Search Results - "Granby, P"

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  1. 1

    Foley catheter vs. oral misoprostol to induce labour among hypertensive women in India: a cost‐consequence analysis alongside a clinical trial by Leigh, S, Granby, P, Haycox, A, Mundle, S, Bracken, H, Khedikar, V, Mulik, J, Faragher, B, Easterling, T, Turner, MA, Alfirevic, Z, Winikoff, B, Weeks, AD

    “…Objective To determine the effectiveness and economic impact of two methods for induction of labour in hypertensive women, in low‐resource settings. Design…”
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  2. 2

    Promoting health and reducing costs: a role for reform of self-monitoring of blood glucose provision within the National Health Service by Leigh, S., Idris, I., Collins, B., Granby, P., Noble, M., Parker, M.

    Published in Diabetic medicine (01-05-2016)
    “…Aim To determine the cost‐effectiveness of all options for the self‐monitoring of blood glucose funded by the National Health Service, providing guidance for…”
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  3. 3

    The incidence and implications of cerebral palsy following potentially avoidable obstetric complications: a preliminary burden of disease study by Leigh, S, Granby, P, Turner, M, Wieteska, S, Haycox, A, Collins, B

    “…Objective To determine the extent of cerebral palsy attributable to adverse obstetric events, and estimate the lifetime mortality and morbidity expectations of…”
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  4. 4

    Foley Catheterization Versus Oral Misoprostol for Induction of Labour in Hypertensive Women in India (INFORM): A Multicenter, Open-label, Randomized Controlled Trial by Mundle, S, Bracken, H, Khedikar, V, Mulik, J, Faragher, B, Easterling, T, Leigh, S, Granby, P, Haycox, A, Turner, M.A, Alfirevic, Z, Winikoff, B, Weeks, A.D

    Published in Obstetric anesthesia digest (01-06-2018)
    “…(Lancet. 2017;390(10095):669–680)Hypertensive disorders, including preeclampsia, affect 10% of all pregnancies, with preeclampsia and eclampsia accounting for…”
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