Search Results - "Goulart, Karine Naves Oliveira"
Tactical and Technical Performance in Basketball Small-Sided Games: A Systematic Review
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2024)“…The ability to design Small-sided games (SSGs) by manipulating the game allows coaches to align the games with players' specific needs, thereby fostering…”
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Validity of the Polar V800 to measure vertical jump performance in taekwondo athletes
Published in Ido movement for culture : journal of martial arts anthropology (01-01-2021)“…Background. Lower limbs performance plays a huge role in the training processes of martial arts, including taekwondo. By monitoring vertical jumps (VJ) lower…”
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Fatigue and Recovery Time Course After Female Soccer Matches: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis
Published in Sports medicine - open (01-12-2022)“…Background This study aimed to analyze the extent of fatigue responses after female soccer matches and the ensuing recovery time course of performance,…”
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Time-course of changes in performance, biomechanical, physiological and perceptual responses following resistance training sessions
Published in European journal of sport science (01-07-2021)“…This study determined the time-course of recovery after resistance training (RT) sessions and the association between changes in performance with changes in…”
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Cytokine response to resistance training sessions performed after different recovery intervals
Published in Sport sciences for health (01-09-2022)“…Purpose This study aimed to compare the inflammatory response during resistance training (RT) sessions performed after recovery intervals of 24 h, 48 h, and…”
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Estimated energy expenditure and training intensity in young female artistic gymnasts
Published in Motriz : Revista de Educação Física. Unesp (2022)“…Abstract Aim: This study determined the energy expenditure and effort intensity of athletes during women's artistic gymnastics training sessions. Methods: Ten…”
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The Effects of Oral Contraceptives on Body Composition After Resistance Training Interventions: A Systematic Review
Published in Strength and conditioning journal (20-06-2024)“…The use of oral contraceptives (OC) alters hormonal levels and may impact body composition, which is an important factor concerning health and physical…”
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Comparison of the effect of passive recovery and self-myofascial release in post-match recovery in female soccer players
Published in Journal of human sport and exercise (01-04-2024)“…The self-myofascial release is often included in football training routines the day after games to help athletes recover, but its effects when performed at…”
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Fatores motivacionais dos alunos e avaliação da qualidade de aulas online de ginástica artística
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte (2022)“…RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar fatores motivacionais para a participação em aulas online de ginástica artística (GA) e a satisfação dos alunos…”
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The effect of post-match resistance training on recovery in female footballers; when is best to train?
Published in Science and medicine in football (03-07-2021)“…This study examined the effects of resistance training (RT) performed at 24 or 48h post-match on recovery in female soccer players. In a randomized cross-over…”
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Treino de força No Pós-Jogo em Atletas Profissionais de Futebol Feminino: Qual o Melhor Momento de Se Realizar Essa sessão?
Published 01-01-2020“…Introdução: Durante a temporada competitiva no futebol profissional, microciclos semanais geralmente consistem em sessões de treinamento, jogos e recuperação…”
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Comparação do estado de humor em atletas de Ginástica Artística Feminina pré e pós-competição
Published in Revista brasileira de educação física e esporte = Brazilian journal of physical education and sport (21-12-2023)“…A Ginástica Artística Feminina (GAF) é uma modalidade que na sua prerrogativa competitiva tem no alto rendimento muita exigência, o que pode gerar alterações…”
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