Search Results - "Gregson, Stuart"
EMC Chamber Quiet Zone Qualification for Applications Above 1 GHz Using Frequency Domain Mode Filtering
Published in IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement (2021)“…Anechoic chambers used for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) measurements above 1 GHz are qualified based on the site voltage standing wave ratio (SVSWR)…”
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Compressive Sensing in Massive MIMO Array Testing: A Practical Guide
Published in IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation (01-09-2022)“…Compressive sensing (CS) has been deployed in a variety of fields including wideband spectrum sensing, active user detection, and antenna arrays. In massive…”
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Optimisation of the Serration Outline Shape of a Single Offset-Fed Compact Antenna Test Range Reflector Using A Genetic Evolution of the Superformula
Published in 2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (22-03-2021)“…While the size of the reflector in general determines the usable area of the quiet zone inside which plane wave conditions are found, the edge treatment also…”
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Planar Near-Field Array Antenna Diagnostics for Production Testing Using Compressive Sensing and a Fixed Sparce Sensing Array
Published in IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation (24-10-2024)“…In massive MIMO arrays, Compressive Sensing (CS) has been proposed to rapidly verify the arrays excitation in a production environment. All follow the general…”
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Untethered near‐field drone‐based antenna measurement system for microwave frequencies using multiple reference antennas for phase and drone location recovery
Published in IET microwaves, antennas & propagation (01-10-2022)“…The simulation of a novel drone‐based near‐field (NF)/far‐field (FF) antenna measurement system enabling the reconstruction of Antenna Under Test (AUT) phase…”
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Design and Optimization of a Near-Field Measurement Probe for a Minimized Scattering Cross Section
Published in 2023 7th International Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference (EMC Turkiye) (17-09-2023)“…This paper studies the relation between the mono-static scattering cross section (SCS) of a near-field measurement probe and its antenna capabilities, e.g. the…”
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Intercomparisons of Site VSWR Measurement Methods using Mode Filtering, Time Domain and Spatial Sampling Techniques
Published in 2021 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA) (24-10-2021)“…The validity and viability of using frequency domain mode filtering to qualify an EMC chamber above 1 GHz has been demonstrated in a previous study [1]. The…”
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Examination of EMC Chamber Qualification Methodology for Applications above 1 GHz using Frequency Domain Mode Filtering
Published in 2020 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA) (02-11-2020)“…Anechoic chambers used for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) measurements above 1 GHz are qualified based on the Site Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (SVSWR)…”
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Novel Application of Compressed Sensing in Cylindrical Mode Filtering for Far-Field Antenna Measurements
Published in 2023 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA) (08-10-2023)“…Mode filtering has been shown to be very effective in suppressing spurious reflections in antenna measurements. Specifically, it has been well documented that…”
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Validation of Blended Rolled Edge Reflector Characteristics for Compact Test Ranges
Published in 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (26-03-2023)“…This paper presents a recent advance in designing and validating blended rolled edge (BRE) reflectors for compact antenna test range (CATR) applications. BRE…”
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Determination of Antenna Displacement from a Single Cut Quasi-Farfield Pattern for Cylindrical Mode Filtering Applications
Published in 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (26-03-2023)“…In the quasi-far-field, the tangential orthogonal electric field components, e.g., in the phi direction and z direction (in the cylindrical coordinate system),…”
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Examination of the Effectiveness of Mode Orthogonalisation and Filtering for Scattering Suppression in Antenna Measurements Through Computational Electromagnetic Simulation
Published in 2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (01-03-2019)“…Reflections in antenna measurement ranges generally comprise the most significant term within the overall uncertainty budget [1], [2]. For well over a decade…”
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Comparison of Spherical and Cylindrical Mode Filtering Techniques for Reflection Suppression With mm-wave Antenna Measurements
Published in 2018 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA) (01-09-2018)“…Reflections in antenna measurement ranges generally comprise the most significant component within the facility level uncertainty budget [1]. For more than a…”
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Compact Antenna Test Ranges: The Use of Simulation and Post-Processing Techniques in Support of 5G OTA Testing
Published in 2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (01-03-2019)“…The Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) is a long established, general purpose, wide-band, test methodology for acquiring far-field radiation characteristics…”
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Chairs' welcome message
Published in 2016 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC) (01-11-2016)“…Presents the introductory welcome message from the conference proceedings. May include the conference officers' congratulations to all involved with the…”
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On the Uncertainty Sources of Drone-Based Outdoor Far-Field Antenna Measurements
Published in 2021 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA) (24-10-2021)“…Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), colloquially known as drones, offer unparalleled flexibility and portability for outdoor and in situ antenna measurements, which…”
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Plane-wave spectrum methods for the near-field characterization of very large structures using UAVs: The SKA radio telescope case
Published in 2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (22-03-2021)“…The reconstruction of embedded element patterns is analyzed in physically and electrically large aperture arrays from near-field measurements taken with a…”
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Examination of spherical antenna far-field scattering suppression through electromagnetic simulation
Published in Antennas and Propagation Conference 2019 (APC-2019) (2019)“…For any indoor antenna test range (planar/cylindrical/spherical/compact), room scattering is one of the most significant terms within the overall uncertainty…”
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Assessing and quantifying the effects of planar mathematical absorber reflection suppression technique
Published in The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014) (01-04-2014)“…Band limiting radiating fields from a finite sized field distribution has been shown to be a highly effective way to eliminate spurious scattered fields from…”
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Parametric study of probe positioning errors in articulated spherical near-field test systems for mm-wave applications
Published in 2014 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA) (01-11-2014)“…This paper describes an articulated arm spherical near-field scanner design which transports a probe over a hyper-hemispherical surface that surrounds a…”
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