Determination of cholesterol esterase activity using micro-thin layer chromatography
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-03-1992)“…A procedure is developed for estimation of the cholinesterase activity in biological materials immediately on the plates for micro-thin-layer chromatography…”
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Comparative microanalysis of lipids in various components of the hemostasis system
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-11-1989)“…Lipid composition was studied in blood plasma, blood serum and blood clot of healthy persons and of patients with chronic unspecific lung impairments. Similar…”
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Changes in ATPase activity in tissues and mitochondria of some steroid-producing rat organs during autolysis
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-11-1994)“…The activity of Mg(2+)-ATPase was studied in the tissues, homogenates, specimens of rat spermatic and adrenal glands during postmortem autolysis. The initial…”
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An ultramicro method for determining pyrophosphatase using malachite green B
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-07-1993)“…A modified sensitive micromethod is described for estimation of pyrophosphatase activity both in homogenate and suspensions of nuclear and mitochondrial…”
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Lipids of rat myocardium in autolysis
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-07-1983)“…Alterations in lipid composition were studied by means of micro-thin-layer chromatography technique in rat myocardium during postmortal autolysis. Lipids of…”
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