Search Results - "Grey, Timothy"
Gene amplification confers glyphosate resistance in Amaranthus palmeri
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (19-01-2010)“…The herbicide glyphosate became widely used in the United States and other parts of the world after the commercialization of glyphosate-resistant crops. These…”
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Variation in thermotolerance of photosystem II energy trapping, intersystem electron transport, and photosystem I electron acceptor reduction for diverse cotton genotypes
Published in Plant physiology and biochemistry (01-08-2023)“…Cotton breeding programs have focused on agronomically-desirable traits. Without targeted selection for tolerance to high temperature extremes, cotton will…”
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Investigation of physiological and molecular mechanisms conferring diurnal variation in auxinic herbicide efficacy
Published in PloS one (28-08-2020)“…The efficacy of auxinic herbicides, a valuable weed control tool for growers worldwide, has been shown to vary with the time of day in which applications are…”
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Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Morphology, Growth, and Seed Production in Georgia
Published in Weed science (01-01-2015)“…Herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth has become the most economically detrimental weed of cotton in the southeast United States. With the continual…”
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Early growth, development and allometry of glyphosate-resistant and susceptible Amaranthus palmeri in response to current and elevated temperature and CO2
Published in Scientific reports (02-09-2023)“…This study aimed to evaluate the influence of CO 2 and temperature on glyphosate-resistant and susceptible biotypes of Amaranthus palmeri (Palmer amaranth) in…”
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Khakiweed ( Alternanthera pungens ) control with contact and residual herbicides
Published in Weed technology (29-10-2024)“…Khakiweed is a perennial broadleaf weed that is difficult to control because of its multiple means of reproduction, vigorous growth, and deep taproot…”
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Blueberry and blackberry are tolerant to repeated indaziflam applications
Published in Weed technology (01-08-2021)“…Numerous perennial horticultural crops are grown across the southeastern United States. Blueberry and blackberry (also known as caneberry) are commonly found…”
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Halosulfuron Reduced Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) Tuber Production and Viability
Published in Weed science (01-12-2014)“…Weeds persist and cause economic losses in agricultural systems because they exploit underused portions of that system. Reducing the effect of weeds on…”
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Pollen-Mediated Dispersal of Glyphosate-Resistance in Palmer Amaranth under Field Conditions
Published in Weed science (01-07-2012)“…In addition to being a strong competitor with cotton and other row crops, Palmer amaranth has developed resistance to numerous important agricultural…”
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Influence of time of day on dicamba and glyphosate efficacy
Published in Weed technology (01-02-2022)“…Renewed interest in studying auxin herbicides (WSSA Group 4) is increasing as a result of the release of genetically engineered crop varieties that are…”
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High-Density Plantings of Olive Trees Are Tolerant to Repeated Applications of Indaziflam
Published in Weed science (01-10-2016)“…Olive production in the southeastern United States has recently begun to increase from demand for locally produced virgin olive oil. With no established…”
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Fluensulfone sorption and mobility as affected by soil type
Published in Pest management science (01-02-2018)“…BACKGROUND Fluensulfone is a fluoroalkenyl chemical with activity against multiple genera of plant‐parasitic nematodes. The adsorption, desorption, and…”
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Cucumber tolerance to glufosinate applied preplant or preemergence
Published in Weed technology (01-06-2022)“…Georgia vegetable growers produce more than 27% of the nation's fresh-market cucumbers. To maximize yields and profit, fields must be weed-free when planting…”
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Leaf ontogeny strongly influences photosynthetic tolerance to drought and high temperature in Gossypium hirsutum
Published in Journal of plant physiology (20-07-2016)“…Temperature and drought are major abiotic limitations to crop productivity worldwide. While abiotic stress physiology research has focused primarily on fully…”
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Bermudagrass tolerance of indaziflam PRE applications in forage production
Published in Weed technology (01-02-2020)“…Bermudagrass is a major forage species throughout Georgia and the Southeast. An essential part of achieving high-yielding, top-quality forages is proper weed…”
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Halosulfuron-Methyl Degradation from the Surface of Low-Density Polyethylene Mulch Using Analytical and Bioassay Techniques
Published in Weed science (01-01-2018)“…Vegetable injury and yield loss has occurred when applying halosulfuron to low-density polyethylene mulch (LDPE) prior to transplanting. Research determined…”
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Investigation into Interactions of Environmental and Application Time Effects on 2,4-D and Dicamba-Induced Phytotoxicity and Hydrogen Peroxide Formation
Published in Weed science (01-11-2019)“…Application timing and environmental factors reportedly influence the efficacy of auxinic herbicides. In resistance-prone weed species such as Palmer amaranth…”
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Effect of cover-crop biomass, strip-tillage residue disturbance width, and PRE herbicide placement on cotton weed control, yield, and economics
Published in Weed technology (01-06-2021)“…Conservation tillage adoption continues to be threatened by glyphosate and acetolactate synthase–resistant Palmer amaranth and other troublesome weeds. Field…”
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2,4-D and dicamba removal from the surface of plastic mulch using overhead irrigation: analytical analysis and cucurbit bioassay crop response
Published in Weed technology (01-08-2021)“…Glyphosate and paraquat are effective preplant burndown herbicide options for multicrop vegetable production that uses plastic mulch, but problematic weeds…”
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Time of Application Influences Translocation of Auxinic Herbicides in Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)
Published in Weed science (01-01-2018)“…The efficacy of WSSA Group 4 herbicides has been reported to vary with dependence on the time of day the application is made, which may affect the value of…”
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