Search Results - "Gouvea Vasconcellos, Eleonora Maria"
Morphology and stratigraphy of Serra Geral silicic lava flows in the northern segment of the Torres Trough, Paraná Igneous Province
Published in Brazilian journal of geology (01-06-2018)“…The impetus for this research was the enigma regarding the origin of the extensive silicic volcanic units in the Paraná-Etendeka Igneous Province. Are they…”
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Hydrovolcanic eruptions of the Paraná Igneous Province: Insights from mafic volcaniclastic deposits in Sertanópolis, Paraná, Brazil
Published in Journal of volcanology and geothermal research (01-03-2023)“…In many continental flood basalt provinces (CFBPs), primary volcaniclastic deposits formed by explosive hydrovolcanism have been shown to be significant…”
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Magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of mafic pegmatites and their host basalts, Paraná Large Igneous Province, Brazil
Published in Lithos (01-01-2022)“…The high-Ti Paranapanema sequence in the Paraná Large Igneous Province consists of a succession of pahoehoe lava flows. Some of these flows host mafic…”
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Facies architecture and volcanological aspects of silicic rocks from the Palmas plateau, Brazil
Published in Brazilian journal of geology (01-01-2020)“…Abstract The nature of the extensive silicic units of the Paraná Igneous Province is still heavily debated. The silicic rocks that outcrop in the Palmas…”
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Influence of Gamma Ray Irradiation on the Optical Properties of Calcite and Dolomite
Published in Applied spectroscopy (01-05-2020)“…The class of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites has carbon in their structures, similarly to the terrestrial calcite and dolomite rocks, and contains the group…”
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Mineralogical and physicochemical constraints on the hydrothermalism of volcanic rocks in the Paraná Igneous Province, northwestern Paraná state, Brazil
Published in Journal of South American earth sciences (01-12-2021)“…Hydrothermally affected basaltic flows and volcaniclastic rocks in northwestern Paraná (Brazil) display textural features associated with secondary minerals,…”
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Well-preserved fallout basaltic tuff in central Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province: pyroclastic evidence of high fire-fountain eruptions
Published in Bulletin of volcanology (28-12-2023)“…The Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province (PELIP) is renowned for its massive and rapidly emplaced flood basalts that dominated the centre of the Gondwana…”
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Chemostratigraphy and evolution of the Paraná Igneous Province volcanism in the central portion of the state of Paraná, Southern Brazil
Published in Journal of volcanology and geothermal research (15-04-2018)“…Analysis of borehole samples offers the potential to investigate the chemostratigraphic variations of a large igneous province in subsurface. New geochemical…”
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Deformational structures developed in volcanic sequences as a product of tectonic adjustments in the South Atlantic Ocean
Published in Journal of South American earth sciences (01-12-2020)“…The Atlantic Tectonics, associated with volcanic processes, allowed the formation of the Vitoria-Trindade Chain seamounts, and consist in a recent volcanic…”
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Study of the Influence of Temperature on the Optical and Structural Properties of Dolomite
Published in Applied spectroscopy (01-10-2020)“…The present work reports the results of structural and optical investigations in samples of natural dolomite, subjected to thermal treatment at different…”
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Geochemical modeling of basic pegmatites from Foz do Iguaçu in the Itaipu region, western Paraná, Brazil
Published in Geologia USP. Série Científica (20-12-2023)“…In the westernmost portion of the state of Paraná, in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, basic pegmatites occur within inflated pahoehoe basaltic flows of the Paraná…”
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Paleomagnetism of the Penatecaua magmatism: The CAMP intrusive rocks in the Amazonas Basin, northern Brazil
Published in Physics of the earth and planetary interiors (01-09-2023)“…The Penatecaua magmatism (∼201 Ma) is part of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) and is represented by voluminous sills in the Amazonas Basin, north…”
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A microtomografia computadorizada de raios x integrada à petrografia no estudo tridimensional de porosidade em rochas
Published in Brazilian journal of geology (2011)“…Resumo: A porosidade contida nas rochas é objeto de estudo de geocientistas devido a diversas implicações genéticas destas feições. Porém, o que vem motivando…”
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Petrografia e geoquímica de pegmatitos básicos da Província Ígnea do Paraná, no sudoeste do estado do Paraná
Published in Geologia USP. Série Científica (17-12-2020)“…No sudoeste do estado do Paraná ocorre grande concentração de pegmatitos básicos hospedados em derrames da Província Ígnea do Paraná. Apesar de estudos de…”
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Voluminous Paleoproterozoic plutonic belt of the Bacajá domain in Amazon Craton: Petrology, geotectonic setting and Pb–Pb zircon evaporation ages
Published in Journal of South American earth sciences (01-10-2023)“…To the north of the well-known Archean Carajás Metallogenetic Province, the Bacajá Domain abounds voluminous Rhyacian plutonic bodies predominate largely over…”
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Ensino de técnicas de análises de minerais com ênfase na interpretação de dados: teoria e prática na formação do geólogo
Published in Terrae Didatica (30-06-2015)“…Atividade didática inicialmente desenvolvida na disciplina Química Inorgânica Experimental, ministrada aos alunos do Curso de Geologia da UFPR objetivou…”
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Validation of the use of portable equipment for magnetic characterization of soils, State of Paraná, Brazil
Published in Brazilian journal of geology (2022)“…Abstract Studies involving the magnetic susceptibility (MS) of rocks are becoming increasingly frequent in geological surveys, mainly in those with…”
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