Search Results - "Graça, Carlos"
Thermal behavior of asphalt binder with modifying agents from industrial residues
Published in Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (01-12-2019)“…The thermal behavior of the petroleum asphalt binder (PA 50–70) modified with mixture of rubber tires and oily sludge, in the proportions of 15/85% m/m (M1)…”
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Sobrecarga dos cuidadores informais de pessoas com esclerose lateral amiotrófica
Published in Referência (Coimbra) (29-04-2022)“…Enquadramento: A esclerose lateral amiotrófica é uma doença neurodegenerativa, progressiva, incapacitante e sem cura, onde o cuidador assume um papel…”
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Mikania laevigata syrup does not induce side effects on reproductive system of male Wistar rats
Published in Journal of ethnopharmacology (20-04-2007)“…Mikania laevigata (Asteraceae) is a native plant from South America and popularly used as antispasmodic and to treat respiratory diseases. Coumarin is the…”
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In vivo assessment of safety and mechanisms underlying in vitro relaxation induced by Mikania laevigata Schultz Bip. ex Baker in the rat trachea
Published in Journal of ethnopharmacology (25-07-2007)“…Mikania laevigata, popularly known in Brazil as “guaco”, is largely used in folk medicine against respiratory diseases. However, neither the assessment of the…”
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Constipation prevalence in diabetic patients
Published in Journal of Coloproctology (01-04-2014)“…Abstract Objective the aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of constipation in diabetic patients treated at the endocrinology outpatient clinic at…”
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Recepções de Malthus no Portugal de Oitocentos
Published in Ler história (01-05-2008)“…In Portugal’ 19th Century, Malthus’s work gets reactions that range from acceptation with reserves to radical refutation, amidst some misunderstandings. Both…”
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Determinantes da pneumonia associada à ventilação invasiva numa unidade de cuidados intensivos de um hospital central
Published in Referência (Coimbra) (22-03-2024)“…Resumo Enquadramento: As infeções associadas aos cuidados de saúde (IACS) são uma problemática atual dos sistemas de saúde variando a sua incidência,…”
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Complexidade, interdependência e autonomia em sistemas económicos e sociais
Published in Revista crítica de ciencias sociais (01-09-2010)“…Complexity is a purposeful integrating framework for interdisciplinary dialogue, namely between sociologists and economists. After presenting some properties…”
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ESTIMATIVA DA QUANTIDADE DE RESÍDUOS (CASCA E POLPA) PRODUZIDOS DURANTE O PROCESSO DE BENEFICIAMENTO DO CAFÉ NO MUNICÍPIO DE VARGINHA – MG/ Estimation of the amount of residues (bark and pulp) produced during the process of coffee processing in the city
Published in Revista GeoNorte (22-12-2017)“…O estudo teve como objetivo levantar informações sobre o cultivo e beneficiamento do café (área colhida e produção média) para estimar a quantidade de resíduos…”
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Economic values, beliefs and behaviors: a regional approach
Published in Análise social (2015)“…The purpose of this paper is to identify relationships between economic value orientations, beliefs, and behaviors of agents, on the one hand, and differences…”
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Afinal, o que é mesmo a Nova Sociologia Económica?
Published in Revista crítica de ciencias sociais (01-12-2005)“…Placed somewhere between economics and sociology, economic sociology has enjoyed an unstable theoretical status and a restricted academic recognition. More…”
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Acerca da instabilidade da condição da sociologia económica On the instability of economic sociology’s condition
Published in Análise social (01-01-2012)“…O mapeamento conceptual e académico da sociologia e da ciência económica, incluindo a identificação de um lugar para a sociologia económica, constituiu um…”
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Identifying Key Properties of Electrolytes for Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells
Published in Chemistry of materials (09-09-2014)“…The electrolyte is a key component in light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs), as it facilitates in situ electrochemical doping and associated attractive…”
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The Economics—Sociology Divide: The Cost of Parsons as an Academic `Social Entrepreneur
Published in Journal of classical sociology : JCS (01-11-2008)“…The academic divide between economics and sociology suggested by Talcott Parsons in the 1930s is based on a fundamentally mischievous and incoherent reading of…”
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Construção e validação de uma escala de adaptação a ostomia de eliminação
Published in Referência (Coimbra) (01-02-2015)“…Theoretical framework: An ostomy represents a potential threat to people's lives and is translated into physical, emotional and social maladjustments. The…”
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Contributions of the nursing intervention in primary healthcare for the promotion of breastfeeding
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-03-2011)“…This study aimed to analyze the contributions of the Primary Healthcare nursing interventions, with primiparae in the promotion of breastfeeding. This is a…”
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Pluriatividade na agricultura familiar no compartimento arenítico da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Pirapó – Paraná/Brasil
Published in Campo-território (22-12-2020)“…O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as propriedades familiares pluriativas no compartimento arenítico da bacia hidrográfica do rio Pirapó –…”
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Regiões pluviométricas homogêneas e a erosividade das chuvas na unidade hidrográfica Pirapó, Paranapanema III e IV-Paraná / Homogeneous rainfall regions and rainfall erosivity in the hydrographic unit Pirapó, Paranapanema III and IV hydrographic (...)
Published in Caderno de geografia (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) (02-05-2016)“…O presente trabalho objetiva definir regiões pluviométricas homogêneas e investigar a relação entre o regime pluviométrico e o potencial da erosividade para a…”
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Published in Ateliê Geográfico (01-10-2014)Get full text
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Resiliência e ajustamento à maternidade no pós-parto
Published in Referência (Coimbra) (01-12-2013)“…Resilient mothers have the flexibility and the inner strength necessary to bounce back from adversity. The transition to motherhood involves a new set of tasks…”
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