Search Results - "Gosselin, Chantal"
Effects of green tea extracts on non-shivering thermogenesis during mild cold exposure in young men
Published in British journal of nutrition (28-07-2013)“…The effects of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and caffeine on non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) during cold exposure is unknown. The purpose of the present…”
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Recent warming in northwestern Ontario inferred from borehole temperature profiles
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth (01-09-2003)“…We have used the temperature depth profiles available in the region north and northwest of Lake Superior, in Ontario, Canada, to reconstruct the changes in…”
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Recent warming in northwestern Ontario inferred from borehole temperature profiles
Published in Journal of geophysical research (2003)Get full text
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Variations in ground surface temperature histories in the Thompson Belt, Manitoba, Canada: environment and climate changes
Published in Global and planetary change (01-11-2003)“…Several temperature–depth profiles recorded at Pipe Mine, 32 km southwest of Thompson, Manitoba, in central Canada, exhibit a marked departure from the…”
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Maintaining thermogenesis in cold exposed humans: relying on multiple metabolic pathways
Published in Comprehensive Physiology (01-10-2014)“…In cold exposed humans, increasing thermogenic rate is essential to prevent decreases in core temperature. This review describes the metabolic requirements of…”
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Nursing research on using acupressure wrist bands in oncology
Published in Revue de l'infirmière (01-06-2010)Get more information
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